All Topics / General Property / Canberra property investors

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  • Profile photo of NRG

    Are there any organised meetings amongst private investors in Canberra wanting to learn from others experience and to encourage each other?


    Profile photo of Tzaki

    I know that Prime Property have info nights/seminars, as does Wize Investments.

    I think a Canberra get together by forunites would be a good idea as well…

    Ant ideas on venue and date?[suave2]

    Steve Kerr

    Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!

    Profile photo of paulnpauln
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 31

    That would be good.

    Profile photo of Sibo

    I’d also be keen.


    Profile photo of Tzaki

    OK we got some goers!

    Now.. where to meet? Suggestions anyone?

    Time and date as well? Suggestions please.

    Steve Kerr

    Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!

    Profile photo of NRG


    Sound like you want to start a group. For this group to be successful we need someone with a reasonable amount of experience in the private investor real estate business. That’s not me. Do we have anyone that fits this category that’s interested in getting together a group in Canberra?

    In terms of location, it could be at someones house or at a coffee shop or restaurant if numbers are small.

    In terms of date and time, I await a response in terms of interest from somone ‘experienced’ in the business we’re in.


    Profile photo of acmain

    I would also be interested in meeting! I would prefer southside, but if not possible, then anywhere would do.


    Andrew Main

    Profile photo of Sibo

    I think you make a valid point, but even if we are all newbies having a group to bounce ideas off is still invaluable.


    Profile photo of traceyimbtraceyimb
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 82

    Hi Steve,
    It looks like you may be the organiser. Can you please let me know when your first meeting will be? I am setting up a company with family in Canberra and I could send them along to get educated. They can discuss our deals too. We are in Perth so its a bit far …

    Profile photo of SalubriousSalubrious
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 252

    Is this offer on for any Sydney siders?

    “Dont be looking in your back yard for a four leaf clover when the opportunity of a lifetime could be knocking on your front door….” “Even though you may be on the right track, you can still get run over if you sit there long enough”

    Profile photo of Aceyducey

    Hey all,

    There’s already a property investors group that meets monthly in Canberra and has done for several years.

    In fact we had a decent sized gathering last Sunday to play Cashflow. In March we had a speaker talking about the Queensland market & next month we have a dinner planned (date to be confirmed).

    We tend to get up to around 50 people to a meeting, depending on the content – for the last cashflow game we had about 20 people, to last month’s presentation we had 50.

    We alternate meetings South and North to permit as many people as possible to attend.

    Note this is a group organised by volunteers (who are investors) for property investors – it’s not like Wise or other groups organised to sell you something.

    We’re a very social group & always welcome new people.

    If you want to be on the mailing list for events contact Ed Nixon (

    Either Ed or I will put an announcement of the next meeting (the dinner) with all details on this forum in the next two weeks.

    This doesn’t mean that PI people shouldn’t organise their own group however!

    Can whoever ends up volunteering to run the gatherings please email Ed or message me so we can co-ordinate the events for both groups to give people an opportunity to attend both gatherings :)



    Profile photo of TinkerbellTinkerbell
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 26

    Anyone know any groups for Sydney??? Am in quite a need for listening to some experienced people!!

    Profile photo of Sibo

    Im sure the internet would reveal your local property investors group tinkerbell.


    Profile photo of Tzaki
    Originally posted by Aceyducey:
    Note this is a group organised by volunteers (who are investors) for property investors – it’s not like Wise or other groups organised to sell you something.

    We’re a very social group & always welcome new people.

    If you want to be on the mailing list for events contact Ed Nixon (

    Either Ed or I will put an announcement of the next meeting (the dinner) with all details on this forum in the next two weeks.


    I suggest that we interested folk tag onto the existing group… avaiod re-investing the wheel!

    I also sugest that we email Ed at the above address to get on the mailing list… hope to see you soon!

    Steve Kerr

    Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!

    Profile photo of Luke_4Luke_4
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7

    Hey Steve,

    Love to hear from you too if you guys are going to get together sometime.


    Profile photo of acmain

    How many Canberra people on this Forum have played Cashflow? When I read Rich Dad Poor Dad about 2 years ago it seemed to be a fantastic concept. I never bought the game myself, and am interested to see it mentioned here.

    What’s it like?



    Profile photo of NRG

    Thanks guys – I agree we meet with the existing group.


    Profile photo of Aceyducey


    The group I’m involved with is an investor-run group (by volunteers) who don’t sell nutting to nobody! We get together for socialising & mutual support plus some education through good speakers when we can arrange them. Read my last post again.

    Cashflow is a good game, it balances fun, speed and education nicely IMHO – as I said in my last post we had 20 people to a meeting playing it last weekend.



    Profile photo of RonulasRonulas
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 96

    Hi guy’s,

    My wife and I bought cashflow after attending a RK seminar in Sydney.

    The game definatly has a great potential for learing. I’m in Canberra so I’ll be putting my name down on that list as well.

    See you there[exhappy]

    You will always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    Hey guys

    For info – Prime Property have an office located in the Waldorf hotel in the city. They advocate a LOT (perhaps only?) of serviced apartments (Quest run ones etc.), and one of the ‘recent’ developments I saw them promoting heavily was the Aurora apartments in Brisbane – some massive tower with 100’s of apartments. They used to advertise a bit, don’t know if they do now….


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