All Topics / The Treasure Chest / low property prices == low rents ?

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  • Profile photo of madeinoz

    What I seem to find is that the rents of properties under $100K (in regional SW of WA) seem to be proportional to the property prices i.e. a property for $95K gets $120/week and never make it close to the 11 second rule?[:(] and cheaper properties are getting cheaper rent still.

    How is it possible to find one that has positive cashflow with such low rents?

    Profile photo of deckartjazzdeckartjazz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14

    It is possible, you just have to look harder.

    I have found at least one in the last week, though the numbers were rather tight it was still positive cashflow.

    Profile photo of madeinoz

    I haven’t given up, and still looking hard. it is frustrating with such low rents around

    Profile photo of KennyC

    Yes I found 2 in the last week, however there are some problems with the property. Need to get quoted on how much it will cost to repair

    Profile photo of KennyC

    Believe and you will find! =)

    Profile photo of maggiemaggie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 34

    Hi everyone,

    Can you guys tell me how you do it? Where do you start when you look in regional areas?

    I have tried using the Internet it got me nowhere!!!


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