All Topics / The Treasure Chest / How are Residex Property Reports?

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  • Profile photo of RT_from_Syd

    I heard that Residex Reports are good if you want to know the property details anywhere.Are they worth paying?Because I don’t mind paying any kind of money as long as I get something worthy in return.Did anyone of you buy them?

    Profile photo of MarketmadMarketmad
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 30

    I have purchased top 100’s for Sydney and Brisbane in the past . Most suburbs they have listed to outperform have performed well, although what hasnt??
    They provide some good statistical info such as long term capital growth trends etc and predicted
    growth.The cost of the report is minimal as long as you use it to help make a profit.

    Profile photo of RT_from_Syd

    Hey MarketMad,

    Thanks for your reply. I am just curious; don’t get me wrong. So did they predict on the “most predictables” or more than that?

    Profile photo of SallyrSallyr
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    i have always bought a Residex report for every property that I have purchased in NSW. ( They werent always available in QLD)
    The $60 (?cant remember the exact price) saves me time that I cant afford and does the comparison research in the area for me. it also gives me their calculated price that they think the proppperty is worth. this is based on their statistical data. Not a whim or a guess.

    if you have the time you can do your own research & comparisons, but I choose to buy it from Residex. Worth every cent IMHO


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