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  • Profile photo of elika7264

    Hi everyone,

    Apart from PI, I understand there are two other major discussion groups — Somersoft and John Burley. Anyone log onto these groups on a regular basis — any value???.[blush2]

    Over to you [cap]

    Profile photo of elika7264

    Hi everyone,

    Didn’t receive any response to my post.[confused2] Thought I would bring it to the attention of the forum a second time.

    Helen [cap][cap]

    Profile photo of luckyoneluckyone
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 148

    Hi Helen,
    Somersoft is very good value. They’re are a lot more topics than PI and more people seem to go to that one, but I don’t particularly like the way it’s set out. Definitely worth checking out though.

    Haven’t been to John Burley’s discussion groups, so I can’t comment on that one.


    Profile photo of Steve McKnight


    I was there at the start of John Burley’s discussion forum but lost interest after a disagreement re: editorial of the site.

    Re: Somersoft – I think that it’s a good discussion forum in many ways. I regard the relationship between us and them as a bit of a Holden v. Ford argument. Some like one, some like the other, but the industry needs both.

    Other forums (US based though) include: (kiyosaki)


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of GreatPigGreatPig
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 284

    And for NZ there’s

    I visit that and Somersoft regularly. I think Somersoft is very good too, but it doesn’t have the +CF focus of this forum.


    Profile photo of Aceyducey

    I find the Somersoft & PI somewhat complimentary.

    PI attracts more new people via Steve’s books & promos & the serious investors graduate to Somersoft (yeah I know some posters here will disagree – just pushing [biggrin] )

    I do most of my posting at Somersoft – I only tend to get back into PI when Steve calls to remind me [blink]



    In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

    – Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

    Profile photo of bensonbenson
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 101

    Somersoft is by far the best forum for property investors IMHO. The level of expertise on that site far outweighs anything else on offer.



    Profile photo of wayneL
    Originally posted by benson:

    Somersoft is by far the best forum for property investors IMHO. The level of expertise on that site far outweighs anything else on offer.



    Ya just gotta be perpetually bullish on property![suave2]

    Profile photo of Aceyducey
    Originally posted by wayneL:

    Ya just gotta be perpetually bullish on property![suave2]

    No Wayne, it’s simply that at Somersoft we force people to back up their argument with facts.

    It’s a strange approach I know & not common elsewhere on the internet.

    I’ve found that the wild claimants who simply want to claim the sky is falling or that property is booming tend to have little experience in property, investing in general, or are selling something.

    They also tend to fold pretty quickly because they have feet of clay.

    More experienced posters (and serious investors) tend to steer a course backed up with figures & research.

    I believe that experienced investors need to keep in mind that there are less experienced people reading the posts. Experienced posters have a responsibility to ensure that information of substance is presented, not just wild claims & innuendos without basis.



    In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

    – Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight


    To add some balance, I generally find the posts at Somersoft to be the other way – too much opinion and not enough guts.

    Hence my comment about Ford vs. Holden.

    As for my call to you Acey – do you not remember that was for making ill-informed posts on the Somersoft forum? My point in case.

    Please – enough discussion about one being better than the other. They are in fact different, and it’s that way on purpose.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Well I may get shot down for this; but “frankly Scarlet I don’t give a damn”!!!!

    I have to agree Somersoft is much friendlier, the posters there are “open minded” and people don’t pluck theories out of the sky!!!! Like Acey said, people back up their information.

    This place conveys a “fear of damnation” feel about it. You have to watch EVERY “p” and “q” with rigour, and (for me) being a moderator was even worse!!! (Any moderators reading this, back off; I said “for me” so don’t even go there)

    The chatroom facility is great, you can communicate directly with those in the room, share ideas, clarify any misunderstanding then and there before they get blown out of perspective, and you can have fun at the same time.

    The only reason I tend to come back here, is unfortunately, as great as Somersoft is, navigation around the site is not as simplistic as PI.

    Although I do agree with most, that both Somersoft and PI work well together in providing “different” opportunities and ways of discussing property investing.

    There!!!….Okay go on…..Hit me!!!![blush2]


    Profile photo of wayneL
    Originally posted by Monopoly:

    Well I may get shot down for this; but “frankly Scarlet I don’t give a damn”!!!!

    I have to agree Somersoft is much friendlier, the posters there are “open minded” and people don’t pluck theories out of the sky!!!! Like Acey said, people back up their information.

    This place conveys a “fear of damnation” feel about it. You have to watch EVERY “p” and “q” with rigour, and (for me) being a moderator was even worse!!! (Any moderators reading this, back off; I said “for me” so don’t even go there)

    The chatroom facility is great, you can communicate directly with those in the room, share ideas, clarify any misunderstanding then and there before they get blown out of perspective, and you can have fun at the same time.

    The only reason I tend to come back here, is unfortunately, as great as Somersoft is, navigation around the site is not as simplistic as PI.

    Although I do agree with most, that both Somersoft and PI work well together in providing “different” opportunities and ways of discussing property investing.

    There!!!….Okay go on…..Hit me!!!![blush2]


    But Monopoly! You’re a property Bull! Ahahahaha!!!


    We have differing perspectives, and never the twain shall meet. No need to get uptight if someone sees it differently.


    Profile photo of Monopoly

    WayneL, you saying I’m full of bull???? [lmao][lmao]

    Just kidding…lucky bulls got thick skin hey?? [laugh4][laugh4]

    Profile photo of Aceyducey
    Originally posted by SteveMcKnight:

    As for my call to you Acey – do you not remember that was for making ill-informed posts on the Somersoft forum? My point in case.

    Now that’s an amusing allegation Steve! :)

    There was nothing ill-informed about the post you refer to at all. At most a lack of clarity of my intended meaning.

    To let people read the post and make their own minds up, here is the URL:

    I stand by the comment that ASIC should be checking property guru seminars making big claims – yours included.

    If you have nothing to hide, it would be a good selling point….if you have concerns about my seminar, contact ASIC and ask for their unbiased opinion….

    Note that’s not asking for an ASIC recommendation or saying you’re ASIC-approved.

    And frankly being a chartered accountant doesn’t mean that you can legally provide financial advice (though personally I feel that it’s a better qualification for it than most financial planning training).

    Sheesh – and I usually refer people to you (and your book) as one of the better property experts!



    In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

    – Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

    Profile photo of PhoenixrisingPhoenixrising
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 58

    Hey guys,

    Only looked at Somersoft a couple of times
    If thats the best there is on their I may never go back
    That link is bitchy to say the least

    A thought
    A guy called Mckay (I think)invented the harvester
    to strip wheat etc but to strip poppy’s (especially tall) no machine is required

    “When you can walk on water…take the boat”

    Profile photo of PepperPepper
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 48

    I reckon just enjoy both and not worry about making a choice between them that way you get the best of both worlds!!!!! [biggrin]


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