All Topics / The Treasure Chest / What’s your profession?
Hey Wilko,
Thanks for that bit of information I have already applied for a vacation job at the Melbourne Office, so thanks again.
This is great to see so many Chemical Engineers on this forum, and lets not forget Mel who was a process & Environmental Engineer isn’t it great!
Yeah I think that it is great. Good luck with the vac work I had some trouble getting some at the end of thrid year because I was a bit slack in applying but Im sure you’ll easy pick some up[
]. Just found out that Im off to Kalgoolie in about 3 weeks time for 6 weeks. Might have to check out some +ve investments over there[8D][?]
Good to read about the professions…and real estate investing is our common ground.
Keep it up.
Pricing Analyst who fell into property investment as a bit of fun with a mate. We have purchased around 20 IP between us in the past 9 months. Very quickly has become an obsession.
Strangely enough have been more content at work as I no longer really care so much about climbing the ladder – just want to buy buy buy.
Hi Everyone,
I am a Hotel Broker, there arn’t many of us out there which is surprising because it is excellent. I love my job!!!!!!!
I have got my own office – in Parramatta Sydney! doing tax returns and helping people to sort their tax matters –
I think mine is a bit different from what I’ve read
I guess it’s classed as part time security officer / house sitter pensioner
aaronMy wife Arnie and I own a web developoment and hosting business that’s recently (since reading Robert Kiyosaki) been turned into a national dialup ISP as well. We also own a wrapping business which followed this path: RobertKiyosaki->JohnBurley->Bradley-McKnight->Reno Kings. We are falling behind due to some finance hassles – only 15 income-producing properties so far (sold one, and 4 with JV) – but now the finance is solved, we should get back to our goal.
In the past have been in journalism, TV cameraman, copywriter, sales, manufacturing ladies fashion accessories (we had our tiny business for 22 years). All this came in handy last week when I had to write a TV commercial for LockNet, and no doubt will be useful on Friday when I am present for its production.
But you know, the most important of these “careers” is my Christian ministry. It’s to gain the freedom to pursue that more fully that we are building our investment portfolio. And counselling, helping people wiht their lives and problems, and finding meaning in life: that’s where it’s at for me.
Gotta have a good reason, or why bother?
Fair Go Homes with Wrapping!
(07) 5465 4999, how did you manage to set up your own
ISP? wow, looks great the site and services you
provide? what well known area can you get you
dialup/satellite/dsl in? just askin. im from
Melbourne. cheers.Hi to everyone,
I believe I have caught the bug. I have just reconnected to the internet for the purpose of chasing bricks and dirt after reading the book. I preferred a Gum tree to the Net up to now. Steve’s approach turns Real Estate attitudes on their head. All makes sense to me, but still “wrapping” my mind around a wrap-around-mortgage. I work for Qantas as a Load/Movement Controller (just done 20 years time 2 weeks ago – another 3 months long service leave to enjoy)and had run a property maintenance business for 15 years concurrently up to now. Decided to regroup myself and bought a Canberra townhouse 7 months ago and sublet a room. I figure I now have equity upon which to tap.
Looking forward to meeting you people of like minds in the hope that we can assist one another in our directions to wealth creation.
Kind regards, Philquote:
Hi Guys, first time posting but have enjoyed viewing the forum posts for a couple of weeks now. I’m also in IT (for a large law firm in Melb.)Like some of the other IT people here, I’m bored!!! and I want to live an extraordinary life.
Haven’t purchased any IP’s as yet, but I have just finished Steve’s book.
Look forward to chatting with you guys in the future.
Oops, sorry about that Chief!! I will get the hang of this, I promise. Apart from your handle Agent86, I’m at about the same point as you. I’ve read the book and am gathering info. Hope to share some insights. Regards, Phil
Hi Guys, first time posting but have enjoyed viewing the forum posts for a couple of weeks now. I’m also in IT (for a large law firm in Melb.)Like some of the other IT people here, I’m bored!!! and I want to live an extraordinary life.
Haven’t purchased any IP’s as yet, but I have just finished Steve’s book.
Look forward to chatting with you guys in the future.
[/quote]Hi Vluu,
To make money in property management, I believe the answer is in owning the rent roll. Wages are not good, so you need to own the risk. If you have time to spare, do both. An owner may move back to the house or change agents, but therein lays the value/risk. Rent rolls run at about $2-3,000 per house. Do the sums. Buy a 100 props management at $2000 each. Average rental say $200 a week. Standard management fees of 10%. That’s $100,000 a year self managed under a license. OR .. do a deal. Using an agents license, buy all or part of the rent roll. Go halves in the fees. Both win. Cash injection for the Licensee and a 25% return for the both of you before outgoings.I want one. Cons – maybe difficult to borrow against a rent roll without putting up another asset and risk of loss is based on the fickle choice of the vendors; Pros – great return and a base to build on.
Regards, Phil
Lawry,Im in IT as well…Analyst Programmer….hate it with a passion
Wanna Change Career…
Wondering any property Managers out there..
Whats involved getting into the Real Estate Properety Management area.
Can someone tell me the Pros and ConsRegards
vluuHi Sooshie,
Sorry for the late reply. Yep those shares did plummet, and I can undersstand why for Agilent. It is the most poorly managed place I have ever known.
Not sure why HP share price dropped so much.
Agilent was the worst place I’ve ever worked. Nepotism was rife. But those days are over, and I’ve heard the guys there are somewhat happier now that some main offenders were removed.
Rgds, S
I WORK in the recruitment industry as an Executive headhunter sourcing Accountants and Financial bods. Ange is working in the University system in faculty administration.
Both have enjoyable jobs but are motivated by the 4 months we had of in 2000/2001 travelling in Europe.
Thanks Lucky Phil for your reply,
What kind of qualifications do I need to have?
Are you in Property Manangement yourself?
I’m thinking of starting out in a Real Estate Agency in Property Management there.
Any comments would be much appreciated
IT industry. Been support, system admin, network admin, etc currently working as a software developer.
What a vision you have!
May God bless you in your business and ministry for His glory.
Where do you live?
Thanks again to those who contributed. There’s a total of 7 pages just on this topic alone.
There’s more than investing – it’s not what you know but who you know. (paraphrased RK)
For newbies, if you wish to add on to this topic’s discussion, ie. introduction/job situation, you’re more than welcome to do so.
Love Life…love it madly.
Lance, what type of ministry are you in?
good luck and god bless with it!
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