All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Lease Purchases in SA

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  • Profile photo of feathers

    Hi all, i am a newbie to the forum with only 3 posts, have read Steve’s book and have been actively on this forum searching archives for as much info as possible. I think its an awsome site and i am hooked.
    So let me preface my question with an anticipated thank you for all the great advice i have read over the past 2 weeks and for any replies i may get here.
    I am an Adelaide investor with 12 ip’s, mixture of development, buy/hold and cosmetically challenged and some +ve geared.
    I wish to venture into the lease purchase market and i am ready to act on one right now. I need to research growth areas in western suburbs in SA.
    Can anyone assit me with a site or org that can give me such information.
    Also is there anywhere i can obtain lease/purchase agreements from? I have looked at 1 site and it offers a handbook, any comments from anyone that may have it?
    That will do for tonight, many thanks and happy hunting for those hard to find ip’s.

    Profile photo of MarcoMarco
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 66

    Hi Feathers,

    I was in the same boat 18months ago that you are in now. Everything seems so easy for all the other states – find a person, get them to find a property, we negotiate etc etc. <grin>

    Here in SA it’s a little more involved. When you do find somebody to do a contract for you make sure it’s bullet proof, rembering that you need it if things turn sour to fall back on.

    I have spent a lot of time money and effort to get my whole system set up to a point at which I am comfortable with it from a legal point of view.

    So, just a word of encouragement – get your contracts set up, and take your time doing it. There are plenty of houses out there and once you have a tenant it’s a long term relationship ahead of you!

    Kind regards


    Oh – Win Win situations are the best!

    Profile photo of feathers


    Hi Marco, tnx for your reply, and good advice. It seems we are a little more conservative here and you are right much easier to do what we would all like to do in the eastern states.I am pursuing with my legal people but wow what a minefield. I agree, when i get it all done, it will be watertight. Thanks again. Feathers.
    Hi Feathers,

    I was in the same boat 18months ago that you are in now. Everything seems so easy for all the other states – find a person, get them to find a property, we negotiate etc etc. <grin>

    Here in SA it’s a little more involved. When you do find somebody to do a contract for you make sure it’s bullet proof, rembering that you need it if things turn sour to fall back on.

    I have spent a lot of time money and effort to get my whole system set up to a point at which I am comfortable with it from a legal point of view.

    So, just a word of encouragement – get your contracts set up, and take your time doing it. There are plenty of houses out there and once you have a tenant it’s a long term relationship ahead of you!

    Kind regards


    Oh – Win Win situations are the best!

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