All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Roll Call

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  • Profile photo of minnie303minnie303
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    Hi All

    I’ve read all of the profiles posted and you all sound like great people. Initially I figured all here would be uni grads or high flying financiers, but far from it (I will fit in well ! [:D



    Profile photo of ADAD
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 636

    Hi Kooringal,
    The duplex wasn’t on Shaw Road was it by chance??

    AD [:0)]

    “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

    Profile photo of cashflowcashflow
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    Hi everyone, i’m James and i only found this forum a week ago.

    I’m a single guy aged 29 and i live alone with my dog “Fudge” in Albert Park, Melbourne.
    I’ve been investing in property since i bought my first IP when i was 19 and i’ve now got 6 IP’s worth $3m, mostly period houses which i enjoy renovating.

    They’re all starting to become cashflow positive because i’ve paid off a lot of the principle and now have a LVR of about 40%.
    I’m into buy and holds with capital growth being my main criteria because i know it’s the basis for real wealth. Nothing wrong with cashflow positive properties but they’re so hard to find now with the market being over-priced, and i don’t like buying cheap houses in country towns.

    I also like to dabble in shares and have been pretty lucky with my trading.
    My aim is to retire within 5-7 years and live off my rental income while i travel around South East Asia and the Indian Subcontinent doing volunteer work in orphanages and meditation retreats.

    Profile photo of jars11jars11
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    Cashflow. Im impressed. I better get moving on this stuff!

    Profile photo of walkernickwalkernick
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 68

    Hey Cashflow,

    Awesome story and a great inspiration for all us other youngsters (im 20) to get going now!

    I look forward to reading more of your posts in future.


    “Be courageous enough to act immediately…do not be afraid to Dare” – Mark Fisher

    Profile photo of LeighLeigh
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 130

    Better late than never, I did try to post a reply in this thread last week but the internet cut out on me.

    Anyway I’m 21 years young, grew up in Warrnambool, Vic. now living in Melb. I’m a final year Entrepreneur student at RMIT (only a couple of months to go!), I’m a part of the first year through so we’ve practically designed the course for both ourselves and the years to come.

    Coming from a position of no savings, no income, no credit record and no respect in the industry (age still seems to be of disadvantage when trying to look serious about business) I’ve been busy gathering up all of the knowledge I can and trying to sort out who does what, what works and what doesn’t, what will be the best entry strategy for myself and where am I wanting to be 2, 5, 10 years down the track. Now that I have the confidence and some background learning I feel it’s time to get the ball rolling. I’ve been working on several business plans over the last 6 months and I plan to have my first company trading on the 15th of September after several months of market research/testing.

    Money is very tight at the moment as I’m putting every cent into research, start up capital for the company and snowboarding funds! How many of you forumites are snow bunnies? I’ve just come back from a week at Hotham, my cash position is so budgeted I hitched it up the mountain! Counting down the days till I’m back up there carving my way down the mountain…. 2 days to go!!!

    My personal thanks must go to all of the members of this forum (yes even Tails!) who have been so helpful in shaping the direction I’m heading in and arming me with knowledge and practical experience from your own investing situations [:)

    Cheers guys, its back to work on the business plan for me.

    “All the world’s a stage, and you choose the role you want to play on that stage” William Shakespear

    Profile photo of maximusmaximus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 189

    Must be my turn. First of all, GREAT IDEA Leigh.Have only recently discovered this site, (it is fantastic). Where do you start? My name is Marty, I’m 39, very happily married (to Karen) and have a 16 year old son (Jake) who is my life. We live in Sydney, but hope to move to Qld somewhere down the track. My life was turned around and upside down approx 7 years ago when I was involved in a motorbike accident and suffered back, neck and shoulder problems which have prevented me from working since then, although I still live in hope of returning to some form of work some day (any offers???). Not long after my acciddent my daughter passed away due to a terminal condition she had. So as you can imagine, life was fairly miserable for sometime afterwards. We managed to keep going (had no choice) as I firmly believe in “kick or be kicked”. It was somewhere around this time that I started getting interested in “some sort of property investment” idea that would help provide for us later on in years. We owned our PPOR so there was equity there, so we went and bought our first IP (negatively geared). It’s now been 5 years since we bought our first and we have added another 6 IP’s to our portfolio, some are negatively geared and some are “neutral” or on the verge of positve. Because I have the time, I do most of the research and phoning around etc involved with our IP’s. We basically believe in buy and hold, although in the future we’d like to sell our PPOR, reduce some debt and possibly even move into one of the IP’s in Qld. Sure, I’ve probably made mistakes with finance structures and cross-collateralising etc along the way which has cost me, but you learn real quick when you have to pay.We still hope to buy more IP’s but they are getting “harder to get” so to speak, but who knows. I’ll be happy when I can get us into a position where we have $1000 coming in from passive income (hopefully in about 5-6 yrs). Anyway guys, thats about it from me for now, so till next time, take care. Sorry, before I go, just wanted to say thanks to everyone who contributes to this forum, because I believe that every bit of info that gets out there helps someone.

    Profile photo of INVESTAINVESTA
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Good time to introduce myself.

    Just found this forum today and wish I did sooner.

    21 Years old from Brisbane and currently purchasing IP 2, first one is Neutral/Positive and have enjoyed a 27% increase in value in the last 12 months.
    2nd Property is a Queenslander 6km from CBD which was bought for Capital Growth and should do the job nicely.

    Look forward to gaining and sharing knowledge with other forum members on here.



    Profile photo of The DIY Dog WashThe DIY Dog Wash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 696

    Hi Folks

    It has been wonderful reading about all of you and thanks to those that have expressed their thanks and enjoyment too.[:D


    Leigh K

    Read, learn, grow but most of all just do it.

    Profile photo of kooringal

    Yes, it was. Please don’t tell me you bought it?


    Hi Kooringal,
    The duplex wasn’t on Shaw Road was it by chance??

    AD [:0)]

    “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

    Profile photo of kooringal

    [Hi Dave C, good to hear your story, and thanks for letting me know you and AD are ‘locals’…maybe let us know if there is an exciting property meeting on in this neck of the woods that would suit someone like us…and doesn’t cost TOOOO much money?

    (‘kooringal’ is the name of the little shack we recently bought at moffat beach at caloundra – apparently it means ‘place near water’…)

    it’s my inspiration – when I want to buy a mars bar, I think, that’s $1 that could go towards kooringal (well…sometimes when i want to buy a mars bar, I think that…other times I buy a mars bar and a packet of jelly babies…)

    you guys sound so POSITIVE, it is just so lovely to hear people being positive about buying houses – as I have previously mentioned, almost all of our friends are NOT property people, not that I know if we are either, but we would like to be…

    our friends have NO interest in discussing houses, strategies etc, they think we’re mad, so there’s no one we know ‘like us’ we can talk to, which is why I can’t believe how fantastic this forum is, how much knowledge there is out there and how many good ideas and how generous people are with passing on good tips.

    that ‘michael and kaye’ are fantastic too, i love reading their posts – where are you guys from?

    Hi Kooringal

    Both AD and myself are from the northern suburbs of Brissie. Not sure if there are any others out there on the forum lurking….please identify yourselves if you are out there…..

    Take care
    Dave [:)

    Profile photo of hwd007hwd007
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 247

    Lindy-d, David here from Melbourne. I suggest you make your first property investment and build equity in that and rent yourself to live in. You will get there faster that way.

    cheers. [8D]

    Profile photo of BKellyBKelly
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 2


    Funnily enough, Me & My Alias are one and the same.

    I’m a newby.

    In fact, this is the second ever post I have done on the internet. I have ben “forum phobic” since the internet existed. I’m no techno wiz, extremely unsure about how it all works, and let the fear control me….. Until Today!


    I am 38, have a magnificent wife Julie, and 2 beautiful boys (3yoa and 9mths)

    I have been interested and “story teller” active in property investing for about 6 years. Although, while my knowledge level is Ok my practical experience is not extensive. So the nerve still exist.

    I must give appreciation to all those posts prior to mine. You are an inspirational bunch. congratulations!


    Profile photo of scott

    Hi Kooringal,
    I’m from the north side of brizzy too.
    I’m in a simmilar situation to you where none of my friends are into property and all I ever want to talk about is property, so if you ever want a chat I’d be more than happy to get together sometime. I think AD is in the process of organising something official, for all the locals as well.


    Scott S

    P.S. my email is

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of DaveCDaveC
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 79

    Hi AD

    Do you need a hand to set anything up if you’re doing something official for us Brisbanites??

    Very happy to help…..

    Take care
    Dave [:)

    ps Kooringal, you can email me direct if you wish. Look forward to meeting you……

    Profile photo of SmithersSmithers
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Well after reading all those posts about everyone’s exploits I am inspired. I feel like the old man compared to everyone else.

    Go by name of Barry or Baz for short, 49 years and 36 months old, will never turn 50. Married three boys all over 18 and live in downtown Croydon Nth, Melbourne.

    Currently working as a Supply Chain Logistics Mgr for large computer company starts with H and ends with P. About to get out and do my own thing after 15 years service and leave the co for the younger ones. I have always been interested in property investments but never really had the G & T to get out and do it until a friend basically pointed me in the direction 2 years ago and I bought my first IP in Sydney. Started +ve but now -ve but good cap growth so holding on. Now have decided that as I have my own house as equity, (fully paid) and income stream with bank chasing me to lend more money I now want to “attack” the IP market. Have set a goal to have property investments in 5 years that will let me “retire”, so to speak but would really love to be doing PI full-time. Have super but that wont give me the same lifestyle as success in PI.

    Good friend of mine pointed me to this site only a day ago so I am a “Newbie” but have already had some good answers to a couple of questions and read a heap from others so already my knowledge base has increased 10 fold.

    Hope to communicate with you all at times.

    Fantastic site and very genuine people who post.



    Profile photo of EssykayEssykay
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 16

    Hi All,

    Nice idea this – tends to remove much of the anon syndrome from posting. Personally, I have gained alot of useful info from this site & it’s great to see such a varied bunch of people wanting to help others.

    My name is Steve. 38 yrs, fairly standard family -beutiful wife + 3 kids. All Australian and living in the Middle East (Qatar). I’m a chopper pilot a fly to oil rigs in the Persian Gulf + other wonderful places around the traps.Lived the tax free life for about 9 years and in all honesty, have probably wasted the first five of them.

    Bought my first IP at 20. You would probably think I should have it made having started back then. However, I was smarter than the average investor & decided I knew more than they. Laws of the Universe tend to sort mud from clay and lessons are learn’t!! Total disaster! -ve geared all the way and when my circumstances changed, so too did my fortune. Dug a whole so deep it took many years to climb out. Anyway, the best lessons in life are the hard ones!

    Was only able to begin re-investment plans about 3 years ago. Studied, read, planned & set goals etc and took it steady for the 1st 2 yrs. Only really ready to increase the pace over the last 12 mths.

    We have 7 IP’s and settle another 2 early 04. In the meantime, intend to purchase 3 more before year end. Very difficult & time consuming doing it from over here but not immpossible! Biggest problem is time-lag for courier packages back & forth when trying to meet deadlines.

    Basic plan – 32 cash +ve to personal criteria by 06 with re-investment of funds into good cap gain buy & hold. Move back to OZ in 06 and renovate/flip min 2 per yr + continue +ve purchases.

    Goal – stop flying, never retire, help underprivilaged kids find some hope.

    Cheers to all


    Profile photo of GavalynnGavalynn
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 13


    Profile photo of scott

    Hi Gav,
    It’s good to see you’ve started on the journey. I was in a similar situation to you until I found this site in January this year,broke and in my comfort zone(although not too comfortable!).
    Then after 3 months of research and procrastination I bought my first IP (actually I bought 2).
    There are plenty of people here to hold your hand, and your right once you buy the first and are comfortable with it, no one will be able to stop you(I live and breath it now[;)]!)
    Don’t fear making the wrong decision, just do your homework to make sure it’s the right one.[8D]

    Take care,
    Scott S

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of dnanz01dnanz01
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    This may come up twice as my computer crashed as I posted the reply, but here goes again anyway.

    I thought it was about time that I added to this forum.

    The name is Deanna, 31, married to David, 34 for almost 12 months.

    Pretty new to investing and wish that I knew 10 years ago what I know now. Never mind, it’s never too late to start.

    Hubby and I have combined income of about $140k and currently rent close to Sydney CBD, quite cheaply, I might add.

    David’s father (who are quite wealthy) are constantly on our case about buying ourselves a home and getting a mortgage. He does not understand that we are quite happy living in the area we live and don’t want to move further away from where we currently live. We cannot afford to buy in our area but instead want to buy IP’s out west and have someone else paying the predominant part of the mortgage if not all.

    We have just about finished writing our 10 year investing plan (pretty hard to do and very conservative). It sets out on paper our aims and a year by year description of how we will get to our goal and where we have to be at the end of year to achieve it. It truely is possible.

    I am totally knew to investment and wraps, but have the added advantage that because my husband’s dad is so keen to give us a mortgage, he has offered to match us dollar for dollar our savings, even towards an investment property. We are therefore aiming to with his help have $70-80k by Christmas and then get moving.

    The plan is to set up a company/trust and use property and shares to get to a passive and portfolio income of $100k pa within the 10 years.

    The goal for this new financial year is to get 2ips, either +ve geared or wrapped and have achieved passive and portfolio income of $3k. It’s very achieveable.

    So that’s us, I’ll keep you posted on how we’re going. But thanks I must say I am enjoying this site and the positive outlook everyone has and how you are all so willing to share ideas.

    Thanks to everyone that shares and makes this site so excellent.

    De [:)

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