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  • Profile photo of Wilinvest

    As I am still fumming this may come across a little heavy please excuse me but some advice will be very appreciated.

    My scenario so far,

    I live in Melbourne, recently went to QLD Shopped till I dropped and eventually signed a contract to purchase property subject to Inspections and Loan approval.

    I went along with Inspectors and found that there were many repairs to be done and that the building was some 15 yrs older than quoted. We renegotiated price and conditions and I was advised by the selling Agent to get the new price and special conditions written into the contract.

    So I went along and saw the local Lawyer. Advised him what I wanted him to communicate. His letter was sent to the Vendor without my approval and was written in a way that I did not agree with. Subsequently the Vendor has pulled out of the deal and accordingly is able due to time laps.

    I have since received a fax from the Selling Agent with copies of letters from My solicitor and the Ventors Solicitor’s reply. Well Well Well MORE FOOL ME. The same Solicitor’s Firm.


    My experience in Victoria is that a Solicitor will check to see that they are not acting for the other party before they will act for you. Are the conditions different in QLD or are the Lawyers there just down to earth $#@%^&*( Holes?

    All help is muchly appreciated. Thanks Guys.

    Profile photo of Fast Lane

    Sounds like you got caught in a Qld property scam loop. Vendor, agent and lawyer all eating from the same trough. You are very lucky to be out the other side.
    If you’re that pissed off, why not make a complaint about the lawyer to the QLD legal thinggy?

    Profile photo of Wilinvest

    Thanks for your reply g7

    What is this QLD property scam look? Are you telling me they are all in bed together.

    If this is the case how do you buy in QLD with confidence thet you are not getting stiched up?

    And yes I will be complaing the the QLD Law Inst. But if this is a common thing it may well fall on deaf ears.

    Thanks again

    Profile photo of Fast Lane

    You’re usually getting cooked when there’s pressure to buy, sign something etc.
    Just compare houses that are similar to the one you want to buy- ie-prices namely. If you want a 3bed 2bath 700sqm block and they’re saying it’s $250k but there are heaps similar close by for $200k well…

    Dont worry too much, just be cautious.

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