All Topics / Overseas Deals / further research for USA investing.

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  • Profile photo of KimberlyKimberly
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 44
    Positive Aussie wrote:
    Hi Rosa, I completely agree with you when you say you are looking for just good investment, does NOT matter if other people are running it. After all, in compare to the amount of time overseas property due diligence takes, it is much wiser to get some professional help. Even after paying their fee, it will be a worth while to do it. I am looking for Florida property. I have selected few buyers agents so far like (1) (2) Cash for (3) But I haven't contacted them, will call them tomorrow. I know, few buyer agents will read this post as well; and will try to convince me with all types of data (about their companies and their "preferred" states), but I like to request them that I will do my own research which company is most suitable for me. Thanks.

    I'm interested to know which one you ended up going with?
    And what made the decision for you?

    Profile photo of RickH

    I too have had contact with buykcproperty. They had a property that was well priced and looked to be well presented (from pics i saw, didnt see in the flesh), but as per previous post it was gone before i made a decision on it.
    They appear to know their local market very well indeed.

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs
    IMC Newbury wrote:
    Rosa, My advice, its worth what you paid for it, is don't………………. You got to be absolutely nuts to take a personal loan to buy US property. You will never get enough net return to be even close to an even cash flow. World gone mad… greed rules………………… crazy

    As a US Real estate broker mortgage banker and investor I could not agree more with your reply, Do not borrow at such high rates to buy US cash flow properties. Especially super low end ones you will no doubt have a bad financial experince.

    Although us Americans love the influx of capital especially Home depot and the supply companies.

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs
    munecita20027739 wrote:
    My advise to anyone looking at any of these companies is to understand what they are buying. You need to understand what price was previously paid for the property you are looking at buying.

    I have looked at some buyers agents operating out of Australia and the properties being offered. The first thing I do is type the address of the property into and look at the price history and see what it was last listed for.

    I also do a general search of the propertyaddress  on google and see what comes up including looking at the prices of surrouding properties.

    I have seen properties in Memphis being offered on buyers agents lists for around 35k that were listed for sale for $8,500.  I have seen properties offered to Australian Investors for sale at 62k in Toledo Ohio that were last sold for 13k.

    Dont get me wrong, I think the US presents an incredible investing opportunity right now but NOT if you pay too much for the property.

    If you don't know how to look up the sale history of a property I suggest you don't buy it.

    Those prices you quote are wholesale as is, the houses then need to be rehabbed, However I could not agree more the Toldedo example I would bet they have no more than 20 to 25k into the house and the seller is making a huge fee. Plus Toledo is dead. If one were to pay 62k for rental you will have paid far more than true market value that being what Local investors will pay for rentals.

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs
    RickH wrote:
    there will always be a mark up if a company buys and renovates to on sell. They will always add the renovation cost as well as a margin (profit).
    I believe they do make good money on reselling but you are paying for the service and also it seems they work the prices out to acheive a gross return somewhere between 10 and 15%.
    My thoughts are not aimed at any certain company but just in general across the board.

    Your way low on the % profit. some of the more competitive markets may have this low of profit for the flipper. Upper mid west at least the example of the OHIO properties I can pretty much guarantee these are marked up more like 50%

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    sounds like your dealing with reality and not fantasy,

    10% NET return is much more realistic than 17% or 18% or 20%..

    Like I have posted it amaze's me how intellegent the Aussie investor is on our market.

    then they totally fall down on the fact that there are on going maintenance expenses and vacancies. I guess its wishful thinking.

    Vegas could be a 10 year market. I am looking for a property personally there right now as my kids live there and bought a great deal a house that was 1 mil they picked up for 330k and put about 50 into it. but it would only rent for 1500. You need to be careful in vegas as there is a lot of downward pressure on rents because there are so many vacant homes.

    I agree with your methodoligy in what your buying, I do not and have never liked Condo's though the HOA;s kill you and god forbid there is a construction defect lawsuit that renders your property un saleable and un able to finance. Right now there are just too many great buys to be looking at condos in my personal opinion, Unless of course your going to use it personally then they can be a good choice, Just make sure the HOA is rock solid.

    At the end of the day though your selling a property, your making some money somewhere your agents are making a commission and you have no vested interest in the property after it close's the buyer is on their own with the property manager
    This is the critical componant of any rental investment in the states And luck and circumstance play a big role. YOu can get a good property manager and you can get a bad one this will determine the success of the investment, any one can source US properties heck there are millions for sale. its the long term management thats the key, and setting up realistic return expectations.

    Its amusing to see those who bought poperties share their veiws here when they have gotten one or two checks. I would like to hear from people that have gotten check 38 or 52. and how their expenses have tallied up over the years thats the true test of a rental not the first 6 months or year.  YOur still in the honeymoon stage.

    Good luck on your company and again us US tax payers deeply appreciate the Aussie investor bringing their money from AU to America where would we be if not for this investor class buying up our low end properties? Its huge for the economy. Just think of all the houses that get rehabbed thats putting some carpenter to work. that is bringing business to Home Depot and Lowes
    selling our durable goods and appliances. And in a lot of neighborhoods its stalling off the inevitable IE the houses will go through one more cycle then they will be abandoned and torn down or burned down as is the case in a lot of the upper mid west and parts of New York.

    Now is absolutly the time to buy US property just be careful, check your demographics and do not be a pig on the return 7 to 10% return is the Norm for rentals over the long haul if your going to properly maintain them and have a few vacancies along the way.

    Profile photo of Leonard11Leonard11
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 10


    Thanks mate keep in touch any advice is welcome and taken on board

    There will always be people who will take an unrealistic view on returns v capital gain .

    In Australia if you get a good rental return you don’t get any capital gain

    If you get capital gain you don’t a good rental return most capital cities in Australia return net 1 or 2 % if your lucky

    This is a great chance for Australians and Americans if we do it right.



    American Properties

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs
    IMC Newbury wrote:
    Rosa, My advice, its worth what you paid for it, is don't………………. You got to be absolutely nuts to take a personal loan to buy US property. You will never get enough net return to be even close to an even cash flow. World gone mad… greed rules………………… crazy

    As a US investment  firm I could not agree 1000% more, those who borrow against their personal residence to buy US properties on their own are going to have at least a 50% mortality rate.

    Just ask yourself where are all these foreclosed hosues coming from, 50% from landlords that gave up becasue the expenses far exceeded what was represented and after loosing untold thousands gave up and let the bank have them.

    And or stratigic defaults property lost so much value they walked.

    Profile photo of condev

    Hi All,
    I have just bought two properties in Rochester NY, without visiting the USA. My agent took heaps of photo's and Skype, building inspections and title insurance I now net a 30% reutrn.(yes net of taxes(rates)maintenance and fees). I did not officially finance them, I just put it on the mortgage. Total investment USA $42000, which converted to A$40,500.
    YES, I have been paid for two quarters of net return

    kind regards

    Profile photo of condev

    Hi Jayhinricks,
    You have to put it into perspective. We were thinking of building a $20,000 shed but instead bought a $20,000 house with a net return of $6000pa. It will be debt free after 3 years vs a car?

    I have now sold my investment property in Australia and will pay off some debt, and then invest $200,000 and aim for a net $70-80,000 pa net return.
    Now while I understnd the risk of putting all my eggs in one basket, they were in one (possibly overvalued) basket  in Australia before.
    kind regards

    Profile photo of condev

    Hi All,
    The one thing I as an Australian foun difficult to understand about the investing in the USA is the amount of violent crime and it's a rule that you don't invest in an area that features on the crime map. The tennants who are prepared to live with that are not good.
    kind regards

    Profile photo of MakingTheJumpMakingTheJump
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Rosa,

    My loan is in Australia which I pay from my money here and I am keeping the rent money in the US with a view to bringing it back over when the AU dollar drops. Although it might be short term pain, if you can service the loan in Aus and keep the US money over there, it could pay off in spades if and when our dollar drops.

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs
    condev wrote:
    Hi All,
    I have just bought two properties in Rochester NY, without visiting the USA. My agent took heaps of photo's and Skype, building inspections and title insurance I now net a 30% reutrn.(yes net of taxes(rates)maintenance and fees). I did not officially finance them, I just put it on the mortgage. Total investment USA $42000, which converted to A$40,500.
    YES, I have been paid for two quarters of net return

    kind regards

    sounds great please report back after you have had a few years under your belt your in the honeymoon period.

    Rochester passed city ordinance against selling certain properties to foreigners because there was a firm in GB totally ripping people off.

    even if you do not get 30% and you get 10% returns once you have a few years of true expense's thats still a great return. will you ever sell the properties for more than you paid for them,  Doubtful.  remember who ever sold them to you made some sort of profit probably 10k per house minimum and probably more.

    there is no way after 6 months of ownership where you can establish your true returns. experinced investors always look at 24 months of P and L .



    Profile photo of jayhinrichs
    condev wrote:
    Hi Jayhinricks,
    You have to put it into perspective. We were thinking of building a $20,000 shed but instead bought a $20,000 house with a net return of $6000pa. It will be debt free after 3 years vs a car?

    I have now sold my investment property in Australia and will pay off some debt, and then invest $200,000 and aim for a net $70-80,000 pa net return.
    Now while I understnd the risk of putting all my eggs in one basket, they were in one (possibly overvalued) basket  in Australia before.
    kind regards

    Dream on ,   ( and I do not mean to be rude) if one could make that kind of return the whole of the US would be weathly beyond dreams and Oz investors would never get a deal. Do you really think if you could make that kind of return that the US investor would not own every property avaliable. These are just not realistic or sustainable only in a sales brochure and in your wants and wishes.

    Hi All ……….. Does anyone have any information about (or can direct me to where I can get it) about this crew, please ?

    International Investment Property Group (IIPG PTY LTD) and
    IIPG Limited Liability Company (IIPG LLC)

    Looking forward to the feedback


    Profile photo of RickH
    MakingTheJump wrote:
    Hi Rosa,

    My loan is in Australia which I pay from my money here and I am keeping the rent money in the US with a view to bringing it back over when the AU dollar drops. Although it might be short term pain, if you can service the loan in Aus and keep the US money over there, it could pay off in spades if and when our dollar drops.

    Make the jump : what about US taxes. You wouldnt be able to claim any of the the loan against your income would you ?
    I may be wrong as I have yet to to takle a US tax return …….

    Profile photo of luke86luke86
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 470
    RickH wrote:
    MakingTheJump wrote:
    Hi Rosa,

    My loan is in Australia which I pay from my money here and I am keeping the rent money in the US with a view to bringing it back over when the AU dollar drops. Although it might be short term pain, if you can service the loan in Aus and keep the US money over there, it could pay off in spades if and when our dollar drops.

    Make the jump : what about US taxes. You wouldnt be able to claim any of the the loan against your income would you ?
    I may be wrong as I have yet to to takle a US tax return …….

    Depending on how you are structured you may be able to. If you loan the money to the US entity at a commercial interest rate, and have the loan agreement so the interest is capitalised, then I believe you would be able to claim it.

    Of course before you invest in the USA you would have sorted this all out with your accountant.


    Profile photo of PortpiratePortpirate
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 47

    Starting to look like a no-brainer. Interest rates set to rise again in Oz. Lowest home sales in 27 years and talk of recession. If the USA could just borrow a few bucks off Steve Jobs, we could all breathe easy and buy more US property. Although, with the USA being flat broke, maybe we would better off just buying the whole country. $200 should do it. Anyone?

    Profile photo of LLCWLLCW
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 29

    Rosa, just wanted to say thanks for sharing your experiences with us all thus far…. it really does help the little people who are just starting out :)

    Am researching this crew, found this on my travels.

    Any opinions ?

    Thank you

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