All Topics / Help Needed! / Nice Brisbane Suburbs ???????????????????

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  • Profile photo of Johnny1

    I want to purchase a new home within the Brisbane metropolitan area for about $350,000. Could someone please tell me where the good suburbs are to buy? I’m also looking at purchasing a home which is in a good socio-economic area that is close to the city.

    I know that a lot of people are going to say that I’m not going to get the preceding criteria for $350,000, but I’m open to suggestions.

    Regards – Johnny1 [rolleyesanim]

    Profile photo of sizzling_ducksizzling_duck
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 129

    In this link there is some discussion on a similar topic:

    Of course the main difference is that you had given no major restrictions on the actual size of the property or the number of bedrooms. You will find properties in those areas I mentioned in that thread that have 3 bedrooms up to about 600 m2.

    Profile photo of brahms

    g’day johnny1, free standing you will need to look at least 12 -15k ring from cbd, as for nice, most are nice in this area…

    whats nice?

    1. 15k from cbd but cls to 2 or more schools and handy to rail and bus link = nice

    2. 12k from cbd but cls to westfield shopping centre = nice

    3. sub 10k to cbd north or south, 3 beds and room for arthritic fox terrier = nice

    johnny1 you will have to do some leg work, what i think is mine, you may see something totally different.



    If you don’t ask, the answer is no!!

    Profile photo of Johnny1

    Thanks “sizzling_duck” and “brahms” for your replies.

    Re: “brahms”

    I probably should have given more info in my original posting but you’re quite right – “what’s nice?” to me may not be necessarily “nice” to you. [smiling]

    I should have mentioned the reasons why I decided to forward my original postsing. My reasons are as follows –

    (1) I’m from interstate – so I don’t intimately know Brisbane.
    (2) I’m initially planning to rent the house out and so I need a house with all the qualities normally associated with an investment property (i.e. ammenity, transport, services etc etc). Later I will be coming up to Brisbane to live.

    Also, before I can do some “leg work” I need to get some good, basic knowledge of Brisbane so that I can focus my energy on certain areas. Afterall, I don’t want to come up to Brisbane before I have a good idea of the suburbs to look at.

    Thanks for your help.

    Regards – Johnny1

    Profile photo of brahms

    hi johnny, in 3 hrs i can show you the highs and the lows of brissy, you will be able to v.quickly see where you need to purchase. this is a very uncomplicated place.

    3 years ago i drove to brisvegas, slept in the car and in 3 days had purchased sub 7 ks to the cbd. my background is pure property, it wasn’t a hard thing to do.

    you already know what you are looking for, this place is just like any other metro area, buy as close to the cbd or major infrastructure as you can afford and sit tight – oh, and if at all possible talk to people who are already there.



    If you don’t ask, the answer is no!!

    Profile photo of ezy.home.loans23320ezy.home.loans23320
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 144

    This is easy ..ring the real estates in the area and ask them to send you a realstate book
    that way you can see the price range and the type of house you want, , ring the local councils to find what is in the area such as Train, bus schools etc…ask what the crime rate is ring the local police station.
    EZY [buz2]

    Profile photo of madhunmadhun
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 29

    About the only places you wouldn’t purchase to live in brisbane would be west toward ipswich.
    Inala, Camira etc, and south Suburban Woodridge, some areas of Logan etc.

    Brisbane is a very liveable city.
    Personally i hate the North Side, mainly due traffic congestion (if you were moving from Sydney or Melbourne, you’d probably be wondering what they hell i was taking about), but i don’t like the vibe.

    IMHO the eastern suburbs are the best.

    Profile photo of DDDD
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 508

    Madhun, you have mentioned areas where I personally have 17 properties in your short response. Uncanny, totally uncanny.

    Good call I say.


    Don’t sweat the small stuff,and it’s all small stuff!!

    Profile photo of Johnny1

    Thanks again – “brahms”.

    Thanks also to “DD”, “madhun” & “ezy.home.loans23320”.

    Regards – Johnny1

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