All Topics / Help Needed! / Project Realty Group
Dear All,
Has anyone heard of the above group? If so what are they like? They are based in Sydney and Melbourne (so they claimed).
Hi Lee,
cannot comment upon the group in question but here are some question you may like to fire at them.
How long have they been finding investment property for their clients?
What methodology do they have for researching the market to find value for you?
Can they support you with other services such as finance, strategic advice on your total
investment portfolio, insurance and risk management, property management and conveyancing?What has been their past success for other clients?
Do they listen to and understand what you are trying to achieve by investing in property or are they just trying to sell you a project?
How many properties do they review before providing a short list for you?
How do they get paid?
Can they get you a better deal than if you had purchased direct?
Do they know the pitfalls of buying investment property and avoid them?
Do they look Australia wide for the right investments or just in their own back yard?
Taken from
Some comments I have made on another group that may be of use.
1. How long have PRG been in business?
2. How many investment properties does your ‘consultant’ own?
3. How long has your consultant been investing?
4. How does your ‘consultant’ earn their money?
5. What will they get out of each and every purchase?
6. What service do they offer?
7. How much does it cost to use each aspect of their operations?
8. Can you use your own mortgage lender? property manager? valuer? If not – why not? (it is a free world)?
9. What sort of after sales support do you get?
10. Does their approach fit comfortably with you?
11. How much pressure is bought to bear?
12. Are all decisions made in PRG’s presence and without pressure?
13. Are there rent guarantees? (Run away fast if there are!)
14. How does the price compare to similar properties on the open market?
15. ASIC/ Ministry of Fair Trading Issues?
16. Where have CWB’s past sales been? What were they? How much is the open market paying for them now? What are they rented for now?
17. What are similar properties (to the one being considered) renting for? Check with a couple of REA in tthe area?
18. What is the vacancy rate in the area like?
19. What infrastructure is planned for the area?
20. Are brochures high on ‘gloss’ and ‘glitz’ and low on facts?Also do a check on ASIC website.
derekjones1@bigpond.comProperty Investment Support Available. Ongoing and never stopping. PM welcome.
Dear Derek and Mortgage Advisor,
Thanks for invaluable replies; we are going along for their presentation but mainly for educational purposes.
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