All Topics / The Treasure Chest / What’s your profession?

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  • Profile photo of Most excellentMost excellent
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    Greetings all fellow investors,

    Current occupation property investor, well it’s really a hobby – more like a passion. I am looking for work, was previously a traffic planner, lab tech & process worker.


    Profile photo of crashycrashy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 736

    I had a job interview today, as an equity advisor (stockbroker).

    no answer yet, will keep you posted :)

    other than that im just a bum with a diploma

    Profile photo of MikeRobinsonMikeRobinson
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 27

    Hi Guy’s,It’s been a while since I’ve posted but there are no supermarket owners on this list,so I’m in as the 1st.Maybe this post will start me writing again,maybe,maybe I will just keep reading.All the best to you all,Mick.

    Profile photo of calroncalron
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 78

    Hi Guy’s

    We have our own company.
    I’m in the Animation Business.. I now supply animation software and hardware to the guy’s that I used to animate for..

    Property is looking far more fun tho now I can see the Porsche on the horizon..


    Calron the Alcamist
    Turning things into gold is fun.[;)]

    Profile photo of noddiesnoddies
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 151

    Hi everyone,
    After working a lifetime in electronics as a hardware technician, from the days of black/white TV (Monocrome to the initiated), to the latest where as production manager I designed and built the in house movie systems for international hotels. [:I][:(]
    I started studying the property market 4 yrs ago under the mentorship of John Fitzgerald (7 steps to wealth etc) and left electronics, much to my wife’s horror, to pursue this passion. Had a stint as a Morgage Broker on the way to working as an Investment and Property Consultant. I turned down many opportunities as I did not agree with the ethics of some companies working in the investment area, who put self interest above the clients needs. I have found a good company that is aligned with my business ethics and here I am, enjoying helping others. [:)

    Profile photo of Pro investorPro investor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 108

    Hi everyone

    I’m a cabinetmaker and I like my job but keep thinkin about property investing all day long.

    Thanks Rob

    Profile photo of AnastasiaAnastasia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 28


    Scientist. About to start a part-time postgrad degree as well – not sure how much time that leaves for property investment, but shall attempt it anyway.


    Profile photo of smyshyrsmyshyr
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    Hi Everyone,

    Great to hear what everyone does. So many different industries!

    One question tho, why is everyone SO bored??

    That and property is the only thing everyone seems to have in common – good for us!

    BTW im fast approaching 30, single and live in St Kilda Vic. I work for a bank (yes, that one!) as a document processer (sobs!)

    I am looking to buy my first IP before xmas!

    Happy hunting!

    Profile photo of peterppeterp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 307

    Me? Electronics salesman!

    It strikes me that IT people are heavily represented amongst us. Wonder how many participated in the tech boom/bust?

    Angels: liked your comment about there being no such thing as boredom. To me, people who complain of boredom severely lack imagination. As do those who say their schooldays were the best parts of their lives.

    Sach: IP humour – love it! Do you find the real world behaviour of some is so bizzare that parody becomes impossible? Any pointers on websites with investment, landlord, tenant or property homour (for Sooshie’s Links List of course)?


    Profile photo of suzieqsuzieq
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 149

    Hi guys,

    I work part-time in administration, part-time with my husband (we have our own Multimedia Business in Perth……not easy to get loans when self employed!!!!!!), hence I keep my salaried admin job and we have two children which also keep us occupied. Looking to the future and figure IP’s are the way to go, love this forum.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Hi all, I’m an electronics engineer. I design microwave video & data links, well I used to ’till I got sucked into this forum. Better make this my last post for a while (how are you with the bugle MiniMogul?). I get to design & make all sorts of interesting little gizmos, like the StumpCam transmitter. You’ve probably used them Richmond! My hobby is database programming eg swimming club software. Property started out as a big tax dodge (hope you’re not lurking Mr Carmody) with the old CGT rules after our company got taken over and I had to sell my share, which triggered a CG event. (I was effectively in the 90% tax bracket, but that’s another story, and it no longer applies with the new rules.) I’m still waiting for my 4 properties to go positive enough to take up the slack when my depreciation runs out, after which I can get off the fence and start investing again.
    I have certainly learned a lot from you learned people and hopefully I may have helped a little to some less experienced investors with my $0.02 worth. Remember “Time Value of Money”, thats my wheelbarrow I keep pushing!
    Regards, Jim.

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    i got samples of the whole darn orchestra…whaddya need?

    Profile photo of Administrator


    i got samples of the whole darn orchestra…whaddya need?

    Just the Last Post Mini! pretty corny I know.

    Profile photo of RitaSt.RitaSt.
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 28

    Hey Guys,
    What a great post Lawry.
    discovered this forum last week and thank you all for so much positive discussion.
    I am a registered nurse, born again Bed and Breakfast operator……still run around after people but not with a bed pan.
    No I’m not bored.
    My nights are getting later and later, cause logging on ties up my business phone during the day.
    Keep up the great discussion.

    Profile photo of Kirby319Kirby319
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 120

    I’m a personal injury lawyer who represents employers in WorkCover claims.

    I wouldn’t say I’m bored but I dont like it much. It is very demanding and the only thing that keeps me there is the money. It is difficult to turn your back on a good wage when you have young children.

    I’m hoping that proprty investment will help me to retire from this work earlier than I otherwise would be able to.

    The biggest problem is getting the time to put into it.

    Profile photo of KegglesKeggles
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Lawry73, I am the QLD Project Manager for a National signage company. Great job, acouple of mths ago i installed the signage on a highrise in Brisbane using a chopper causing a fuss with the poor cabbies blocking the streets to land the chopper.

    But still not a passive income.

    Profile photo of Neddy1Neddy1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7

    Hi all,
    I work in the petro-chemical field producing raw chemicals. I’ve been doing it for 20 years so I must enjoy it. Its never boring and because its shift work it gives me plenty of time to read and learn about property investing. Only have a PPOR and 1 IP at the moment.
    See ya-Neddy1[^]

    Profile photo of walkernickwalkernick
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 68

    Hey all,

    I have enjoyed immensely reading this post.

    I am the first uni student who is willing to admit it =) I’m studing Finance/Law. I also work part time in a Stockbroking firm and have previously worked in Banking. Currently studying property and trust law which sounds a lot more interesting than it is!


    Profile photo of KristineKristine
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    Hi All…i love my job heaps i am self employed have been for 5 years i get paid to walk dogs, feed peoples pets and i groom and bath dogs and cats woo hoo what a ace job…although can be a little hairy at times …..i am looking to employee someone at the end of the year i am 28 and brought my 1st investment property 10 years ago…but it was negative geared BUGGER..i sold it eventually. I am currently paying off my home and looking to buy a POSITIVE geared Ip this time

    Profile photo of SachSach
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    Variety of great profession all…. but I still love
    mine like nothing I can mention. best of luck to all.

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