All Topics / The Treasure Chest / does anyone know anythin about griffiths?

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  • Profile photo of junior2

    I was looking at the job board computer thingy at a local job agency and noticed an incredible amount of job vacancies in griffiths in lower central nsw ( about 2.5 hrs north of where i am in echuca). Can anybody tell me any information regarding the size and major industries in griffiths?



    Profile photo of aussierogue

    are you from calabria or southern italy??

    major industries

    concrete shoe construction
    alternative medicine production


    Profile photo of junior2

    are you from calabria or southern italy??

    HuH? Don’t understand, im a little slow today. Northern Vic Southern New South is my ‘haunt’

    major industries
    concrete shoe construction

    Mafia Funded?

    alternative medicine production

    what happends when their hydroponic crops are found by the local authorities?



    Profile photo of aussierogue


    with a name like junior you should fit in ok.
    (ps im imagining you are 6’4 and 20 stone)

    griffith has always been the mafia capital of australia.

    if anyone has some ‘real economic’ info on griffith i would be interested to know also


    Profile photo of junior2

    You’ve shattered mty illussions after living close to broadmeadows, norlane, preston and carlton!

    Go Blues 2004

    Go Melbourne Storm 2003


    Profile photo of aussierogue

    broady boys are wooses compared to the griffith gorillas

    ps – never too late to start baracking for the mighty bombers

    (the greatest ever team to finish 8th[:D

    Profile photo of junior2

    My last 2 GF’s and current gf had no luck what so ever trying to convert me to the bombers.

    Go the not currently but will be hopefully in the not so distant future mighty blues! ( maybe go blues 2204?[:D


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