All Topics / Help Needed! / +CF Properties – SOLD OUT

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  • Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544
    Originally posted by kay henry:

    How can you tell if someone is checking your profile?

    kay henry

    Hi Kay,

    Click on ‘more’ in the whos online section and you’ll see what people are doing (figuratively speaking only – for those of you who browse in the buff) if their settings show when they are logged on.

    It was interesting seeing which threads were popular at that moment in time – however the move to thread numbers, as distinct from thread titles, removes that capacity.

    Whenever someone clicks on your profile – you get a little pin prick sensation in your left shoulder – much like a voodoo doll. [biggrin]


    Property Investment Support Available. Ongoing and never stopping. PM welcome.

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Well thanks Derek. I did think that was the case. The Forum must have gone a little high tekker than I thought if we could check who’s been checking our profiles.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    i said:

    the louder someone is yelling, the more fun I find them to debate with.
    joy to the world

    monopoly said: Why would you bother?

    like I said, because it’s fun, which means I enjoy it.

    here are some other reasons I’m here too…

    for the joy of expressing myself
    because I like written communication
    to learn
    to share
    to exchange
    to enlighten
    to entertain
    to wind down
    to care
    to stop people being misled
    to expose
    to enliven
    to expound
    to think
    to help
    to justify
    to understand
    to compare
    to amuse
    to assert
    to support
    to challenge
    to hang out
    to draw attention to
    to expound
    to back up
    to explain
    to give
    to find out
    to grow
    to be myself
    to validate
    to vindicate

    I admit it’s much more fun to debate with people who can keep up, who give good ‘come-back’ in the form of witty and intelligent responses. now that’s satisfying.

    joy to the world

    Profile photo of CastleDreamerCastleDreamer
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 288

    Come on Monopoly, you can come up with wittier than that!!!!

    And yep, I like to go to the active members page to see what other topics people are looking at – that way you see where the main focus at that point is – I just happened to see that Monopoly was looking at ‘member profile’ and I wondered what that meant, so I clicked on it, and low and behold she was looking at me!!!!! No issue with that, no bad karma, no bad thoughts, just noted it in passing. I realised as well that if you did this you can see what other interesting topics that member has been following, I assumed that that was what Monopoly was doing – I didn’t even think of spying on me, ’cause spying assumes looking at something forbidden – Monopoly not doing that at all!! My profile is boring but out there in the public domain…



    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by CastleDreamer:

    Come on Monopoly, you can come up with wittier than that!!!!
    And yep, I like to go to the active members page to see what other topics people are looking at – that way you see where the main focus at that point is – I just happened to see that Monopoly was looking at ‘member profile’ and I wondered what that meant, so I clicked on it, and low and behold she was looking at me!!!!! No issue with that, no bad karma, no bad thoughts, just noted it in passing. I realised as well that if you did this you can see what other interesting topics that member has been following, I assumed that that was what Monopoly was doing – I didn’t even think of spying on me, ’cause spying assumes looking at something forbidden – Monopoly not doing that at all!! My profile is boring but out there in the public domain…


    I am not out to make some witty or smart-arsed comment which may atongise Mini further; if I wanted to do so I could have achieved this by some form of below-the-belt reference to the PM incident, but I would prefer to leave well enough alone now!!!!. Basically, I am over it; and I would hope everyone else (including you) is too.

    I am not certain exactly why you brought up the spying/looking at your profile incident (“baiting” perhaps????). On the surface it would appear that you are replying to my explanatory post of days gone past, yet it nonetheless conveys a certain degree of (subtle) animosity; of which I may possibly be mistaken, but in the event that I am not, let me just reiterate…..(once again)……..[smash]

    That I have explained to you the reason for this action DAYS AGO both in a PM and in my public post. If your memory has failed you, I suggest you go back and re-read same, or for anyone who gives a crock, it is there for all to view at will…I have nothing to hide!!!

    I am not interested in following you, or anyone else around this forum, either to see which topic you are focussed on, or what details you have in your profile.


    Profile photo of bennettvendbennettvend
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 5


    There are many +ve CF.

    I looked yesterday on and found 3 which met criteria on FValue within 1 hour.

    I believe there will come a time shortly where there will be For Sale signs all over the place. And like the stock market in 2001. Yields will just get better.

    Everything has cycles.



    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by bennettvend:

    I believe there will come a time shortly where there will be For Sale signs all over the place. And like the stock market in 2001. Yields will just get better.

    Everything has cycles.

    Yes Mark,

    I too share your view on cycles…..the intervals between each stage may vary in length, but ultimately (IMO) it is just a matter of time before things come back full circle.



    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    Anyway Mini Mogul,
    as I was saying. If my right to life was on the line in ‘China’ I’ve discovered an off shore fund based in Hong Kong where you can invest in Biocryogenics. So I figure that if I am killed I could always have my body frozen, which when thawed years later would by then mean a massive win win realized capital gain waiting for me in unethical Biotech shares that I recommend you,……..Oh who gives F#$@!

    Profile photo of YY
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 21

    I think i started wrong end of this post…Hmm

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