I was wondering if any of the Brissy/ Goldcoast people would like to get together for a drink and chat about property investment and all the possibilities??
I was thinking of getting together at the Versace or somewhere similar in Surfers.
my name is Adam, i live in sydney and i am 18, I would love to come meet and i have been at versace before. although i think you wont take me seriously hehe. When i come up i will email you within the next few weeks.
Have you heard of Peter Spann? Very good property investor and educator
Theres 2 of you at least at the moment and the possible 3rd from sydney. I will wait a few more days to see how many others want to get together then I will ask you all when the best time would be for all of you..
By the way. I would definitely take you seriously if you’re willing to come up from Sydney. You wouldn’t believe how many times I haven’t been taken seriously by people. But that’s the fun with this game..
As I am sure you know yourself. Don’t judge the book by it’s cover.
I am organising a meeting myself in Qld for next month. It would be good to pool resources and not reinvent the wheel. If you want to chat about it feel free to send me an email on deero@optusnet.com.au
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”