All Topics / The Treasure Chest / I smell a scam…

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  • Profile photo of Administrator


    While this book outlines how you can achieve extra-ordinary wealth building results, it’s certainly not a book about how to get rich quick.

    What are you talking about u are selling the promise that people can have 130 houses in three years, i smell a scam

    Profile photo of EssykayEssykay
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 16

    What an interesting comment from someone who logs onto sites such as this.

    All I can say is read through as much info as you can if you take the time to log on. You can do it, if you really want to.

    Good luck

    “Just do it – Others have”

    Profile photo of mitch

    Gday Tails,

    so your back. Instead of all the muck throwing that you seem to enjoy why dont you clear the air and tell us where this attitude comes from , or go away like a sniviling little…. mate,you have no credibility

    Profile photo of NathanNathan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 77

    your positive attitude fills me with joy and happiness!


    Cheers, and keep up the good attitude


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Of coarse i dont have any credibility, i am the only one who can see that this system is not the answer, have a look at steve, he doesnt want have the word wrapping in his new book! why you ask, because people un like you people in this forum are able to sniff out a scam. I erge all of you to get a copy of his book and to see the different tack he uses on people. I can bet you one thing it will all selling his seminars. Just like this web site, his book will be a tool to advertise his speeches. I dont understand why he is doing these seminars if he owns 130 houses? Asset worth over 30 million dollars, And i hear you say he is sharing his ideas, If he is sharing his ideas then why do his seminars cost so much? Steve i have one question for you Please tell me and the forum why you share your ideas? U have 130 houses, wouldnt sharing your ideas make it harder to find a so called DEAL. In my opion i think steve is a money hungry, win at all cost person. Be very carefull about info you give and info you recieve from him.

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight


    Let me say a couple of things…

    1. I’m more than prepared for you to have your say, BUT, it must be said in a respectful manner and when you make a statement I think it’s reasonable for you to substantiate it with evidence. If not, then you leave no option but to edit or delete your post as per the terms and conditions outlined when you signed on.

    2. The book does contain information on wraps, but it is not a wrap book. It is a book about property investing in general.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Gus_2Gus_2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 39

    What a cynical world we live in, and probably with some justification. We can find the dark side of everything if we look hard enough, but we will never be happy or successful if we take the cynics view of the world. I can accept that there are ‘scams’ out there and we need to be careful, however I’m just glad that there are genuine people around who want to share knowledge and help others like myself. When I increase my knowledge and financial situation I’d like to help others too, because it makes me feel good and I hopefully won’t need the money as much, so I can relate to Steves stated motivations.

    It makes sense to pay for books and seminars because I believe that people really value what they pay for and people should get paid for the work they have done. Obviously overcharging is an issue, but from what I’ve seen of Steve’s pricing it is relatively good value.

    Signed: Ready and Willing to Learn
    aka Open Minded

    p.s. Steve, I’m not advocating a price rise!!! ha ha ha

    Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    I have a suspicion the same person is doing the rounds of a number of property investing boards under different names.
    so don’t take it personally!

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of jassepjassep
    Join Date: 1969
    Post Count: 40

    Hey Felicity,

    Sort of like “The Phantom of the Forums”! ;o)

    Who hides in the darkness of anonymity and inadequacy only to strike out every so often?

    Ah, well, to each their own…

    Jason S

    Kindest Regards
    Jason S

    Profile photo of Tommo1Tommo1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    “Great Spitits have always encountered violent opposition form mediocre minds” – Albert Einstein


    Profile photo of bigdanbigdan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2


    I imagine that in real life (if you have one!) you love the sound of your own voice. However as all posts come out in the same font I don’t see the point in you spending the time to write what you do.

    The whole point of this forum is, as you pointed out in your other post, to have an open discussion. What you omitted from your definition was the fact that boring, ignorant people are usually not tolerated for very long in most discussions.

    If you’re not interested – don’t visit!

    ps: How did you earn your millions?

    Profile photo of scott

    If you want to know about scams and over pricing ,I have two friends (father and son) who went out and spent over 30k each to do a course in property investing.
    They subsequently went out and bought 4 of what they called ‘positively geared’ properties. these properties were costing them approx 100 dollars a month each per property.Icould not understand this and they later explained that they were only positive because of the depreciation on fixtues.
    Recently their family business went bust and they had to sell everything. they made absoluteyl no capital gains after agents costs etc, and over 18 months payed out over 14k on interest only loans!
    I see that as a 44k loss in 18 months, correct me if im wrong.
    Now tell me that $2,195 is a scam !
    Steve I’ii be there with bells on ! even if it only saves me $2,195 I”l be happy.

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of scott

    By the way ‘Tommo1’
    HERE HERE ![8D]

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of Administrator

    big dan if you dont like me dont reply ok

    Profile photo of mitch

    There seems to be a tear running down my cheek
    l think Im going to cry .

    Profile photo of dr housedr house
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 281

    If you preceive Steve’s strategies, book, seminar etc to be a “scam”, why even bother commenting.
    He is at least offering us all the opportunity to learn, inform ourselves and come to our own conclusion.
    I do not believe he is in any way overpiced unethical or unrealistc in his seminars or education advice.
    I strongly believe we stick to properties that suit most of the the population, eg. your average person’s affordability and location with good infra structure. This does exclude most inner suburban homes, high priced units and inner city apartments.
    There still are some high growth areas around with good rental yield.
    Its like anything else, learn by others, quality seminars, books and good and bad experiences shared in this forum.
    If you learn a proefession or trade, its no different, you have to outlay money, patience and find good teachers and resources in order to learn.
    I am not quite sure where the “scam” is, is it a case of “tall poppy syndrome”?
    I have outlayed thousands of dollars to become investment wise and now have a very sound base to create wealth. I have come across definite “scams” as well, and downright dangerous (investment) information.
    If what Steve is offering does not suit you, it does not automatically become a “scam”, we all have different approaches and opinions, at least we are hearing some options.

    Profile photo of walkernickwalkernick
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 68

    Hi everyone,

    Today i spent $13 to go to the property expo in Sydney which, for what it was, was good value and an informative day.

    However, the information provided at the event, in large part, was either from people who

    a) don’t invest in property, or have a tiny portfolio
    b) who are just trying to adversitse their company, or
    c) who are not willing to go into any detail on the topics they are speaking about.

    It is the same information that everyone has heard before…and that anyone can log onto a couple of websites and find out for themselves.

    To get the kind of information that the herd doesn’t get, we need to pay. If Steve did charge $13 for his seminar, then you’d have the entertainment centre filled with people who all would go and apply his principles. I’m happy to pay for his seminar because firstly, it’s not an unreasonable price for a whole weekend (including food!), and secondly, because I know that the rest of Australia isn’t going out applying his techniques. Nobody who spoke at the expo today had a portfolio of 130 properties.

    So how about we stop calling each other names, and if we choose to follow the herd that’s our own choice. But don’t judge anyone based on your own biased opinions.

    Bye everyone!
    -Nick =)

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight

    Well Said.

    Let’s move on…

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

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