All Topics / Value Adding / My renovation challange

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  • Profile photo of karen.karen.
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 196

    wow good luck with the reno!!!  i renovated a house a year back but it wasnt as intense as ur reno :)

    Profile photo of sonyasal

    Wow, you have been busy!! The kitchen is looking great, keep us updated.

    Profile photo of CatalystCatalyst
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1,404

    WOW!! Looking good so far. I'd love to get your final figures.   Start my reno in 5 weeks. Not as extensive as yours. New kitchen, bathroom, dividing a room in two. One new window, strip ALL wallpaper, paint etc etc.

    Profile photo of NBS

    I can say at this stage I have spent $24900. I can say I was not expecting to replace the louvers to sliders but this was done 1. for resale and 2. agents said it would be easier to rent being secure and looking around the area its seemed very very few louvers in place.

    The roof tiles was simply a mistake on my part forgot what heat and water do to tiles. These two hit me a bit over $ 7300. But with cost savings in other areas I have reduced the hit a fair bit but thats learning and I am more aware for the next outing.
    I am happy with the progress and if things don't go pear shaped I hope to be finished the inside by the end of the month. Then I can venture outside.

    I have someone keen to rent the place will look at getting $320 but will reduce the rent while I am working outside which will take a couple of months.

    The problem is I am working alone and I'm ummmmm not 20 anymore and what the brain thinks will get done the body has the last say by days end it rarely is the same. 

    The best part is I am enjoying doing my own place.

    Will try and take some photo's and post for anyone interested

    Anyway til next update


    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    Inspiring stuff Brian – well done!


    Profile photo of Solomon10

    Looking good mate, you must be going through lots of coffee to get so much done in so little time!

    Profile photo of JessWJessW
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 46

    Looking great Brian – would love to see some more photos!


    Profile photo of NBS

    Well the place is coming along rather well,  I will post some photos ASAP now that the tiles have been installed.  

    So now just a few bits of skirting, door locks and some bits and peices to do, final clean of the ceilings, walls and floors. Phew
    Hopefully by Tuesday end I will be ready to change into some painting gear.  Its now just ticked over 3 months but I've only been doing it part time which is a bit of a bugger but I can see the light to finishing the inside.


    Profile photo of NBS

    Well plumbers are on site hooking things up under the house, yipee running water (alas NO) Just got call from plumber and the water main to the house burst (of course it would) now have to dig pipe up and renew &%$@,  that sounds like a job for my son tomorrow. 

    Anyway still on track to be ready Tuesday have uploaded some more photos.

    Of course now the hard part what colour to paint the inside hmmm.


    Profile photo of NBS
    Well its been a long time since I last posted and a lot has happened, I have been delayed due to various reasons and had to go to Darwin for a few weeks which has put me back somewhat. At least I'm back now and get back into it. To date the place has been painted, floors polished, all plumbing now completed, outside has been cleaned up and now I can get onto the finishing stuff such as Shelfs in builtins, a few tiles in laundry, bits and peices of painting, complete front and rear door, put all the door handles on, install curtains and clean the place etc. Carpets coming Thursday. Then I can head outside and basically paint soffits, gutter and fasicas. 

    Spoke with agent today and he said get the inside completed and we can rent it out as they have people waiting. Good news which will suit me having monies coming in at least.

    The issue I will have is getting a valuation as the outside needs to be completed first, giving me the best chance to get a higher / better valuation for refinancing.   

    For anyone that is interested I have posted my expences to date, I have not updated my figures and the amounts in italic are the expected amount except the electrician, still to pay is also the engineer. Which is $900.00 once I get all figures will give a final update. At this stage I'm happy and as they say "better for the outing". I have also a number of other places I have now looking at and keen to move forward. 

    My aim was to have the place completed for as close to $230000 as possible and at the moment I'm still a little under $6100 to go to meet this target. This of course does not include holding costs at the moment.

    The main hit on my budget was the windows and re roofing half the place as neither was included, in saying that have still managed to keep the budget overflow to a minimum.

    I will be back into it on Thursday and get stuck into it a pity I'm also back at work which will slow me up a bit (bugger) I choose to install new aluminium windows and I'm pleased I did it looks a lot better.

    I will try and post some photos up later today.


    House Purchase 190,000.00
    Stamp Duty 5,075.00
    Convayencing 941.50
    Renovation Costs 34,000.00
    Building Search Council 52.00

    Total $ 230068.50


    Item Cost
    Timber $523.43
    Bolts / washers $155.67
    Mortice Lock $28.24
    Everyday Tree Lopping $960.00
    Roof Tiles $1,092.30
    Plasta Masta Plaster $1,893.08
    Dishwasher $699.00
    2 x Air Cons $1,338.00
    Euromaid oven hotplate rangehood $999.00
    Delivery $60.00
    General materials $27.54
    Plaster screws and glue $22.96
    Timber and concrete for bath $93.10
    Window screws $17.20
    Plaster mouldings and pipe clips $7.30
    Villaboard / timber / miscellaneous $182.67
    Timber /miscellaneous $24.39
    Timber $49.20
    Roof Tiler $2,552.00
    Bins 1x 8m 1x 6m $605.00
    Windows $4,114.00
    Kitchen $4,366.18
    Plasterer $1,753.00
    Electrician $6,363.00

    Total $27,926.26


    Profile photo of NBS

    Hopefully this will work.

    I have put a few more photo's on at the bottom.


    Profile photo of Solomon10

    Floors look good mate!

    Profile photo of sonyasal

    This looks fantastic, you would not know it was the same house. I wish i had the knowledge, skills and bravado to take on such a reno. I hope you achieve a great return.

    I ams tressing about the condition my property has been left in by a tenant that has done a runner and apparently left a mess, three months and the 'property manager' staill hasn't organised for it to be cleaned up. not tenantable as it is.

    Profile photo of House CallHouse Call
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 165

    Looks fantastic Brian.  Inspirational!

    Your costs don't include paint.  Also what did you do your floors with?

    Profile photo of NBS


    Yes I noticed this and as I have yet to do a "final" cost, I will be adding the painting then. I will put this together ASAP so I can organise depreciation schedule for taxation. 

    I have a few other things to be added like builtins and the water main to house ruptured when water was turned on so had to replace this, regulator for the gas hot water died during the reno so had to get that repalced as well.

    Of course paint will be included :)

    House Call wrote:
    Looks fantastic Brian.  Inspirational!

    Your costs don't include paint.  Also what did you do your floors with?


    Profile photo of wisepearl

    Hi Brian,

    I’d love to message/email you if possible, am just considering a burnt out reno deal right now and would be keen to hear from you if you think it was all worth it, and any warnings!! Your profile doesn’t accept messages, so I’m hoping I can post in here and you may still be around!! my email is: wisepearl (at)


    Profile photo of MrWinfieldMrWinfield
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 17

    ah… is anyone home? where did everyone go?…….surely this thread isn't finished!

    Profile photo of wisepearl

    MrWinfield – it was an old thread I was hoping to breathe some life into, due to my own investigations into a burnt house as a reno deal… but the thread owner NBS hasn’t been around for most of this year… Hoping it may come back to life but its not looking promising!

    Profile photo of sonyasal

    Emma, you may have more luck getting feedbakc form people who have 'been there, done that' by starting your own new thread. As you have noted the original author of this thread hasn't commented for a while. But there may be other people on the forum who have also completed or avoided similar renos.



    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 574

    Contact Nathan Birch, he is the expert on renovating burnt out houses.

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