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  • Profile photo of agile
    an overseas market which has largely achieved huge recognition as the direct result of media popularity thanks to the LOTR phenomena.

    Are you kidding Monopoly? You are seriously putting the growth of NZ property values down to a movie that was made in the country.

    If I was a Kiwi (I’m not but I invest there) I would find this remark extremely condescending, inaccurate and simple. Economic growth in NZ can be attributed to many things including: economic reform, immigration and a strong world economy that NZ has been able to tap into. The Lord of the Rings (and the publicity that went with it) was a very small part of the overall boost to NZ property prices.

    I would be very interested to see what Kiwi’s and/or people who have lived in NZ during the last 10 years attribute rising property values in NZ to.


    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Profile photo of GramyreGramyre
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 110

    I dont think Monopoly was saying the growth came from LOTR, just the international attention to the country.

    Here is what the NZ Reserve Bank governor said about the NZ property market this year.

    Demand for most kinds of properties over recent years seems to have outstripped increases in supply — prices and rentals across most property classes have generally been moving upwards and vacancy rates downwards. We can attribute much of that strength directly to developments in the broader economy. Whilst it hasn’t been all plain sailing, this year the New Zealand economy entered its fifth year of unbroken growth. Just as that expansion has drawn heavily on the economy’s surplus labour and productive capacity, so too has it fuelled the demand for property. When you consider some of the causes and consequences of that growth, it’s not hard to see why the property sector has fared pretty well over this period. Some of the following statistics may help to put some perspective around the demand for property. Since 1998/1999, when the business cycle caused by the Asian crisis and drought bottomed out:

    the total output of the economy has expanded by about 20 per cent;
    the volume of retail sales has expanded by about 25 per cent;
    export volumes have risen by nearly a third, driven heavily by the primary sector;
    the annual operating surplus in the agricultural sector has risen, in real terms, by around 35 per cent;
    the number of people employed, either full time or part time, has increased by around 220,000;
    net immigration has added 67,000 new people to the normally resident population, and when increases in foreign students and those here on work permits are included, the figure is considerably larger still;
    the annual number of tourists visiting New Zealand has risen by nearly 1 million; and
    there are about 40,000 more business units now operating throughout the country across a variety of industries.
    Clearly all of that will have helped to fuel the demand for property in some way


    I know I can, I know I can

    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by agile:

    an overseas market which has largely achieved huge recognition as the direct result of media popularity thanks to the LOTR phenomena.

    Are you kidding Monopoly? You are seriously putting the growth of NZ property values down to a movie that was made in the country.

    Tim/Agile, [offtopic]

    Please re-read MY quote to which you refer and to which I am now both highlighting in bold and underlining, in the hope that this time you will use your greater gift of comprehension and read the statement as I intended it be read and understood.


    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by Gramyre:

    I dont think Monopoly was saying the growth came from LOTR, just the international attention to the country.

    Thanks Gramyre, how refreshing to see someone actually read and UNDERSTAND plain #@$%# english!!!

    Cheers, [biggrin]


    Profile photo of agile


    maybe you should be called ‘agile’ instead of me. You are certainly great at the backflip.


    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Profile photo of Monopoly


    Maybe you should try on the word “troll” for size.

    And if you want to talk about “backflips” refer to the racist thread, you make far greater of use of this tactic than I do.



    Profile photo of agile

    Recognition is irrelevant to an investor except where it increases property values and/or rents. To even hint that the reason that the NZ property market has taken off is because of recognion from Hollywood movies is absurd.

    This to me is arrogant. I have read in other topics in this forum that many people consider American’s arrogant because they only really care and pay attention to what is happening in their part of the world.

    Ever wonder why the Kiwi’s love beating Australia so much in Rugby, Netball or whatever other sport it is? The reason is that there is a bit of that same arrogance in Aussies when looking at NZ.

    And no Monopoly this is not a personal attack on you. I simply disagree with what you are saying and am arguing my point.


    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Profile photo of SuperTed
    Originally posted by agile:

    Ever wonder why the Kiwi’s love beating Australia so much in Rugby, Netball or whatever other sport it is? The reason is that there is a bit of that same arrogance in Aussies when looking at NZ.

    Fluffy post master. The kiwis love beating Australia for the same reason we love beating larger countries like England etc.

    Nothing to do with our arrogance. All to do with constanly being the underdog (in population size) and the size of the challendge to be met. NZ uses Australia as a yardstick period!!

    Some deal when Tassie beats one of the mainland states at cricket/ etc.

    The rivalary between Aus/ NZ has nothing to do with an Australian percieved arrogance, and if you knew any Kiwis then you would know that!!

    Originally posted by agile:

    Recognition is irrelevant to an investor except where it increases property values and/or rents. To even hint that the reason that the NZ property market has taken off is because of recognion from Hollywood movies is absurd.

    A lot of “investors” make decisions based on emotion. It could be argued that growth of cities can be due to recognition comming from imternational events/ exposure like the olympic games/ americas cup re Sydney, BArcelona , Freemantle, Auckland….so why not due to one of the biggest blockbuster movies ever.

    You keep trying to make LOTR/Hollywood Monopolies example which is very amusing!!

    “Never argue with an idiot, as they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience”

    Profile photo of agile
    Originally posted by SuperTed:

    Tim the fluffy post master.

    The rivalary between Aus/ NZ has nothing to do with an Australian percieved arrogance, and if you knew any Kiwis then you would know that!!
    Did you read

    Fluffy….lol…I have been called worse.

    Do I know Kiwis? Err well let’s see. I invest my money over there. Go there on business trips. You work it out mate.


    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Profile photo of SuperTed
    Originally posted by agile:

    Originally posted by SuperTed:

    Tim the fluffy post master.

    The rivalary between Aus/ NZ has nothing to do with an Australian percieved arrogance, and if you knew any Kiwis then you would know that!!
    Did you read

    Fluffy….lol…I have been called worse.

    Do I know Kiwis? Err well let’s see. I invest my money over there. Go there on business trips. You work it out mate.


    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Matey mate, well you have to have at least one and if its me then i will help you out ;-)

    Originally posted by agile:


    I am not well travelled but one comparable example (as Mini mentioned) could be NZ. I do not know for sure as I have only ever briefly visited this country.


    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Sounds like you know all about NZ Tim and they way they think.

    “Never argue with an idiot, as they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience”

    Profile photo of agile

    To Superted:

    You said:

    Sounds like you know all about NZ Tim and they way they think.

    I did say I am not well travelled. But I have been to NZ. I do invest in NZ. I do have Kiwi mates. My best man at my wedding two years ago was a Kiwi. From my time in that country (and no I am not a resident, just a visitor, so my insights are not complete) I made the opinions posted above about Kiwi’s thinking the Aussie attitude towards NZ arrogant.

    Does that make me an expert? Absolutely not. However my opinions are based on actual converstations with Kiwi’s and with Aussie investors who invest in NZ.

    And yes i would be happy to call you a mate if you would like. [biggrin]


    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Profile photo of SuperTed


    Flip flop ;-)

    “Never argue with an idiot, as they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience”

    Profile photo of agile


    I think I will take your advice:

    “Never argue with an idiot, as they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience”


    No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3b – The Message)

    Profile photo of SuperTed

    LoL Tim your posts through out this thread and the other one speak for themselves.

    “Never argue with an idiot, as they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience”

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    God loves you Monopoly, but I, flawed human that I am, find it damn hard.

    joy to the world

    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by MiniMogul:

    God loves you Monopoly, but I, flawed human that I am, find it damn hard.

    Lucky for me I don’t hold any false aspirations then isn’t it??? [blush2]

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    “Never argue with an idiot……”

    Let’s get back on track. Let’s talk about lemmings…lovely, lovely lemmings…

    joy to the world

    Profile photo of SuperTed

    LoL …..all these people nicking my quote (cause its so hard to be original)

    Any way back on to this serious topic about “Lemmings”……… Well I looove the ones with Jam and cream in the middle, and with extra cocconut on the outside ;-)

    “Never argue with an idiot, as they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience”

    Profile photo of shaunwalkershaunwalker
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 403

    Ok, back to lemmings.
    i was reading in another post about someone looking at RE in south australia, they even mentioned peterborough, for the person who wrote that please dont take offence to what i am about to say.
    i was in peterborough a month or so ago, and stayed with friends who live there. alot of the people i spoke to want to get out of that town as there is absolutely NO industry at all. i kid you not, i wanted to kill myself for going there at all. yes there are plenty of pos cash properties but good luck in not getting unemployed people to rent them. i ended up going for a drive around that area and there are a couple of tips for the newbies that i would definetly stick to.
    1. Do not buy in a town where there isnt an ATM in the main street.
    2. Check unemployment levels and crime rates for various suburbs.
    3. Do not buy where there is no industry.. Do not vary from this rule at all.
    4. Check that it has at least one major bank in the town.
    5. Dont believe anything the real estate agent tells you over the phone, get to the town and do your own research, i found the local publican a wealth of information.
    i now understand why steve has never condoned buying in small towns, to see why just stay in one for a week.
    but the lemmings are still buying them! why? because they fit the 11 second rule.
    some one said the late starters will be burnt the most, and i have to agree.
    at this stage consolidate your loans and look for other investments. shares are doing well and thats where i’ve parked my money for the moment.
    cheers all

    Lead, Follow or get out of the bloody way

    Profile photo of SuperTed

    I agree you can tell so much by being on the ground in the place of interest……thats way i could never buy sight unseen or over the net regardless of the 11 sec whatever.

    “Never argue with an idiot, as they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience”

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