All Topics / The Treasure Chest / The Positive Gear Company

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  • Profile photo of walkernickwalkernick
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 68

    Hey people,

    For those wanting a chuckle, check out I stumbled across this site from an ad on which read ‘Own a fantastic Sydney Investment Property from as little as $100p/w’.

    Hang on – positively geared, yet it’s costing $100 per week?? Anyway, read the site – I’m not sure how long these people have been in Australia, but the English is hilarious!. Check this out:

    “More & more increasing amount of Australians are turning to investment in Sydney based property to secure their future. (see time-line graph) as the Stock-market wont bounce back for a very long time – its had a hard run from the tec bubble to the accountancy mis-management”.

    I would think that calling themselves the Positive Gearing Company yet blatantly promoting negative gearing would lead to false advertising???

    Anyway, have a good public holiday

    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974


    Looked at the site.. $100 a week [:O]…well it’s positive for someone [:D

    Sooshie [:)]

    “Giving is a Blessing, receiving is the bonus”

    Profile photo of YarraYarra
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 20

    The “free” simulator is even funnier. Send them your name, address, how much you earn, etc. and they then say thank you for your submission! What a great mailing list that will make

    Profile photo of peterp

    What a hoot! I haven’t seen that many RE/investment satire sites, but this (apparently real) one will do for now.

    Clicking on ‘before you start’ revealed the following:

    1. ‘Getting into Investment & Property requires the assistance of experienced professionals’

    I’d rather trust my own judgement (informed by my own research, reading and discussion) over whoever’s responsible for that website any day.

    2. It would be good to have an explanation of the novel concept of ‘access in-equity’ (wheelchair ramps spring to mind)!

    3. ‘The financier is the last port of call’.

    Before spending time on looking for property, I’d rather organise the finance beforehand, so I can act quicky when an opportunity comes up.

    Also the requirements for what you need are not clear, so potential investors won’t be able to qualify themselves. And people on under $50k income and who don’t own their own home can get into IP, even if PGC doesn’t want them.

    And what makes me shaky is that the principal claims to be able to see into the future! That’s not for me; I’d rather an investment strategy that will work in a wide range of economic conditions as the ‘experts’ often get forecasts wrong.


    Profile photo of MathewMathew
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 41

    Do you think if we all sent them an email with the correct definition of positive gearing, they might realise what tossers they are. [:D



    Profile photo of scottscott
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 110

    Hi All
    They say they’re building a company like NRMA, but for property investors.
    Does that mean they’ll fix my IP’s when they break down, sounds like a great idea![;)]
    I’m sorry to say that I couldn’t get on to the simulator, so I’ll never know if I can get rich on my meager income.
    It is apparent that Harry has consuted a thesaurus and through the utilisation of such media has extracted numerous multi-syllable words of which he has a substandard comprehension![:D

    Scott S

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of LeighLeigh
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 130


    I have always specialized in Investment Property & Only for its Capital Growth – That’s were the wealth is!

    The positive gear [?] Hmmm…..


    This knowledge I now lend to the Australian Public – the ability to be able see into the future from lessons learnt from my past 22 years in the Sydney Real Estate market – since 1978.

    The crystal ball [?] Hmmm…..


    5 min’ from the GPO

    This was the catch selling point on a property!


    I humbly invite you to come and be involved in your success and we also constantly improving our weakest link within the company which only caters to Property Investors.

    WHAT THE [?]….

    Well deserving of a Thursday night appearance on Rove Live!

    “All the world’s a stage, and you choose the role you want to play on that stage” William Shakespear

    Profile photo of Dianne2Dianne2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 19

    I loved this bit describing one of their properties.

    “A mixture of 2 & 3 bedroom units in a nice complex. Situated in the lovely Hills area. En-suites available with single and double garages.”

    I always wanted to be able to drive my car into my en-suite!?


    “Make a decision, take the risk, pay the price, or reap the rewards”

    Profile photo of peterp

    I suppose we shouldn’t knock poor Harry too much!

    He’s probably a migrant, determined to succeed, but poor in written English. He knows some concepts (though apparently not positive gearing), and a few words, but can’t put them together in a form that makes sense.

    But he should have been aware of his weakness and hired someone literate in both property and English to do the website.

    OTOH, maybe it’s a good thing that the site is so doggeral as it should set warning bells ringing in the minds of even the most gullible of investor.

    Harry is easy to mock because he can’t write. Maybe it’s the flashy, slick-talking 110% borrowing presenters (who can write) we need to worry about more!


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