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  • Profile photo of Steve McKnight


    Happy New Year!

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of melbear

    Yay for Steve![:)

    I’m not surprised about Anita Bell’s book though. A friend lent it to me (and it has been discussed a little on this site) and I found myself vehemently disagreeing with her first two pages.

    She stated that if you rented out your PPOR prior to moving in within the 12 months (and still get the FHOG) you can only claim the interest if your rent more than covers it!!

    She also says that if at any time you move out of your PPOR and then rent it, you again cannot claim the interest. It MUST be positive geared she said.

    It really made me question just about everything else she wrote, and I do remember disagreeing a couple more times with her ‘factual’ statements further on, but I wasn’t as vehement this time.[;)


    Profile photo of Risky

    Congratulations Steve [:D

    Profile photo of peterppeterp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 307

    I’ve noticed that property books are taking up less space on the bookshop’s shelves, and my weekly visits should probably be cut down to monthly!

    A few comments that some might find helpful re property books appear at:

    Re Anita Bell, her IP book is subtitled ‘…. triple your returns in 3 years’.

    I must be going blind, but I couldn’t find anything that backed this up in the book apart from paying less interest and owning the property sooner. Also conspicuous is that she doesn’t say a lot about yield or cashflow and that the book is called ‘your investment property’ when four owned outright is probably a minimum for (frugal) financial independence.

    Just wondering if Steve has ever done a TV or radio debate with either of the Wakelins? I reckon that’ll be fun viewing ; )


    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974

    Hi there,

    Well done Steve! What a golden end to 2003 [^]
    For the rest of the authors (of which most of them I have a book sitting on my shelf collecting dust), perhaps they might think about being environmentally friendly and stop wasting paper [}:)

    Happy New Year !!!
    Cheeky Sooshie (alcohol free still) [8D]

    When a problem is created the solution is created simultaneously

    Profile photo of Karen


    Great stuff – bought your book five weeks ago and have just finished the second read! You should be impressed ….. it’s 10.30 on new years eve and I’m checking the Property Investing website!!! Such a profound effect you have on us !!!???

    Coinciding with your wise and inspirational words, I have put in place some challenging goals. You pulled such alot of good stuff together and it “hit me” right when I needed it!!

    I know from my short time browsing this site that many people have also been blessed to have come into contact with you….Happy New Year


    PS This is my second post – no one responded to my first[:(] Maybe I’ll formulate a question next time so I can actually establish real communication (it’s not that I don’t have questions to ask – but rather WHICH one comes first???) Cheers

    PPS Ah Ha! A question re. the article ….”What is the Millionnaire Apprentice Program mentoring scheme ???”

    Karen | Houseproud Developments
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    You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take ...

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight



    Thanks to all for replying; this was not meant to be a chance for me to ‘pat myself on the back’.

    Hey Peter… thanks for the comments about the book and indeed your review of other books too. It’s a very helpful analysis and goes to show there’s more than one way to skin the property investing cat!

    Karen… I’ll hunt out your post and reply to it now… <<Hmmm… can’t find it! What was the topic and which forum is it in?>>


    ” Risky ” – Looking forward to your next book…

    Cough, slutter, hiccup… I’m already losing enough hair! But if I did write another book… what should it be about?


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Karen


    Don’t worry about my first post[8)

    Steve – what is the Millionaire Apprentice Programme mentoring scheme???(as mentioned in the SMH article we’ve been talking about).

    I’m aware that this forum is a brilliant informal mentoring opportunity…..and I’m definately reaping the benefits, but something tells me I need to hook up with an individual at some point in this journey – if only fleetingly – and I’m yet to find the right person. My individual financial circumstances do not fit the basic mould, and I’d really love to put it all out on the table for perusal by someone further down the track than me. Ideally this needs to happen in these early days while I’m formulating my “tactics” (thanks for the Goal Setting plans [;)

    Thought any mentoring scheme you’re involved in has got to be worth further investigation[:D


    Karen | Houseproud Developments
    Email Me | Phone Me

    You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take ...

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight

    Hi Karen,

    The MAP is a private mentoring group that I’m running. It is not open to new people and I’m not replacing those that opt out. I doubt that I’ll run it again as it was a pilot program.

    I’ll write more about this in the upcoming months.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Karen

    Helllo Steve,

    I was dissappointed to learn that the MAP was not available, but then ………

    “Go on in the certain way, and if you do not receive the thing, you will receive something so much better that you will see that the seeming failure was really a great success.”

    Wallace D. Wattles



    P.S. Are you sure you don’t want to replace someone who has fallen off the programme with someone who won’t?

    Karen | Houseproud Developments
    Email Me | Phone Me

    You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take ...

    Profile photo of Risky


    Cough, slutter, hiccup… I’m already losing enough hair! But if I did write another book… what should it be about?

    Hmmm good question, what would interest me and i havent seen any books on the subject except one or two chapters is a book entirely based on investing in commercial, industrial properties .
    Also have you wrapped any commercial or industrial properties ? Is it a norm or a no no?

    Profile photo of melbear

    Risky, there is a commercial book out now – it’s written by Martin Roth of Top Stocks xxxx fame and lots of share books. I can’t recall it’s name off the top of my head though, but it does exist.


    Profile photo of Risky

    [8D] Cheers Melbear [8D]

    I thought i was wrong once, but i was mistaken !

    Profile photo of The DIY Dog WashThe DIY Dog Wash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 696


    Originally posted by Kazonthebeach

    I’m aware that this forum is a brilliant informal mentoring opportunity…..and I’m definately reaping the benefits, but something tells me I need to hook up with an individual at some point in this journey – if only fleetingly – and I’m yet to find the right person. My individual financial circumstances do not fit the basic mould, and I’d really love to put it all out on the table for perusal by someone further down the track than me. Ideally this needs to happen in these early days while I’m formulating my “tactics” (thanks for the Goal Setting plans [;)

    Hi Karen

    Welcome to the forum, albeit a tad late[:I].

    I just wanted to highlight something to you, when starting out in an entirely new direction the need for someone to show you the way is strong … but keep doing what you have decided to do and you will move forward all on your own.

    I have been where you stand now – only 9 months ago, Oh my god it’s actually been 11 months since I came here, wow! Anyway before you know it you will be telling somebody else your story to encourage them to embrace the fear factor and take your time.

    You are well on your way already. We also identified our accountant was wrong for our new plan so we went and found the best.

    Good luck with your future, you are going to be great![^]


    Well done on the article praise, it is well deserved, as you know I have recently been reading it and am impressed but not surprised at it’s simplicity and bulging facts, just like everything else that I have read of yours and Daves.

    At the begining of last year we made a News Year Resolution to buy “our” investment property (meaning the only one we expected to ever buy) of course a neg geared unit and this past NY we didn’t even bother with a resolution to buy more IPs – it’s just expected now!

    Thanks for being there to help us along the way, also a thanks to Dave, Brent, Sooshie, AD, Wilandel, Mini and everyone that gave their support throughout last year.

    I hope I can return the favours someday.

    Kind regards
    Leigh K[:D

    Carve your own path and lead the way …

    Profile photo of gingerginger
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Well done Steve, and all the people you have around you . You have shown us all that anyone can achieve anything if you want to.

    Profile photo of ShusharShushar
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 190

    Hi Steve,

    I don’t just want to add another “I think you’re great too” message – although I do.

    I would like to say that I have read many, many books and the reason I have benefited most from your book is that:

    1) It is easy to read
    2) It is well laid out
    3) There are easy to understand examples of all the points and ideas you are trying to convey
    4) You are able to justify your decisions with logic
    5) You acknowledge that other people will have other ways of investing in real estate
    6) It made me believe that as long as I believe I could do it, I could.

    Thanks for writing a great book and sharing your journey with us.



    “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight


    You know when I wrote the book I never would have dreamed it would be the success that it has become.

    I’m just delighted that people who have read it have taken something from it and can hopefully translate it to an improvement in their life situation.

    Thanks for your feedback. It’s appreciated and improves my day [:)


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of ANUBISANUBIS
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 559

    Hi Steve,

    As residential property is extensively covered in books how about a slight deviation into development, or buying land then building and selling/keeping but on a small scale.

    This is an area I have found lacks quality information.

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