You shoul be proud of yourself. Well done!
I have only just started with it but it is much better than mine.
One thing to consider is New Zealand investors and taking stamp duty etc out of the formulas.
So far i have 4 people willing to help out, once i get 10, i will send a copy to all of them and then anyone else who wants a copy can try and get one off one of those 10 people by sending them an email
I didn’t get the spreadsheet. I am one of the “people above”. Did you get my email address correctly? it’s
Or can someone send it to me, please? There are already people ask me to forward the spreadsheet to them. Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,
Ok everyone,
I have now sent a copy of the complete version to all the people above this post, if u want a copy i’m sure someone above will send it to you, just email them.
I feel quite special to have a link on the web for my spreadsheet, thankyou for doing that for me, it certainly takes all the work out of sending emails around!
If anyone else has any other small useful property related resuources they would also like posted on the net, then let me know and I will consider hosting them for you.