All Topics / The Treasure Chest / A rare breed indeed…

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  • Profile photo of willrogerswillrogers
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 25

    Hello Steve, things are definately happening on this site, I ve just recently found out that these sites are around and that there are people facing the same issues that I am. I had a look at your wealth tips site and realise that Ive got a lot to learn to become a player in this game. Its great and thanks for putting in the effort to pass on your information and making it accessible to newbies like me. Its already made a big difference to my level of understanding. But, I really dont believe that 99% of people are that bad, some times we are just moving too fast to take the time to get to know people. Thanks again

    Profile photo of CaerylaCaeryla
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Peoples,

    Like many of the other newbies to the scene, I do not know much and thus can’t really help with any questions…with additional ones of my own! So, I’d like to thank you all for replying to my posts, its been appreciated heaps and heaps [:D]


    Profile photo of DavidU


    Funny…Just over 20 replies and virtually everybody thinks that they’re a giver.

    What does this mean?

    Either, we’re a bunch of excpetional people; or

    We’re pretty much all delusional…[:)


    David U

    Profile photo of Kirby319Kirby319
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 120


    Most people aren’t anywhere near as bad as the doom sayers seem to think. I could say that 9 out of 10 people are ok and generally honest and giving in one way or another.

    It’s all a matter of degrees and throwing around numbers and percentages doesn’t mean much to me. If only 1% of the population was “decent” the world would be completely screwed. Attaching numbers to subjective qualitative assesments can create missleading impressions.

    In any event you cant judge people simply through this forum alone., that’s simplistic and narrow minded.

    I understand this forum to be about discussing ways to maximize property investment performance through the exchange of views on the subject. After all most IPs are cash negative, thus we all are looking to get the edge so we can succeed in IP. Nothing wrong with that.

    Outside of this forum is life, about which few of us really know about what’s going on in each others lives.

    The forum is just an electronic message board to exchange ideas, rather than a court room in which others are judged by fellow forumites, who just like pointing the finger and exulting themselves from criticism, by criticising others. That’s high and mighty and nobody is that perfect. [;)

    Brilliantly put! [:)

    Profile photo of DavidU

    Hi Kirby

    I have to agree with you 100%. Perfectly put in a nutshell.


    I read comments, from people that have posted to this thread, in other threads that show people are in for the quick cash out or top dollar and then say they are givers, I don’t think so.

    The above comment really grated phlegmatic old me. Smacked of a certain degree of piety.

    David U

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi everyone,

    From the moment we are born, we take. We take nutrients from our mothers in utero, but we also may give the mother a sense of pleasure at being pregnant.
    Human nature is about a balance between giving and taking. We take in Air and we give out CO2, we give friendship and we take comfort from others.
    Sometimes we loose track of what is the real importance of the things we do in life. I guess the real question could be something like ‘What grounds you?’
    Sometimes when you are in a profession where you deal with people all day, you can sometimes feel you are giving of yourself all day, but you get nothing in return.
    As a nurse, I knew that the actions I did during the day brought happiness/wellbeing/contentment to the clients I nursed. When I felt that I had become a product of the crippled Health care system and that I couldn’t be to my clients what my idea of a nurse was, I stopped and looked for another avenue with which to find myself.
    Without input and taking from others, you cannot gauge how best to give or supply to people.
    Selfishly taking, is a different matter. I think it stems from a type of anger or discontentment.
    It is my hope that whatever manner of business, investing or personal journey anyone embarks on, that they strive for a balance of give and take. Sometimes it takes a long time to see the benefits of one’s actions, so I hope that people (including those in people based businesses) who work with people daily, don’t get dissillusioned with the work they do, thinking that it’s one sided. Even a smile is receiving something.

    Sooshie [:)

    “Giving is a Blessing, receiving is the bonus”

    Profile photo of MichaelLongMichaelLong
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 36

    Sooshie what can i say… you have a way with words!! Brilliant reply with which i agree wholeheartedly!!
    Every person born unto this earth is both a giver AND a taker. I think it would be fairer to state that each individual will tend to find a balance which will lean to one or the other, however at the end of the day not ONE of us – or anyone on this planet – would survive for long being only a giver or a taker. And i pose this question… if we were all givers (which is portrayed as the “good” personality trait) and there were indeed no takers, who would the givers give to??
    I am both a giver and a taker… and proud of this fact. If i wasnt comfortable with, and didnt recognise being both a giver and a taker, i would indeed be kidding myself!!! Balance is the key!

    “There will never be another now — I will make the most of today.
    There will never be another me — I will make the most of myself.” — Robert H. Schuller

    Profile photo of Rocky2002Rocky2002
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Steve,
    Just wanted to add my two bobs worth. I am new to this group having only made two postings but love the positive vibes that are generated here. The friendliness of the replies to postings engender confidence especially when you are new and just finding your way with this IP jargon. Thank you.

    Profile photo of jempirejempire
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 19

    Well said Sooshie!

    Profile photo of StephanieStephanie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 13

    Sooshie and Michael – Nice work.

    Balance DOES seem to be the key. If no one receives, no one can enjoy the experience of giving.

    This is a bit long, but a favourite.

    “I have always had a dream that when I am asked to give an accounting of my life to a higher court, it will go like this: ‘Empty your pockets. What have you got left of your life? Any dreams left unfulfilled? Any unused talents we gave you that you still have left? Any unsaid compliments or bits of love you haven’t spread around?’
    and I will answer joyously ‘I have nothing to return. I spent everything you gave me. I’m as naked as the day I was born.”

    Erma Bombeck, March 10 1987 (Detroit Free Press)

    Keep getting nude guys…and Thanks

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi there,

    Stephanie, my son was the only one allowed to go nude in Fiji [;)

    I know I don’t have a background in Finance, property or the like, but I have had some experiences in the area and I strive to learn more about property. Whilst doing this, if someone reads my post and avoids the mistakes I’ve made, then I’m happy, even if I don’t know the individual personally.

    Once, my sister (who was going through a Nutty stage at the time and driving me crazy with her indicisivness) said to me “Your so selfish sis, you don’t call me!” and I answered her “Yep, sis, I am. At this time of my life, I need to be so that I can exist to give another day”. I kind of stunned my sister, but after explaining myself to her, she understood. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes, but it still boils down to achieving a balance.

    Sooshie [:)

    “Giving is a Blessing, receiving is the bonus”

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