All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Finance Broker Required

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  • Profile photo of Slowboy

    I am looking for a new broker, one who will provide “service”, by service I mean

      Call me if they have a need for further information,

        Document any proposals to the extent that the benefits, costs (i.e. duties and fees) and issues are detailed.

          Act genuinely in assisting to grow my wealth and in turn there’s, not the other way around.

            Act in a timely and efficient manner.

            I live on the South Side of Brisbane and work in Milton. So some one with Qld knowledge would be preferred. (Although I hold mostly Victorian properties)

            Any help would be appreciated on how I would assess a good broker from a lazy one upfront , rather than learn the hard way as I have just done. Having provide all my details, tax returns payslips etc. 3 months on I have not had one written letter on how they could help only a Mortgage Variation Checklist with highlighter marks of “sign here” giving authority to XYZ with my current lender to do more of the same.

            I have a couple of fixed term loans expiring and need to do some real homework based on the knowledge gained from the forum.

            Where are all the good brokers??

            Regards Mark

            Profile photo of Mortgage HunterMortgage Hunter
            Join Date: 2003
            Post Count: 3,781


            Given your expectations I think you should consider contacting Mel on this forum. I am sure she will give what you need and more. She is in your area as well.

            Whichever broker you choose remember that communications goes both ways. The broker needs to know your expectations and what you need in your finance to be able to meet your needs.

            Best of luck in your search.

            Simon Macks
            Mortgage Hunter
            0425 228 985

            Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

            Profile photo of battz71battz71
            Join Date: 2003
            Post Count: 95


            Drop me an email, I am in the middle of finance at the moment and can relay my experience


            Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
            Join Date: 2003
            Post Count: 12,024

            Slow boy

            We are based in Milton and have been in the industry for over 20 years. If you would care to contact me off the forum please email me and i would be happy to see if we could assist.

            Cheers Richard

            There is no such thing as a problem.
            Just a solution waiting to be found

            Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

            Profile photo of bribiebribie
            Join Date: 2003
            Post Count: 67


            Bank and brokers are the real hinderance to wealth creation. We too have had poor service from brokers particularly now as our portfolio starts to grow and with everyone jumping on the bandwagon to get rich through property, I think our broker thinks that many small fish are better than one larger one. After all, its a numbers game. It is taking over two weeks even before it gets to the banks and the last application meant that we had to seek extension of time for our finance.


            Profile photo of Slowboy

            Many thanks guy’s I will contact you off line, [:P]

            Ome thing I have found in respect of communication, more so through the forum, is that a good broker should help develop the right fit from asking questions as some times we dont know what we really need, as we dont know what is out there. If they are not asking question it is hard to give answers.

            Once again thanks [:D

            Profile photo of CaptainMarkCaptainMark
            Join Date: 2003
            Post Count: 10


            I’ve had some great experience working with NFC in Brissy and can pass on some names and numbers.
            Basically, they’ve got virtually every mortgage/investment loan product in the country covered as best I can tell, everything from prime to sub-prime lenders, so if there’s a loan out there you qualify for (which I suppose is likely if you’re posting on these boards) they’ll help you out with all the options.

            Drop me an email at .

            Captain Mark

            Profile photo of MelanieMelanie
            Join Date: 2003
            Post Count: 382

            Hi folks,

            Thanks for the tip Mortgage Hunter – haven’t been online for two days, was in Melbourne listening to a developer Peter Comben, who’s a friend of Steve’s, and was totally inspired AND am thoroughly delighted that the Lions get another opportunity for glory!! [:)

            Slow Boy I’d be more than happy to have a chat about your plans and see whether you’d like me to assist you – I’m based in Clayfield/East Brisbane and can be reached on 0438 548 235 or email below. Home Loan Connexion are affiliated with AFG and other independent Mortgage Managers and I’m sure could give you the service you’re after and deserve.

            Good to be back finding out what everyone’s up to.


            Profile photo of merlomerlo
            Join Date: 2003
            Post Count: 9

            Isn’t it funny your buying in Melb and us melbournites are buying in Brisbane…..I went through First Choice (Brad Oliver) in Brisbane 07 342 000 44 fantastic service!! cost nothing and same day service and goes that extra mile for you…… tell him I sent you if you want Merlo….I don’t get commission, but referral is the best form of flattery!…good luck? I am just in the process of using him again…

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