All Topics / Opinionated! / Telstra vs ACN

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  • Profile photo of redwing


    To me it looks as if he had no choice but to give up the job

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    Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    HI all, funny this happens to be on the site when I just happen to go to a thingo on it last night. It certainly seems to be an interesting concept with the market opening up for it.

    They have very competitive pricing and the question in my mind is how they can sustain such cheap prices? then I thought about it. People are encouraged to sign up by people they know. Yes it may step over the friend/family business barrier, but their aim is to help people save money. They don’t spend millions on advertising and thus pass the savings on to customers.

    I am actually wondering if perhaps this will shake things up a bit within the telco universe. Then again, in the time I worked for T, the biggest concern many people had was not saving money, but reliable service. It will be interesting to see if they can offer both.

    My 2c.

    Profile photo of redwing

    I’m looking forward to the competition ( should be good for everyone)

    ACN i believe in other countries does more than telephones.


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    Profile photo of geo
    Originally posted by ANUBIS:

    Sorry Geo – you have it the wrong way around. AAPT etc are the competitors and can force Telstra/Optus to adjust pricing or bundling with good offers. ACN or similar can’t – they simply will not have the market power to have an impact – especially when they will get next to no discount to resell the services (of Telstra) anyway.

    If AAPT had the power, they would have done it by now and if cheap was the way to go then AAPT, DigiPlus and IPrimus would have been the top providers in Australia but it remains to be Telstra and Optus.

    I don;t see how you can justify that ACN will not have the market power. In Finland, they acquired 100,000 customers in their first month with no advertising. No Telecommunications company in the world has done that with advertising – now who’s got the market power!

    ACN infact can and do sell their services far cheaper than Telstra and Optus. As mentioned previosuly, ACN-ACN local calls Free. You don’t see Telstra or Optus doing that! ACN are the world’s largest service provider now in 18 countries – soon to launch into NZ then into all of Asia – you talk about Power…

    Originally posted by Scremin:

    …their aim is to help people save money. They don’t spend millions on advertising and thus pass the savings on to customers.

    – Absolutely Correct!

    Then again, in the time I worked for T, the biggest concern many people had was not saving money, but reliable service. It will be interesting to see if they can offer both.

    Hey Steph, an audit was done on ACN in the states and it was found that 90% of customer calls were answered within 90 seconds by a live operator – not some voice machine. Every time I have called them to date, I have been answered by a live operator within a minute. They offer great savings and great customer service.

    Originally posted by redwing:

    ACN i believe in other countries does more than telephones.

    Yes that’s right Redwing and infact, they will be launching all 3 services into Australia – landlines, mobile and Internet with a possibility of Gas and Electricity also to be launched in the future. Australia is the best country for de-regulation.

    Kind Regards,

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of btbt
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    Hi guys,

    I’m involved in a cross continental MLM with training conference calls to the US and our group have all hooked up to SKYPE. Everyone who registers, get SKYPE to SKYPE calls for free and calls from Oz to the US is 0.02c US per minute. Outlay is a headset with microphone.. we think its pretty cool.

    I just love the fact that competition is rife. A mate for works up contracts for telstra was saying that Telstra are finally realising that they are missing out and are becoming more agressive with their cost structures/plans. Long live healthy competition for the consumer benefit.


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    Profile photo of geo
    Originally posted by bt:

    Outlay is a headset with microphone.. we think its pretty cool.

    …who wants to use a headset and microphone…

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of happycouple

    hmm. So how many people here are actually using their services????? Anyone??


    Profile photo of geo
    Originally posted by happycouple:

    hmm. So how many people here are actually using their services????? Anyone??


    the numbers are growing daily…

    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of happycouple

    Ok, So you are not a customer I suppose. I wonder if anyone else here is?.
    Sounds like an interesting company to watch out for as well.

    Do you know if they are trading on the ASX?

    Profile photo of geo
    Originally posted by happycouple:
    Do you know if they are trading on the ASX?

    I know they are not trading on the ASX and never will. It’s because they don’t that they can allow profit distribution to be paid back to the Reps.


    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of housemousehousemouse
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 13

    After briefly scanning the comments made I will add my 2 cents worth. Details can be found compare for yourself. You will find line rental same as Telstra but cheaper call rates, free acn2acn and no penalty for paying by credit card makes it a great deal.

    Maybe does take a special person to sell to friends and family but when you are then able to call them all for free (local) or 35c (connection fee only national) makes it work their while.

    Mobile and Internet will be here in Feb and after deregulation of power watch for that and gas mid next year.

    If you want further details please feel free to pm or drop me a email.

    Profile photo of Nat R

    To suggest they are a competitor to telstra shows you have absollutly no idea how the Telco market works…in no way can two-bit reseller that is spending nothing on marketing and even less on infrastructure be considered a threat.

    In the UK there are ove 400 Telcos…..3 of them controll 97% of the market….that leaves 397 companies fighting for 3% market share between them….the Aussie market is not much different.

    In essence all they are doing is promoting a pyramid selling stcureture which will allow them to eliminate the fixed cost of marketing that every other start up telco struggles with. A great idea from their side but not really a scalable or credible business model in terms of world telco market.

    As for listing on the ASX…it has nothing to do with them passing profits back to the reps…..if you look at how the ASX works you will see that you have to sepnd big amounts of money to gain & maintain listing status, typically you have to be an Aussie based company (they seem to be a worldwide frranchise or similar) and you also need invedtors to buy your shares….something that in itself needs a credible business.

    Profile photo of geo

    Nat R,

    Go back and re-read the posts and do yourself some more research on what they’ve done in the past in other countries and how they’ve done here so far.

    Then go and research the term ‘pyramid selling’ or ‘pyramid scheme’ on the ACCC and on the Net to understand it properly.

    Then read, re-read and understand why they don’t list on the ASX…

    You have all your thoughts on ACN mixed up completely.


    I’ve found a way to help you save and earn whilst not selling or delivering any product. If interested, drop me an email or PM me to find out how

    Profile photo of ANUBISANUBIS
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 559

    Geo – you are beyond naive to think that not listing on the ASX has anything to do with returning money to reps. This is a two bit company that has Total Worldwide Revenue (not profit) equivalent to 2% (that is two percent – no mistype) of Telstra which is almost entirely Australian based.

    As I mentioned before they have stopped reporting subscriber numbers in some European areas and appear to be bleeding customers due to what current court cases against them term “misleading advertising”.

    Surely this has become advertising to keep spruiking the Amway of phone comapnies.

    Profile photo of Nat R

    Geo…it is very hard to frame a response to your post as you are so ilinformed that I’m not sure i can simplify my reply enough for you to undertand it.

    Do you think that people like Anibus and myself just make up the stuff we post. We both work in the world of finace and we understand how things like the ASX and money market work….please try to take on board what we say or take your ignorance elsewhere.

    <N.B. Edited a couple of personal comments – Derek>

    Profile photo of Nat R

    Update…..keep in mind Geo was keen to point out this was not a pyramid scheme. It is in fact a multi level marketing scheme. :)

    Anyone got a Derivex update to throw in as well>???

    Profile photo of RVPRVP
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 47

    LOL…..  Its obvious that Geo is a ACN rep who like many others are brainwashed into thinking thier company is the greatest. btw i too am a rep and i collect around a $1000 amonth in residual income which sounds like easy money but it took alot of time and money to attribute after travelling thru Europe AND after 3 years i am still a year off making a profit. ANUBIS had the correct figures at the time of his post now ACN has 2% of the Australian market. Here is an important fact for anyone considering becoming a rep only around 7 to 8% of people make any real profit from ACN, so unless you are an absolutly great salesmen and have no problem putting people on expensive mobile plans then you should really think twice about joining. I personally could make more money from ACN but i cannot stand going to the same seminar 2 – 5 times aweek watching the same video and recieving 600,000 phonecalls aday and showing people with low IQ's how to fill out a simple phone contracts again and again.

    Oh and i may throw in the fact that yes it is a pyramid scheme but so are most businesses in essence its just a term which has become taboo over the years due to shonky multi level marketing companies. So dont waste your time everyone argueing over wordplay.

    Good Day to you all

    Profile photo of Nat R

    RVP…thank you for your honesty and frankness about your situation.

    I agree there is nothing really wrong with multi level marketing (how does any wholesale/retail/consumer market work) but I hate clowns who come on forums pretending to be a happy customer of some seminar/broker/whatever when they are really a cog in the wheel who thinks they can groom more recruits by lying to them….nice way to do business.

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