All Topics / General Property / investing in New Zealand

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  • Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Guys

    Just a reminder about email addresses in this foum.
    Put in “at” not “@” as web crawlers can not differentiate the difference. This may stop you getting lots of spam.


    Profile photo of zanis1zanis1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 70

    I sopke to a mortgage broker about this 70% issue and she stated that it is in fact not a set rule but decided per application.

    I have a listings for recommended mortgage brokers on the web site – these are mortgage brokers who were recommended by people who use them. I am currently upgrading the list and adding in the names of the people who recommended in the next few days.

    You need to be a member to access the listings (I also have one for property managers) but membership is free.

    Heres the link

    Best Regards


    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    well it sounds like I need to check out some different banks!!!
    be heaps easier if i could do it all online….

    re; everyone who asked for my lawyer’s address, I’ve emailed you so feel free to take your email addresses off the forums if you want.


    Profile photo of KtkiwiKtkiwi
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 18


    To answer your original question. There are three main New Zealand buyers agents (property finders) that I know of:

    The original NZ pioneer was this company
    followed by
    followed by
    (For the record hpc is a group of companies I have a substantial interest in)

    And in respect of property investment forums in NZ, there are several:
    An early starter was
    followed by
    followed by the latest

    (For the record I have no financial interest or otherwise in any of these forums)


    “Make sure you can survive the downside, and the upside will take care of itself!” Donald Trump

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    re: recommending people to my lawyer…

    just had a conversation with him, making sure it was cool for me to continue to send people his way.

    Yes, BUT!…came the answer….

    with the request that anyone further i recommend to him has the following in place….

    a) phone, email, and fax – essential to have these. if this is obvious to you, cool, but some people *don’t* have all of these in place and it is essential when the contracts start bouncing back and forth and you live overseas.

    b) you should have international banking facilities to transfer funds quickly set up already. For example, if there is some council fee you want the lawyer to organise, it must be paid upfront and it’s not the lawyer’s responsibility to spring you the funds. Have that set up *before* you start making offers.
    Also on the day your contract goes unconditional, the deposit is due. Just make sure you you know how to get the money where it needs to be by the date it needs to be there.

    c) know that the lawyer’s job is not to provide you with investing advice. “what do you think??” of an investment puts him in an uncomfortable situation as a lawyer is not necessarily an ‘investment advisor’. Of course a lawyer can help you find out if an investment is not a good investment by uncovering information about the land title, etc, but that’s part of his job and answering ‘do you think this is a good deal?’ is not. You’re supposed to know that, you’re the investor…

    d) just the usual things of know what you’re doing, prompt payment, have a plan, etc

    I am gonna continue to recommend people (and I don’t get a kickback!) but you are gonna have to ‘screen yourselves’ that you have the above things set up first, before you ask. OK!!


    Profile photo of JetDollars

    Dear All,

    Just a quick word to say “Thank You” for all those info.

    Kind regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]

    Profile photo of Kristine

    thanks for that i will check out those sites right now and thanks for the lawyers Number Mini will make sure i do all the stuff right not a problem[:D]

    Profile photo of Kristine

    mmm those sites are all around Auckland didnt really have that much cash to invest in that area looks like i need to plan another kind of attack

    Profile photo of mikesinmikesin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    It could be of possible interest to check the NZ end of
    I know they are mostly into apartments but I believe they handle some houses also. Dunno about NZ, only that they are active there also. Can’t hurt to look.

    Profile photo of jlee_23jlee_23
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    Hi Mini,

    could i get the contact number for your solicitor?
    my email is

    thanks in advance


    re: recommending people to my lawyer…

    just had a conversation with him, making sure it was cool for me to continue to send people his way.

    Yes, BUT!…came the answer….

    with the request that anyone further i recommend to him has the following in place….

    a) phone, email, and fax – essential to have these. if this is obvious to you, cool, but some people *don’t* have all of these in place and it is essential when the contracts start bouncing back and forth and you live overseas.

    b) you should have international banking facilities to transfer funds quickly set up already. For example, if there is some council fee you want the lawyer to organise, it must be paid upfront and it’s not the lawyer’s responsibility to spring you the funds. Have that set up *before* you start making offers.
    Also on the day your contract goes unconditional, the deposit is due. Just make sure you you know how to get the money where it needs to be by the date it needs to be there.

    c) know that the lawyer’s job is not to provide you with investing advice. “what do you think??” of an investment puts him in an uncomfortable situation as a lawyer is not necessarily an ‘investment advisor’. Of course a lawyer can help you find out if an investment is not a good investment by uncovering information about the land title, etc, but that’s part of his job and answering ‘do you think this is a good deal?’ is not. You’re supposed to know that, you’re the investor…

    d) just the usual things of know what you’re doing, prompt payment, have a plan, etc

    I am gonna continue to recommend people (and I don’t get a kickback!) but you are gonna have to ‘screen yourselves’ that you have the above things set up first, before you ask. OK!!


    Profile photo of davalidavali
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    Hello to Forum members – have recently come across this site and think it is fantastic.
    I am in the process of reading Steve’s book (amongst others) and think this sharing of ideas forum is great for everyone.
    Just my own two cents worth – I have lived in Auckland, NZ most of my life, but now more recently based in Sydney.
    For budding buyers of NZ property you may also like to check the property listing site of (I took photographs of houses and uploaded them onto this website in my past life!)
    Another reader also mentioned something about ASB (I have worked for them as well!) – I cannot recommend them highly enough. They are a switched on bank when it comes to technology. I suspect problems with customer service will arise with a potential ANZ/NBNZ merger, so would suggest you try and stay away from these two at present.
    I would be happy to try and answer questions in relation to NZ if people want info – but I am eager for information on potential areas in Australia that we should research for investment. Email is totcars at bigpond dot com – Cheers David

    Profile photo of paullampaullam
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    Has anyone bought an IP in Tokoroa? It is an
    area that I am interested investing in. I like to
    know how easy it is to rent out an IP there. The town has a reducing population and I would rather
    not rely on an real estate agent.

    Profile photo of MrIronman


    well it sounds like I need to check out some different banks!!!
    be heaps easier if i could do it all online….

    re; everyone who asked for my lawyer’s address, I’ve emailed you so feel free to take your email addresses off the forums if you want.


    Hi Mini

    I havn’t figured out how to use the forum yet[}:)

    Anton [:)

    Profile photo of MrIronman


    well it sounds like I need to check out some different banks!!!
    be heaps easier if i could do it all online….

    re; everyone who asked for my lawyer’s address, I’ve emailed you so feel free to take your email addresses off the forums if you want.


    Hi Mini

    I havn’t figured out how to use the forum yet[}:)

    Anton [:)

    Profile photo of MrIronman


    well it sounds like I need to check out some different banks!!!
    be heaps easier if i could do it all online….

    re; everyone who asked for my lawyer’s address, I’ve emailed you so feel free to take your email addresses off the forums if you want.


    Hi Mini

    I havn’t figured out how to use the forum yet[}:)

    Anton [:)

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    hi ironman, drop your email address. cheers – Mini

    Profile photo of rajohn1rajohn1
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 11
    Does anyone know of a buyers agent in New Zealand ???

    I am gearing up to source properties for other investors.

    I am going to New Zealand this month and will be covering much of both Islands. I am used to locating high yielding residential properties ( I have purchased 19 IP’s for myself this year.)

    If anyone wants me to find properties for a spotters fee, please email me at

    (John Fowler 0414 602903)

    Profile photo of muppet
    Profile photo of AlisonWAlisonW
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 16

    Hi Mini, could i please jump on and get your lawyer’s details? I hope to get something there when i go over next month and i have everything in place that you recommend!
    Please send your lawyer details to feral’at’


    Profile photo of JetDollars

    Dear All,

    I am looking for new zealand website that provide information such as population in each regions, median price by suburbs. The website I am looking for is like the one in Australia ie

    Does anyone know similar site like this?

    Your help is appreciated in advance.

    Kind regards

    [Keep going, you’re nearly reach the end of financial freedom]

Viewing 20 posts - 21 through 40 (of 62 total)

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