All Topics / Value Adding / Lot reconfigurations and sub divisions, Toowoomba

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  • Profile photo of Matt39

    I am looking at a few large blocks with houses in Toowoomba with plans to renovate and reconfigure a lot on two titles or subdivide. Can anyone please give me a rough idea on sub division costs and reconfiguration costs (I have heard this is cheaper than sub dividing a singular lot) and anything else I may have to take into consideration? Eg) legals, services etc. Any feedback appreciated !

    Profile photo of RPIRPI
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 308

    Hi Matt

    The 2 lots means you don't have to pay infrastructure contributions for the second lot, up to $28k in QLD.


    Town Planner $2200

    Surveyor $3-$5k

    Plan Sealing $1k

    water & sewerage $1-$10K each depending on whether you need to cross roads or not.

    Underground power and telecoms possibly also.


    RPI | Certus Legal Group / PRO Town Planners
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    Property Lawyer & Town Planner

    Profile photo of Matt39

    Thanks for the input mate. So overall lot reconfigurations are usually cheaper? If that is the case I may chase them further.

    Profile photo of GiumelliGroupGiumelliGroup
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 73

    Matt39, Yes they can be but it always remains buying the right block for the right price is where you will benefit as you always make your money on the purchase not the sale.

    Some other things to consider as I have personally come into:

    *Arborist 2k – 5k

    *Tree removal 3k – 5k

    *Excavation & dumping 4k – 10k

    *Neighbours – arent they a chore :) 2k

    *Council delays relodging for amendments 1k – 3k

    *Renovating contingency for the un expected as Qld'ers are very expensive to paint if it is lead paint for example – 20%

    *Water & sewage this can be a massive expense 5k – 15k

    *Telstra connections 1k -3k

    *Power pole installation 1k – 3k

    *Driveway costs – this will depend on what council sets as a requirement 4k – 10k

    *Retaining – sky is the limit here

    *Second house – 75k – 200k

    Boundary realignments are the easiest way to go and most cost effective i find, along with enabling you to still create solid profits if you do the job right.

    Hope this helps

    Profile photo of fredo_4305fredo_4305
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 336

    Gday Mate I have DA for a lot reconfig in toowoomba. They are alot cheaper.

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