All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Australian Property Investing Masters

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  • Profile photo of Lizzie_2Lizzie_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 20

    Like Nessie I’ve been busy on the phone today too, inspired by the weekend. I’m off to look at a property this afternoon on auction this weekend, not quite on Nessie’s scale but you’ve got to start somewhere.
    It feels good to actually be doing something and just giving it a red-hot-go.

    Profile photo of agenttj21agenttj21
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    Hi fellow investors,

    I’m a newbie [:P] and would like to re-iterate the sentiments shared by everyone about the Masters Seminar.

    I have already lookd at 3 properties in my area and “talked the talk” with real estate agents [;)

    Thanks to all of the presenters at the seminar. I enjoyed hearing different prospectives from informed people on the real estate game.

    “Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.”

    Good luck!!

    Profile photo of brentbrent
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 165


    I think the most amazing part of the weekend wasn’t the weekend itself – it’s been hearing about the action you have all taken.
    I’m looking forward to hearing (and sharing) more stories with you all in the coming weeks and months.

    Thank-you to everyone who came along and made this years Australian Masters of Property Investing event absoloutely electric.

    Don’t forget 1 + 1 = 3 : Remember to look towards the forums and eachother for help, or if you just need a momentum boost.

    But most of all – happy investing!

    Brent Hodgson Admin

    Profile photo of AD

    Oops started a new post on similar lines without checking down further…..oh well.

    I had a hoot at the seminar and thanks go to all the guys and gals from[:D

    Don’t forget to keep that journal going…….

    AD [:0)]

    “”Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
    Albert Einstein

    Profile photo of longie

    Hi All,
    Well this is a first for me, I have lurked here for a while and learnt a great deal. After the weekend I just wanted to say thanks to all who participated so generously and to all the presenters.
    I’ve made my first move, I have started fixing some messy tax stuff to fix, hopefully they’ll still give me some money back?
    Thoughts, plans, and ideas are all a jumble at the moment, but a strategy is forming quickly, a few properties have been identified and research is underway .. plus trying to do a normal days work.
    Thanks again to all who made the weekend so valuable.


    “I love getting up in the morning. I clap my hands and say, ‘This is gonna be a great day.'”

    the late Dicky Fox, the original sports agent
    from the movie Jerry Maguire

    Profile photo of BeckyGordonBeckyGordon
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 49

    Hi all,

    Gordon and I are blown away! It was the best thing since sliced bread [:)

    I have written down all my immediate thougths so I don’t lose them, played some tapes from the trenches and rang up and made appointments to see a financial adviser & accountant on Fri, the Mort Broker on Wed.

    I must say that these guys who didn’t know me, knew that we had done our homework. As I stated certain criteria to them, they were amazed at how enthusiastic I was, knew what I wanted and how I was going to get it done. The first guy rang back within 20mins and organised 2 appointments with me. He was so enthusiastic. I’m amazed at how the energy can be transferred to others even over the phone. Wow!

    Del, we would love to get together and catch up with everyone and discuss how it is all going.

    I must admit that it was I (Becky) who suggested that Robyn shave her head!!! I felt so guilty that I approached her later on and promised her that I would keep in constant contact to help in any way I could and to keep her motivated…….

    I know how good you’re all feeling because I can’t get the smile off my own face [:D

    Gotta groove Gotta move!

    Becky & Gordon

    Profile photo of fastainvestafastainvesta
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14


    Met quite a few from qld – heard mentioned that some got together occasionally to swap tales!
    CAn someone let me know if I got it right and where and when?[:D

    Profile photo of TheBTheB
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 135

    Hi Everybody

    Wow am I tired !…..

    What an awesome weekend. It was really great to put faces to names and talk with so many of you.

    It is just great that so many people have already taken action too.

    I vividly remember taking our first steps and being very very frightened not that long ago. Don’t let it slow you down though, just embrace it and move forward.

    BTW The crew did have fun, under the skilful direction of Alina

    till next time (read this as “I gotta sleep now”)

    the B[:)

    Profile photo of AD

    Hey Fastainvesta,
    Drop me an Email and I will elt you know what some of us discussed.

    AD [:0)]

    “”Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
    Albert Einstein

    Profile photo of JimDoyleJimDoyle
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Gang

    After last weekend I have to act.
    One of my ah’s is I have an abundance of knowledge but a lack of action.
    So to date this is the action bit
    1. decided its ok to look stupid for a short time no one remembers anyway.

    2 started the journal entries for each day

    3 getting emails from for properties in my price range.

    4 have a possible active partner to leverage my time since I am in and out of the country a bit

    5 Robyn(wife) willing to assist in building r/e portfolio

    6 Will be meeting with first potential wrap clients 12th june.

    Carn’t do any more now as I’m in Sydney airport about to leave the country.

    Is this enough to be on the action side rather than the tyre kicking side

    Profile photo of longie

    During the round tables Stuart mentioned a guy called Michael Hewitt Gleeson and his book New Sell, which thought was out of print.(I am checking that up now and will advise.)

    Here’s a follow up for anyone interested.

    Michael’s expertise is thinking, he was awarded the very first PHD in Lateral Thinking .. you can read all about him on his sites.

    Michael has a number of websites of interest; or The School of Thinking – New Sell Coaching

    I have done some training with Michael before and enjoyed it, it pushes some beliefs along the way, so stay open.

    There is also some free training for 37 days on the School of Thinking site if you are interested, I signed up.

    “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

    Anne Frank (1929-1945)
    German diarist

    Profile photo of VioletaVioleta
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 10

    Hi All,

    I’m new on the forum but not new at loving, eating, sleeping, breathing real estate.

    I have crawled thus far, by stepping in, here and there to make purchases – but after the weekend’s fantastic fun I am now not planning to walk or run – but – to fly!!

    Thanks Steve and Dave….and thanks to all your other inspirational speakers.

    Good Luck to all.


    Profile photo of edgewise

    Hi all! Wow what a weekend!! Thanks Steve and all the gang for the hours of work it must have taken to put that all together. Isn’t it great to come back from something like the weekend and feel so enthusiastic and inspired that you just feel resentful that real estate agents aren’t open at midnight. It was also wonderful to put faces to the names.

    Steve! You have a real gift as a speaker and educator! Keep it up whether it be on the Forum or through other seminars. Thank you. You also told me that I had to stop reading the forum and post something and that I would start to learn more by doing that! Well, here’s my first step towards achieving my goals. My next hopefully before the end of the financial year is to have at least one property under my belt.

    Let’s see if I’m a doer or a “tyre kicker”
    See Ya!!

    Profile photo of AD

    Well done Edgewise…welcome to[:D

    AD [:0)]

    “”Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
    Albert Einstein

    Profile photo of edgewise

    G’day AD! Thanks! I was one of the Qld. crew and looking forward very much to contact with you and all the others! Can’t wait to get that email list.

    See ya!!!!

    Profile photo of WilinvestWilinvest
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    Hello All

    What Can I say. Inspiration plus. Steve, Dave and all presenters. What a fab job guys. I have been to a few seminars and this is the most valuable to date.

    Have been seriously working on my greatest fear, Heights, and seeing my children near a steap cliff. I have planned how I am going to attempt to get about this and it will happen this long weekend I hope. Steve what incouraging words did you use to conqure this fear? NO I AM DETERMINED.

    Have been working hard on a rental renewal that I have happening on an IP and problems kept creeping in. Now after the seminar I have the attitude of, heck what does it matter if I get $2 per ft. less if it is a win – win situation. I’m happy, they are happy.

    I have been listening to the tapes of Tales of the Trenches. I can honestly recommend these tapes to anyone. They will keep giving you the inspiration to keep going. They are great to listen to while you are driving form property to property to inspect.

    Nessie how did you go with your deal on Friday? Interested to know for the insparation to continue.

    Thanks again Steve and Co. And you will be pleased to know that the Dear Diary is a happening thing.


    Profile photo of scottscott
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 110

    Hi All,
    well 48 hours later my head is still spinning!
    firstly thanks so much to Steve, Dave, and all the crew it was an amazing weekend (I’m still recovering![|)]).
    I’ve spent every spare moment on the phone running up that bill,and already pin pointed new areas close to home that i,ll be checking out later in the week. Who knows I might even buy a couple more on the weekend!
    To those who had trouble with the game at the end your not alone, our group couldn’t even buy a property![:I] Still it was a good lesson on the importance of having a stratergy. Ithink clearer parameters might be needed in future, still I gained a lot from it.
    I’ve been addressing my fear, which after lying awake on saturday night,have realised is watching my life go by and not doing what it takes to achieve my goals because I’m scared of failing. So from now on I fear FEAR.[8D]
    It’s time I stopped rambling and let someone else have a go. Thanks to every one that I met on the weekend you ALL made it a pleasure! Hope to catch up soon , if not next time.

    Best wishes,
    Scott S[:D

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    Hi everyone,
    I just want to echo the sentiments of everyone and say that I had the best time. Last year I was probably the greenest person in the room – I hardly know anyone that owns their own home let alone investment properties. Last year everything was so full on that my brain used to hurt every night after the course. It probably took me 6 months to get my head around everything, then I started looking and have since purchased two IPs and intend to make an offer on a third this week.

    My Dad is here too and I’ve just bought him a new computer – an E-Mac! Yay! So I am looking forward to showing him how to join up on the forums too.

    oh yeah…so on to this year;’s event, I was amazed at myself that I could actually follow everything….having to do calculations at speed during the game was a bit challenging but I really got a lot out of it – basically validation that the deals i’ve found are as good as any if not better.

    I also thought there was a little more encouragement towards capital gain deals, with the Reno’s and Stuart really bringing this home, but also Steve as well.

    Anyway – my Dad is here and he wants to say hi too…
    so here he is…

    Dear Steve and everyone,

    What an amazing amount of energy you put into the two days, and how much motivation and enthusiasm you’ve given me to get cracking in the property investment market.

    I came to the seminar as a chartered accountant looking at such matters through chartered accountant eyes, but now you have given me the tools to see things quite differently.

    My sincere thanks for a really excellent two days.


    …and bye from Minimogul, see you all on the boards lots I hope.

    Profile photo of VickiGoodwinVickiGoodwin
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 2

    7,500 air miles later have arrived back at the office in Singapore with so many fresh ideas and thoughts about where life can go and what is possible from here. Looks like I could stand to become an even bigger BA/Qantas/Singapore Air customer over the next few years…..

    Was really great to meet so many like-minded people and I wish everyone the best of success in their future investment strategy.

    Many thanks to all speakers for a fantastic seminar, and absolutely first rate presentation throughout. The genuine enthusiasm and commitment really showed.


    Profile photo of williwilli
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 186

    Hi All..

    Well congratulations everyone…it seems as if we are all taking positive action steps straight away….

    longie – the book is out of print, well was last year. I picked up a copy a while back at a second hand book shop…thats the most likely place it find one.. I was talking with the man himself, Michael Hewitt Gleeson , a while back and he said the core of the items in NEW SELL are in his latest book ‘x10thinkers’, so this would be the best place to start.

    Hope this helps….


    …Beware of the dreamtakers…

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