All Topics / Help Needed! / How do I tell if Property Investment Mentors are dodgy or reputable ??

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  • Profile photo of bundyanimalbundyanimal
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 15


    I am only putting this out there, as it has been mentioned a while ago.

    Even Steve has had some comments by Media Watch regarding his mentor scheme. Checkout link:

    I wouldn't go through a mentoring system…..Just do your research and start and you learn along the way.

    As you are wanting to buy a Qld investment from Perth…..if you don't want to come over and hunt for one, then it sounds like you need to get a buyers agent, not a mentor??

    Why spend a small fortune on a course?……. It could be a complete waste of money, but then again you might be lucky to get something out of it??

    I am open to learning, but do it via research and learning from my mistakes.

    Each to their own.

    Good luck in finding someone.

    Profile photo of WattoetteWattoette
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 19

    Thanks Ana, the plan works in theory I just have to put it into practice. If I am ever looking at reno's I may give you a call :)

    Maxine, Thank you for your input. I had a look at the Mackay apartments but I am not even considering Mackay as a High Growth area in the near future, if I was to invest in North QLD, I would be looking at Cairns as there sounds like there is a bit going on up there with Infastructure etc. The other area I am keen on is the SE of QLD as this is growing rapidly also….The only other option I am keen to look at is the Peel region in WA.

    These 3 areas are some of the biggest growing regions in Oz at the moment…..Although I was reading something the other day that pricked my ears up to NT, but not real sure on that, more investigation is required.

    Appreciate everyones input, it is all helpful

    Profile photo of kstarh3kstarh3
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 1

    Hi All concerned,

    I work in the industry as a property investment mentor. The simple answer is there is not only 1 person or company you need to rely on. You need 3 people:an accountant, a broker and a mentor. That way you are getting 3 independent opinions and dont have your eggs all in one basket. Always ask the consultant how they get paid and who pays them, if they have a problem telling you its definetly a sign to stay clear! If someone in the industry refers you to someone else in the industry always ask how much commission do you get for referral? never a good sign. The "good ones" in our industry do what we do becuase we love it, not because we try to get every penny we can.

    All the best :)

    Profile photo of AnaAna
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 79

    Hi kstarh3,
    I completely agree with you. But I would also add a solicitor to that mix :)

    Profile photo of Rexilla99Rexilla99
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 39

    Do some research on their background and speak to people who have previously used their mentoring services.

    Profile photo of Sailesh CSailesh C
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 62

    Property investing is really simple. What you need is a good mortgage broker who can help you with funding and then based on what you can afford try and buy the best located property close to the median price.

    Generally, you try and invest in a major capital city and try and be close to the city center or close to major road or rail network. My preferance is for good land content where possible. You also need to avoid buying at the tail end of a boom as you can end up paying too much. A flat or slow rising market is great as you have more time for research.

    Be prepared to invest interstate as market cycles are different in each state.

    Successful investors have been following this method for many years without the help of investment gurus. Most advisers charge huge secret commissions to developers to sell their stock so you need to be weary of who you deal with.

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