All Topics / General Property / Bye Bye NSW Property Market (long)
>>Just a simple balance of power is sufficient to keep, whatever government is in charge, under control.<<
Yeh, I am so desperate that I have now come down to quoting part of my own post.
All I read is complaints.
I don’t however see anything about how to combat
being robbed, how to stop being used, how to get these absurd decisions reversed.Decisions reversed ?
Yes, yes, yes, that CAN be achieved but not by being quiet, sitting on one’s hands, silently crying about being bled to death.
ACTION is needed.
Organised action.
Act now or repent later at your leisure.
If you aren’t prepared to act NOW do you really
think you will do something about it later ?Who do you think you are kidding ?
I own a property in Moree, north NSW… you will have to excuse me as i am new to this and don’t understand all that much ‘jargon’. But if i don’t sell, then will there be any implications with this? At present the property pays for itself…
you’ve all got me really worried that its going to take a drastic change!!!!
TinkCan’t find POSITIVE cashflow properties?? Ask me how at
Originally posted by Pisces:>>Just a simple balance of power is sufficient to keep, whatever government is in charge, under control.<<
Yeh, I am so desperate that I have now come down to quoting part of my own post.
All I read is complaints.
I don’t however see anything about how to combat
being robbed, how to stop being used, how to get these absurd decisions reversed.Decisions reversed ?
Yes, yes, yes, that CAN be achieved but not by being quiet, sitting on one’s hands, silently crying about being bled to death.
ACTION is needed.
Organised action.
Act now or repent later at your leisure.
If you aren’t prepared to act NOW do you really
think you will do something about it later ?Who do you think you are kidding ?
Myself and others took on Penrith City Council a decade ago over colour restrictions to our proposed new homes and we one.
Who is Carr to me and You? Expendable! Im ready if you are Pices, lets start a revolution, Im sure we can find support![rambo2]
“Dont be looking in your back yard for a four leaf clover when the opportunity of a lifetime could be knocking on your front door….”
I did mean “won“[blink]
“Dont be looking in your back yard for a four leaf clover when the opportunity of a lifetime could be knocking on your front door….”
Mysta, I note you have only just joined this site.
If you want to make a change one is able to edit one’s post.
I note that I was unable to email you !!! nor did the ‘Private Message system’ appear to work (please take note Mr WebMaster).
>>Im ready if you are Pisces, let’s start a revolution, Im sure we can find support!<<
Support ? On this site ?
Well, where are the supporters ? Just watch to see how many (few) will respond to your suggestion.
I doubt that the population on this website is any different from the general population.
Too apathetic. They just stand by whilst they are being sliced to death, bled dry.Pisces
As a QLD’er we already have the media announcing “Qld property to boom once again as NSW gets hit with tax” Fine by me, but I think they kind of forget that there are other states in the country to choose from.
Seems to me that the government is trying to drive people out of investment in NSW. Risky considering other states can offer lower taxes. What are they thinking? They only have $$$$ in front of their eyes, but surely they would have to look past these and realzie the implications on the state???? Or am I giving them too much credit?
Keep the rage alive
This government is so bankrupt, both morally and physically that this isn’t likely to be the end of the tax raising. Without a shadow of doubt, there is more to come.
Keep the bastards honest.
How many concerned property owners do you think there are in whose interest it is to protect themselves by supporting a grass roots movement in parliament which holds the balance of power ?
So where do we go from here ?
Perhaps Steve may be prepared to allocate part of his book’s profits (which he has already
said that he is donating to charity) to be used as seed money to get a new Property Owners political party off the ground ?What say you, Steve ?
Originally posted by SteveMcKnight:Hi,
Time will tell. Maybe commonsense will prevail.
Steve McKnight
Remember that success comes from doing things differently.
**********Commonsense and Govenrment? Now that would be a first!
Regards Bear
POSITVE CASHFLOW properties and Joint Ventures available!
For the BEST deals register via E-mail
DONT MISS OUT!!!!!It’s a bit early to predict that it’s is going to be all doom and gloom.
I don’t know why people are running around saying the sky is falling in.
To me it seems like demand will go up for properties less than $500,000 and supply will decrease as less investors sell. Therefore higher prices
Nobody seem’s to be talking about land tax.
My business will save about $6,000 per year in land tax (from $27,000 – $21,000)
Look for the opportunities rather than the negatives
Is anyone happy for the First Home Buyer?
Does not seem to be much focus on this forum about the benefits of the tax/duty changes.
Is it perhaps because everyone on this forum owns 2-130 properties?
This is my first post – usually just a casual observer. Couldn’t help but reply to the knee-jerk reactions to the Mini-Budget changes. sounds so reminiscent of GST and even Y2K doom and gloom predictions.It is really interesting to hear all the discussion on this topic. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds. I am left wondering why the government seems to be looking for a quick fix solution given that their next election is so far away.
I would also have thought that it would be in their best inerests to 1) let market forces control the market and not try to “fix” things as in 99% of cases this just tends to stuff things up. 2) Not lay this on a market which is already at the begining of a downturn. The other thing is that surely it makes more sense to keep the market more active and get a larger number of sales on which stamp duty is paid on the full value of the property, not just the profits. I suppose there will probably be an increase in the number of people trying to sell before this comes in though, who will buy? Apart from the fact that if people are making money whatever it be in they will spend it which will generate employment and have other knock on effects. The robin hood syndrome never works!
It was interesting to read an earlier post about the actual cost after considering capital gains impacts etc. I think that the effect on the market will be bigger than just the cost though.
Originally posted by Zimonya:I am left wondering why the government seems to be looking for a quick fix solution given that their next election is so far away.
ZimonyaI think you answered your own question here – the next election is so far away, people will have forgotten this new tax by then.
I find it interesting that after the budget being in surplus for so many years, they need to raise money at all. Where did it all go? Not on hospitals, education or transport! [angry2]
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney
Some people will be winners in all this.
If you are trying to buy a first-time PPOR in Sydney, the abolishment of stamp duty may help a bit, but the reality is that with a median house price of over $475 000, most (all?) decent houses will be above the cut off limit anyway.
However, for young families/first time buyers who live in regional centres and country towns this will be surely be great. These people have been forced to sit back and watch their local prices boom out of their price range as they get swamped from out-of-town property investors keen to add another + cashflow property to their portfolio. (pls note this is not a criticism of PIs, merely a commentary on how the system works).
Having said that, I think that before the government can slug extra taxes they should be able to account for their financial (mis?)management over the past few years. Is it too naive to demand that they publish a tally of total government expenditure? I think all governments should be made to do this after each fiscal year.
As PIs are about to become possibly the most taxed population group in this state, I think we have a right to know where ALL the money goes!
OK I’ll play a silly game.
Has anyone looked beyond self interest to consider why the Carr govt did this?The extra tax will pay the salary increase of nurses and teachers, fund public transport infrastructure upgrades, and prevent the govt from growing a larger deficit.
Secondly, the tax changes will take investor speculative heat out of the market thus favouring first home owners. Hence, more renters will be able to gain ownership, and then have something in common with the posters here.
Sure, these comments are provocative, but they need to be considered. Free education and health care don’t come for nothing guys and girls. And I’d challenge many here to go and work as a teacher or nurse for a week and see if they’d keep doing it for $18 an hour for the next 20 years.
Mooloolaba, QldAll this talk of doom and gloom, what happened to becomming successful from doing this differently.I guess its time to get creative. Being taxed on profits? I was taught that you cant go broke making a profit.
Lots of +cf props NSW Country. Hard work is done. Nick 0414 274 495’day All,
Here’s me, new in the game and ready to make a small comment on the NSW Mini Budget.
Maybe I think too positively, but the way I see this new stamp duty is that it brings NSW investment in line with Vic.
Dunno about my figures but I worked out you pay $8,990 stamp duty on a $300K property in NSW but $13,660 on a same valued property in Vic.
Does this seem right…. I know that’s different to your figure Steve, so I welcome any comments on my calcs.
If my figure are right, & that’ll be a bloody first, you can see what I mean about bringing it into line with Vic.
The other thing this new stamp duty does, is add a new perspective to property investment.
Just after the “Buy & Hold” category you can now put…
“Buy, Hold & Bequeath” …
Thus leaving the end 2.25% (& the CGT) for the kids to pay. (I think this has something to do with the certainty of death & taxes)
Anyway, not to worry, we are about to make our 1st investment purchase later today, so hopefully we will have our foot in the door too.
Also, I’m a bit worried about the “CarLover” that appears in the forums …. I hope that is a Motor Car Lover and not a Bob Carr Lover!!!!
Wadey>>I was taught that you cant go broke making a profit.<<
That is the greatest bit of nonsense I’ve ever seen.
Taking small profits, taking all the risks and
making a good size loss here and there will soon send you broke.Oh, I know, if you don’t sell you don’t realise the loss, is that it ? [laughing]
Hi all, I have three comments:
1. I have IP’s left in Hobart that I have been considering selling to take profits (to reinvest in another market, and yes that would be NZ). If this new tax were in Tas not NSW I would be selling immediately. I wonder how many NSW investors are sitting on a stack of potential cash and will be thinking along the same lines…?
2. I’m even more glad I left Sydney for NZ now that there will be two lots of stamp duty in NSW, and still none in NZ.
3. If it were a race in NZ to buy +CF, the announcer has just called out “This is the final lap!!”
BTW Muppet – name’s changed from TasInvestor to Tasman Property. But hey, as long as there’s a Tas in there somewhere, I’m happy [biggrin]. And as you’re a kiwi, I guess you could even call me Tis? Ha ha.
John [biggrin]
(I believe that later this year there will be no +CF deals left in NZ. If you’d like Steve’s MAP protege living in NZ to leverage your time and find the deals to build your portfolio quickly, just ask me!)
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