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  • Profile photo of Karl and RitaKarl and Rita
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 103


    My partner and i would like to start investing in positive cash flow property. we have read a few books, but not clear on what kind of research we need to do on a property to give an indication that it’s positivly geared and a good buy. the focus is on positive gearing.

    It may be obvious, but i think we have too much infomation overload and maybe someone would like to help us get a step by step basics.

    Thanks guys

    Karl and Rita

    The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. – Eleanor Roosevelt

    Profile photo of JoshwalyJoshwaly
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 39

    Hi all,

    you might get some replies helping you however i offter my services at no cost, just email me with what help you need and i will reply normally that day or call 0433 121 899 i trust that you will call during normal business hours. I dont get anythign out of this so dont htink i am operating on a commision base… i am located in melbourne so if you are too perhaps we could meet and i could guide you through a few stratergies both my own and a number of others dictated from book sand other places i have found…

    Regards Josh

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    Hi Karl

    A good indication of whether or not a property will be positiviely geared is to use the 11 Second Solution. Rent/2 * 1000.

    For more in depth analysis, you need to look at borrowings/repayments, rates, maintenance, prop mgr fees etc. Add them all up, subtract from rent. If leftover is positive, you are positively geared, if not, you are negatively geared.


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