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  • Profile photo of jabjam2004

    This is my ifrst foray into +CF investment and though i think the figures are OK, I’d like some confirmation and reality check.

    There are 4 tenants –
    *hairdresser been there 20 yrs with 6 mth old 3×3 yr lease
    * book keeper been there 2 yrs with new 3×3 yr lease
    * accountant been there 4 yrs pays monthly
    * financial planner been there 20 yrs with no lease but REA says he will enter a lease

    The rent is $33,420. I’ve calculated 20.41% CoCR if purchased for 320K, ($20K under asking price 340K). The query about my calculations is about the fact I am using our home as full security to borrow 100% of the price. This means I’ve calculated the CoCR without any deposit included in the outgoings and does include the cost of interest on 100% of the purchase price. Does the fact I’ve not included any deposit in the outgoings make my CoCR less valid (I’ve read Steve says 20% CoCR is the minimum on a commercial property).

    Look forward to comments from the experienced bright sparks out there.

    Profile photo of crjcrj
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 618

    Does the rent figure include GST?

    If you’re borrowing 100% of the price it seems tome the deposit wouldn’t be included in COCR

    Profile photo of RussHRussH
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 342

    Before you get too excited you better call the bank.Commercial loans are a whole different ballgame to residential loans.You will find that most banks will only lend about 65-70% on a comm. deal.And the terms are a lot shorter.Like 10 years.
    Good luck.Russ.

    Profile photo of Kiwi-FullaKiwi-Fulla
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 371

    When Steve mentions 20% COCR for Commercial… this is because of the extra deposit needed usually to secure commercial property. I would say that the 35% (Inc Closings) you need to pull out of your property to complete the transaction… should still be considered as a deposit as you still need it to raise the funds.
    I would also try to just get the 35% (INC Closings) deposit required to secure the loan out of your house rather than X collateralising (Bank takes all if all turns to muck).
    So this is how I see it.
    Deposit:$112,000 (35% of 320K)
    Income: $33,400
    then work out your outgoings (Insurance, rates and maintenance not covered in the Commercial lease contract) and then you will come up with your true COCR.
    Perhaps you could see if the Vendor will leave 30% in the deal if you can get to the $340K and that would then make it much more attractive for you and for the Vendor.

    Just food for thought and hope you succeed in your endeavours!

    Profile photo of jabjam2004

    Hi CRJ – Thnaks for the reply. Yes, the rent figure does include GST. Like you, i thought the deposit I’m not paying out should not me included in the calculations for CoCR, but Kiwi-Fulla disagrees so I’m still not too sure.

    Hi RussH – Thanks for your reply. My circumstances are such that my bank will lend me 100% of the purchase price and the 5% closing costs but it is fully secured against my private home.

    Hi Kiwi-Fulla Thanks for your reply. The loan I can get has an offset account and I can access and put the 35% into it. This reduces my interest payments and affords me tax advantages on that 35% cause I no longer pay tax on the funds I could have earnt with it (like 4% from a savings account versus saving 7.5% in interest payments on the 35%).

    Whether i use my offset facility or not, I’m not spending the 35% on the investment cause that money is still available to me (I can withdraw the 35% from the offset and pay the interst on that 35%).

    The CoCR certai nly plummets when 30% deposit is part of the calculation. But I’m not spending that 30% ???? Still wondering …

    Finally, could you please expand on your suggestion to ask the vendor to leave 30% in the deal.

    Thanks once more to all

    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,248

    If your positive cashflow is opaying down debt whats the problem?

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