All Topics / The Treasure Chest / in the last week

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  • Profile photo of MarketmadMarketmad
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 30


    I dont want you too give to much away if you dont want to about this purchase but being a sydney sider myself where can you get this much rental ,and for that matter a waterfront for 640k in Sydney.
    Is it not a typical house, maybe multiple dwelling…???

    Just exchange on waterfront property in Sydney City, $640k and rental income of $850 pw for 12 months

    Profile photo of MagellanMagellan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 50



    I dont want you too give to much away if you dont want to about this purchase but being a sydney sider myself where can you get this much rental ,and for that matter a waterfront for 640k in Sydney.
    Is it not a typical house, maybe multiple dwelling…???

    Just exchange on waterfront property in Sydney City, $640k and rental income of $850 pw for 12 months

    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    close to 600 readers and 2 maybe 3 +ve cashflow properties

    olorin sledge – did the numbers stack – up??

    happy hunting[8D]


    Profile photo of olorinsledge


    olorin sledge – did the numbers stack – up??

    I’m yet to call, will call today. Though I’m kinda scared… lol. I only have 1 IP and I didn’t exactly do much research when buying it (read -ve) so asking all these questions off Real Estate agents is abit daunting for me.

    Bah – [:I]

    Profile photo of RedliliaRedlilia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 25

    Where did you buy? Bought one recently and still
    waiting for settlement. Don’t think can get that
    high rents!


    Just exchange on waterfront property in Sydney City, $640k and rental income of $850 pw for 12 months

    Profile photo of suzieqsuzieq
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 149

    Does any one ever look at country WA? There are still plenty of pos cash flow properties, but you really need to do your research as I’m sure some are dud deals.

    Profile photo of rx2_73rx2_73
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24


    That’s alright, $44,200 in rent and $30-$33,000 IO repayments, leaves $14-$16,000pa for everything, including principle repayments.

    These number just don’t add up? Ok 44,200 in rent which is $850*52 is correct. Where did you get 30-33,000 in IO payments? the property is 640,000 less deposit of lets say 20% = 512,000. At a normal rate of 8% that equals 40,960 in IO payments per annum. So IO payments are greater than rental income, thus making a loss And these calculations don’t take into consideration closing costs!!

    So it is far from a good +ve cashflow property.

    Profile photo of carmen_cccarmen_cc
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    Hi Michael,

    Is it possible to tell me where you found these properties — roughly which area? Cos I haven’t found any.



    Yep, country NSW. 2 x 1/4 acre blocks, one with a dwelling, price is $4,000, rent is $60pw.

    $3,120 / $4,000 = 78% ROI or COC. Father died, son doesn’t want it. Yes, some repairs, but being owner-builders with all the gear, it’s not a big deal for us.

    Two other IPs, not quite as good, but more the norm:

    Country NSW, 1/4 acre with dwelling $60,000, rent is $130. ROI = 11%, or COC (20% dep) = 56%.

    Country NSW, 1/2 acre with dwelling $55,000, rent $130. ROI = 12%, or COC (20% dep) = 61%.

    (Unfortunately we had to give this last one up because of the friggin wankers at St George taking 11 weeks for finance. I’ve stopped looking until our “new” finance arrangements have come through).


    Profile photo of olorinsledge



    That’s alright, $44,200 in rent and $30-$33,000 IO repayments, leaves $14-$16,000pa for everything, including principle repayments.

    These number just don’t add up? Ok 44,200 in rent which is $850*52 is correct. Where did you get 30-33,000 in IO payments? the property is 640,000 less deposit of lets say 20% = 512,000. At a normal rate of 8% that equals 40,960 in IO payments per annum. So IO payments are greater than rental income, thus making a loss And these calculations don’t take into consideration closing costs!!

    So it is far from a good +ve cashflow property.

    Presuming an 8% interest rate is where your calculations are wrong. At 6 to 6.5% interest, I believe his numbers weigh up ok.

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