All Topics / The Treasure Chest / What do you think of Biloela???

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  • Profile photo of kelly1100

    Found an advertisement for a commercial property in Biloela (Western Queensland – out in the sticks). 1408 sqm – has commercial workshop + residence, 3 year lease with tenant in place and 3 x 3 option. Rent $14,400 + outgoings pa. For sale at $120,000 +.

    What do you guys think?[?][?][?][?]

    Profile photo of calroncalron
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 78

    On the surface it looks like it’s a good 12% return deal..

    I have a few questions b4 I could attempt to answer this properly however..

    1. How much of this is Lettable commercial space?? ie. how big is the workshop??

    2. How much space is residence?

    3. Is the residence being let seperately to the workshop?

    4. What are the outgoings that the tennant is paying?? You may end up paying them someday.

    5. Do you know what the commercial rate is in other comm properties around that area?? ie. Price per square meter?


    Calron the Alcamist
    Turning things into gold is fun.[;)]

    Profile photo of kelly1100

    Not a clue about the answers to your questions, but good questions to ask the real estate agent. Thanks heaps.

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Hi Kelly

    Can’t coment about Commercially but I have a couple of residential properties that I have wraped in Biloela. The town has a population of just over 5000 and nestles in the centre of the Callide Valley being the largest town in the Banana Shire. Founded in the early 1850’s it is still rich in agriculture although now a days relies on the local meatworks, coal mines and power station.

    Happy to help if you need any more info.

    Cheers Richard

    There is no such thing as a problem. Just a solution waiting to be found

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