All Topics / Opinionated! / $600 bonus

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  • Profile photo of Matt Kenny

    Hey Matt,

    Hobart (New Town). Moved here to go to Uni 7 years ago and still haven’t finished .

    Where are you?


    From Hobart originally – Now my wife and 4 little ones live at Dodges Ferry.

    We team teach at Dunalley primary – we share a class so one of us can stay home and look after the young ‘uns.

    New to the IP game – just 1 IP negatively geared. Looking forward to the challenge of more!!


    Profile photo of BlackJack



    That’s social suicide!!! (His, that is)

    Profile photo of BlackJack

    Just down the road, Matt!!

    With four little kiddies already you could just about open your own school soon!

    I’ve only got one IP too (and PPOR) but study the Real Estate guide religiously amongst other things. Always on the lookout but equally disheartened knowing how cheap places were just a couple of years ago. Hindsight *sigh*…

    ps. Was at Dunalley last week for a play. Pass through occasionally on the way to see the olds at Taranna. Yummy bakery.

    Profile photo of Matt Kenny


    Hindsight Oh Well.

    Moved to Dodges 3 years ago. don’t know how many sub 100K properties we looked at in that time, even sub 60K properties. If only we had snapped a couple up.

    I would like to invest closer to home – where around Hobart would you think of investing?

    My accountant friend and I are thinking of teaming up in a partnership – we’ve been looking at Risdon Vale, Rokeby, but even these have rocketed in our latest boom.

    I don’t work Friday’s so I look forward to dropping off the kids, getting my youngest to sleep and sitting back with a long coffee while I pour over the RE guide.



    Profile photo of BlackJack

    Your game, Matt.

    With the current tenant & PM troubles I’m having with my existing IP I don’t know if I could bring myself to invest in either Rokeby or Risdon Vale or surrounding suburbs.

    I certainly can’t afford to invest in New Town again – as much as I’d like to. There are still a couple of affordable properties in Goodwood and Moonah (never thought I’d invest there either!) and I’m still eyeing off New Norfolk (although the prices there are way over-priced at the moment but I think will be the first to drop should/when rates go up.

    I’m afraid I’m an old, cute house type person and I would also love some land (Collinsvale/Molesworth ?!?), but I do buy from the heart not the head.

    Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    certainly sounds like some very dedicated parents out there which is very uplifting to hear. MOnopoly, I would have died if my mum did that!!!!

    Richmond, my Nan was also a single mum not form choice as my grandfather chose to leave her and move to Adelainde only to get depressed and commit suicide by driving into a tree!!! Nanna didn’t have any choice and there wasn’t any family benefits in those days so she had to battle it out with three kids and work too. I take my hat off to her and I absolutely love her to bits.

    She wouldn’t be the person she is now and at the place in her life that she is either. Good luck to all those single parents doing the right thing. I don’t think anyone means to put you down, everyone seems frustrated that there are a select few who make wrong choices and don’t realise the consequences of them.

    Ho hum. THat’s life…


    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of yack

    Mines all gone now

    1. Sewing Machine $400
    2. Two tickets to formal ball tonite $200
    3. A great dress for my wife. $300. Boy does he look hot.
    4. Bought a suit in the Myers Sales $300. Got it for half price. Take an extra 25% off the already discounted red ticket price. plus shareholder discount. You beauty. shareholder card finishes end of july.

    So there goes the $1200.

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    hehe yack- funny :) your kids will be outside the Ball, staring through the window panes, hoping that the good folk inside the Ball might toss them some bread and dripping for their supper. [laughing]

    Enjoy the Ball ;)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of yack

    Yeah the kids have nanna and grandpa to hassle tonight. I hope they sleep in alot later than normal tomorrow morning.

    Profile photo of WallFlower

    Hey everyone, I’ve been edited…
    It was fun while it lasted, I really feel a part of this forum now (the naughty part anyway..)

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    Congratulations Wallflower, you have gained recognition! [biggrin]


    Profile photo of pelicanpelican
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 454

    Careful Wallflower, soon you will have a “rep” you troublemaker you !!!!

    Enjoy yr dinner ( you know what I mean !!!! & Congrats )


    Profile photo of WallFlower

    Thanks Scott, dragged hubby outta bed at 6 in the mornin’ to go property hunting….got da bug

    had a great night ,daddy and d are fantastic

    Get your ass over here !!!

    Profile photo of WallFlower


    Recognition eh? sounds like a cry for help, I blame my childhood

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