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  • Profile photo of Myydral

    Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? But are they classed as good guys or bad guys?

    Westerns aren’t my forte’ never really liked them as much as sci-fi. Got a friend I can ask, might be while in return of emails well see.

    Ill get there

    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of gatsby

    Myydral you’re getting there! They are the ‘Good Guys’. Here’s another hint. One of them is dressed as a cowboy but his other half is not. They both have a name each for their own horse. They predate Butch Cassidy, etc as the movie and series was only in black and white I think.
    Good luck!

    Profile photo of gatsby

    The cowboy of the 2 wears a mask like Zorro and his mate has feathers in his long dark hair! They are?……………..

    Profile photo of Mobile Mortgage

    Two of the Guys from the village People??

    Mortgage Broker
    Ph:1800 820 500

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    Profile photo of Mobile Mortgage

    Hi Ho Silver away, Can’t remember the name of Tontos Horse,

    Mortgage Broker
    Ph:1800 820 500

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    Profile photo of gatsby

    Steve you are definetly coming back tomorrow to play on for the car!!! Yes, Russell Crowe had a joke with Ridley Scott that if he changed the wording around from the Lone Ranger and Tonto’s horses would the public get it? The horses were Silver and Trigger!

    Profile photo of Mobile Mortgage

    Hi George,
    Wasn’t trigger the name of Roy Rogers Horse?

    Mortgage Broker
    Ph:1800 820 500

    PLEASE note comments made should NOT be taken as specific taxation, financial, legal or investment advice. Please seek professional, specific advice.

    Profile photo of Myydral

    No wonder I didn’t get it – I’ve never seen the Lone Ranger show. But being a bit of a movie nut, I suppose I should have huh?

    Okay got one back ( bit easier ) What film does Independance Day reference when a computer says “Good morning, Dave.”?

    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of _se7en_

    Come on people give me something hard.

    I am a huge movie buff and I will be able to answer most questions. My speciality are directors and cinematographer.


    Name the author and name of the book “Die Hard” was based on?

    Profile photo of Myydral

    Roderick Thorp – “Nothing Lasts Forever”

    How bout my previous question?

    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of _se7en_

    Its too easy, i will let someone else get that

    1. What connects Linda Hamliton, Gale Anne Hurd and Kathryn Bigelow?
    2. James Stewart was the first star to recieve apercentage of the profits, for what movie?
    3. Name Steven Speilbergs first motion Picture?
    4. Who play the DA in the movie Se7en? And what role made him famous?
    5. Who was the first Australian to win a Oscar for a motion picture?

    Profile photo of Myydral

    1 – James Cameron? ( Terminator movies )
    2 – Broken Arrow
    3 – Amblin’ ( director )
    – I Wanna Hold Your Hand ( producer )
    – doesn’t take into account his home movies
    4 – Richard Roundtree – Shaft
    5 – Ken Hall and Damien Parer(Kokoda Front Line)(documentary)
    – for motion picture – Orry Kelly – An American in Paris (costume design)

    How am I doin’ so far?

    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of _se7en_

    1. James Cameron is right by why is he? (its not a movie)

    2. Wrong

    3. Wrong. I said 1st “motion picture”

    4. Correct

    5. Wrong. “Motion Picture” not documentry, before Kelly

    Profile photo of Myydral

    What do you mean by “Motion Picture”

    2 – Winchester’73 ( 1950 )

    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of _se7en_

    Movies made for the cinema as opposed to made for televison, documentries, short films etc

    2. Correct. well done.

    Remember that you have to use your memory not the net.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of Myydral

    If I read my info correct, my first answer to number two was correct.

    The info I have says there is no other before Kelly except for what I have already posted.

    You talking about Sugarland Express?

    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of _se7en_

    Sugarland Express is the right answer, most people think that Duel was his first, but it was a tele-movie for NBC.

    THe First australia oscar winner is Robert Krasker the cinematographer for “The Third Man” (1949)

    Any you still have to come up with why James Cameron connect those women.

    Profile photo of Myydral

    Linda Hamilton was in T2, Gale Anne Hurd was involved in production of all 3 Terminators, and Kathryn Bigelow was married to James Cameron (17 August 1989 – 1991).

    That’ll have to do until tomorrow night, going to work now. Keep em coming, I’ll think of some for you.


    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of gatsby

    James Cameron had a relationship with all three women?
    Hal 9000 ‘2001’
    I think I’m out of my league here with you guys?
    In The Third Man, what was the name of Orson Well’s’ character?

    Profile photo of Myydral

    Harry Lime

    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

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