All Topics / General Property / Who’s going to the seminar in July?

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  • Profile photo of Mortgage HunterMortgage Hunter
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3,781

    I will be there – just booked my flights.

    Looking forward to meeting as many people as I can.

    I will be there from the Thursday to the Monday – anyone up for a beer on the Sat night?


    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    0425 228 985

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    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I was looking forward to it but had trouble organising someone to mind our kids (aged 2 & 3) as hubby works weekends. By the time I’d organised to get the kids to Sydney to stay with my mum (we live in Leeton) it had sold out.

    I’m on the waiting list – hopeful but not holding my breath.

    Enjoy it you lucky ones!

    Cheers Sonja

    PS In hindsight I could have just bought my ticket straight away and sold it if there was nobody able to mind the kids…oh well you know what they say about hindsight being 20/20

    Profile photo of Still in SchoolStill in School
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,844

    for sure! definetly will be going!

    see everyone there! …lol, ill be looking out for you JetDollars!


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of xxxxxx
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 31
    Originally posted by SuperTed:

    Do one in Sydney (entertainment ctr big screens etc)… @ $495 including free t-shirt and steak knifes for the first 50 that sign up

    Why would you need to go to the seminar if you invested for the long term in +ve geared properties >> 11 second rule etc etc..wasnt that gospel since the book came out??

    I think it’s because of the hype Steve has managed to generate with his email.

    If his properties are all positive cashflow, then there shouldn’t be anything to worry about?

    I think steak knives are also thrown in [biggrin]

    Profile photo of hintonjphintonjp
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 12


    How many of you are flying to Melbourne? I arrive in Melbourne Airport at 7:45. I believe it is a 35min Cab Ride to the Venue.

    Anyone for sharing a cab. Email me



    Profile photo of The DIY Dog WashThe DIY Dog Wash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 696

    Oh Yack!

    Must we always do this.

    fYi, I have parted with $495.00 paid via visa online. I do have a receipt will that be necessary?


    Profile photo of setmefreesetmefree
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 46

    For those who attended Steve’s seminars in the past, what are your opinions, are they worth the $495 charged ?

    Profile photo of yack

    Leigh K said –

    <<<<<<Must we always do this. fYi, I have parted with $495.00 paid via visa online. I do have a receipt will that be necessary?>>>

    Well its important to me know who is going because they are part of the team or really parting with their money because they feel passionate about it. I can evaluate your posts in a different light now.

    I dont need to see a receipt. Posting your reply here clarifies it for me and others if they are interested.

    As Wilandel is a Mappers, then I can assume she is part of the team though.

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Moderators got offered a free ticket to the Seminar, yack. I am unable to go (although Steve, I appreciate the offer- thank you). So yack, you can assume that Moderators go for free.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Ummmm I beg to differ…..not all moderators it seems!!! Certainly not all the ones who live in Melbourne!!!!

    Profile photo of yack

    Thanks for your honesty Kay. Thats why I respect your posts very much.

    I believe its fair enough that moderators and mappers etc are part of the team and get admitted to the seminar for free.

    At least I know now whether some people are going because they paid the money or whether they are going because they were offered a free ticket as part of their role within

    So Leigh K – were you offered a free ticket or not? My understanding is that you have been to many of these seminars. I just cant really fathom why you keep paying for them. Especially when I consider you have been a moderator ever since I joined the forum.

    Profile photo of richmond

    I’ll be there (invited by Steve) doing a bit of crowd control, so look out!

    yack, it’s just a thank-you from steve, nothing sinister….


    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Hi Richmond,

    Maybe I am wrong in speaking for Yack, but I honestly didn’t think his question implied anything “sinister”

    Well, not in my view anyway.


    Profile photo of richmond

    G’day monopoly,

    It’s all about interpretation I guess…

    He wrote: “Well its important to me know who is going because they are part of the team or really parting with their money because they feel passionate about it. I can evaluate your posts in a different light now.”

    To me it seems yack might have thought there was more to it than a simple invite…

    Just my two cents, not right or wrong…


    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Yes Richmond, your’re right, it can be read in a multitude of ways I guess.

    Yack said: who is going because they are part of the team or really parting with their money because they feel passionate about it. I can evaluate your posts in a different light now

    Hmmmm….Don’t know how you’ll view my posts now though Yack, mine is a different category altogether me thinks!!! [lmao] [lmao]

    Never mind, let’s move forward hey???? [medieval]


    Profile photo of wilandel

    Hi all,

    Just to stop everyone guessing…[wink]

    We have been invited by Steve to this seminar, because we are basically part of the seminar (I believe)[oink]…Not sure what is going to happen though! It is costing me a heap in overnite babysitting to attend though! – (only joking, small price to pay)!

    We have been to the Masters seminar & Wrap seminar last year, and paid full price, They were a bargain! I went to the 0 to 130 seminar, and received a discount, because we are part of the MAP. Would have paid full price, not a problem.

    I would have paid full price to attend this seminar, because I’m sure that I would get at least that much value out of the seminar. I can’t believe how reasonable this seminar is…

    I try to answer questions to help others on this forum, partly as a payback to Steve for the time he has put in on us. The other reason, I enjoy it and learn from it also.

    Enjoy the seminar all, we’re looking forward to talking to all of you.

    PS… Don’t ask me any tricky questions. I’ll be the shy one in the corner. [blush2]



    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Hey Del,

    I personally think that you should have been invited, so please don’t feel the need to justify yourself, YOU DESERVE IT!!!! [specool]


    Profile photo of wilandel

    Thank you Jo,

    Perhaps it’s like annual leave, maybe you have to work a full year before you get all
    the benefits?[strum]
    Maybe half the moderators get to go to this seminar, and the others get to go next time.
    Don’t take it personally. Your help here is appreciated by all.

    See you next year!


    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Hey Del,

    No problem; I didn’t give it a second thought!!

    But thank you for your kind words anyway!!

    You’re a gem!!! [sunny]


    Profile photo of yack

    Thanks Wilandel

    Thanks for your comments. One day I can see myself going to meet guys like you, richmond, henry kay and monopoly.

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