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  • Profile photo of junior2


    Hope aaron didn’t drop one of those coffins to ur ip in cobar……thanks for the tips in orther topics!


    Profile photo of ShaneB

    No worries, Jun.

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Shane is back here to make mess on the forum! [:(]better admin people delete him and other people should stop for a while posting anything.


    Profile photo of ShaneB

    Amit, I can understand your misgivings. But if you’d care to read my contributions and not just criticise, you may be pleasantly surprised.

    Profile photo of junior2

    Can people stop whinging about other people?
    we are mature adults around here so stop complaining people! There will be nothing to complain about until an interstate team wins the grand inal again ( or collingwood or essendon…. bad year all round!)

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Dear Junior,

    I think you were not on the forum that day when this person was answering every one with one line and starting crap subject posting. only I saw him two days on forum and he given 200+ reply. admin people were also falling to manage his posts that day.

    But your thinking is correct if you were not on the forum that day.


    Profile photo of junior2

    No offence meant amit, sorry!

    Dad told me abou that day, and i can see why everyone is agro at im, but in his defence he has givin me some helpful advice which werent dodgy one linrs. I wasn’t having a go at you, just making a gen observation.


    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Hi Jared,

    No worries!
    If he started using the forum seriously then I think no one on this forum got problem with him.

    Profile photo of junior2

    Thats cool!

    hows your research in cobar going? Interested to know what the end result is after contributing to the forum.

    Goodluck amit,



    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Hi Jared,

    I am bit confuse because though return is good but capital growth is -1% last year and mines also closing so I think IP property in cobar is not good for me because as new comer in IP i need bit of capital growth also for other IP.


    Profile photo of junior2

    I Can see your point!,

    I’m currently negotiating the sale of my ip, a deal should be done hopefully in the next 2 days. I bought this house originally as a buy and hold,( or possibly to live in) but mainly for rental income. But since i bought it in late 2001 for approx 27 thousand ( loan 30k to allow for improvments and lived in for short while so recieved fhog therefor effictively paying just 24k) now less than 2 years later am selling for 72k and hope to get 68k+.Thats a 44k profit (before tax and misc costs) in 20months. I`m happy! i have another house lined up. But my point of view regardless of the above figures, is that although its handy to buy another house by refinacing your house with the capital gains earnt, that shouldn’t be the main reason for purchasing a property. Dad (who is well known on this forum) has always encouraged me to buy in a town when houses are cheap but the town is on the way up. Most regional towns go in cycles of decline and growth in business, population and industry. If you can buy at the bottom of the cycle ( the time when most people would call you completely mad!) you stand to amke the most profit. THere is a higher risk factor only if you dont research the area first! Look for an area that appears to be dying or dead, remember lazurus was only sleeping! One major announcment of a new industry or major project by an existing industry can completely bring a dead town back to life. Look for the lazurus effect, contact the council that controls cobar and see if anything major is on the horizon. Hence could lie a big oppurtunity to profit for you.

    On a lighter note, that was my longest post ever! Goodluck Am!


    Profile photo of elijahelijah
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    Just on mining in Cobar I was talking to a mate from there today who is being retrenched on 12/09/03 from one of the mines in Cobar don’t know which one but I would find out who own’s those mines & just how long they reckon they have left & wil it kill the town if mining ceases.[?]

    Profile photo of bc

    I would say the locals have answered that question with the(disportionately) high number of houses for sale in cobar.

    This brings me to another point that I have been pondering…. I think I will ponder it a bit more. Though I think the less ‘desperate’ buyers could guess[;)]


    Profile photo of junior2

    I was researching the mines in cobar. The elura mine has just been bought by consolidated broken hill mining and new procedures in place have doubled the life span of the mine to 9 years. If the other mines have a same life expectancy, my previous guess of the town been dead in 15 years could be grossly over estimated. Aaronnj get those coffins ready…..


    Profile photo of bc
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