All Topics / Value Adding / Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop

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  • Profile photo of mav86

    Hi Guys

    I am thinking of attending the Renovating for Profit workshop which is undertaken by Stephen Tolle and Cherie Barber. It costs around $5,000 for a 2 day workshop and various other informational material on DVD. It also includes some templates and other useful things when renovating.

    Has anyone done the workshop? I am curious to know whether it is worth that sought of money. (I find it quiet expensive)

    Look forward to any feedback and thanks in advance.

    Profile photo of yoyo galaxy

    Hi Mav,

    I got a friend who is attending their 2 days workshop next weekend. I've been to their 2 hours seminar only, but I found it quite informative. But I didn't enrol in their 2 days program because I too find it too expensive.

    I will catchup with my friend in a couple of weeks, will let you know what she says.

    I personally am very interested in all the templates and checklists they built. The workshop itself not too sure, as they will talk about asset protection, subdivision, strata title etc, which I already know about, it's kind of waste of money to listen to it again.

    Anyway, will keep you posted on my findings.


    Profile photo of JessW

    Hi Mav86 – I have just registered to attend the Melbourne workshop in June…. I sure hope it's going to be worth it as $5000 is a lot of money! I have watched their 2 hour DVD which was great, and I learnt heaps just from that. They seem to have a wealth of info to share. I also thought the Trade Card sounds great, which offers discounts from various places i.e Harvey Norman Commercial, and ofcourse the templates etc that you mentioned.

    I am really excited about attending the workshop – it is a heap of money, but hopefully the knowledge I learn will set me up for my investing career! I have just purchased my first IP – which I will be renovating in October when the current tenants lease expires.

    Is it the Melbourne one you are thinking of attending? If so, and if you decide to go, let me know and we'll catch up there!



    Profile photo of mav86

    Hi Viv and Jess,

    Thanks for the response.

    I have also watched the 2 hour DVD which was very informative. The workshop sounds really great I am just finding it hard to justify at this stage. I am sure it will be informative but will it be worth $5,000? I am worried that a lot of the things learnt are things I have considered or would have figured out myself anyways.

    I would love to hear the feedback from your friend. As I also am thinking about going to the Melbourne one. Hopefully you will know soon how it went. The Melbourne one is in June 12th.

    Jess – I have sent you a message in your inbox

    Anyone else got any feedback on the workshop??

    Thanks in advance.

    Profile photo of dnh83

    I always think about these costs as the ‘cost of education’.

    You would pay twice as much for a basic Uni course, all while studying and not earning.

    You should never buy something you can’t afford, but if you are certain that you want to get into Renovations, and you like Steve and Cheries style then you have to ask yourself ‘are you ready to committ’ ? If so, then go for it.

    I was fortunate enough to see Dean & Elise Parker present their renovation package at this years PI conference. It was only around $1000 and contained extensive checklists and information on renovating. I think their web address is but that’s going from memory (you should be able to get it from google tho).

    I don’t think it’s a 2 day workshop but def worth looking at if the price is more appealing.

    Good luck !!



    Profile photo of dnh83

    Just found it

    I wish I had of had something/anything prior to my first Reno…

    Profile photo of mav86

    Hi dnh83,

    Thanks for the response.

    I agree with you. Money spent on education is never a waste.

    I would just like some feedback from somebody who has actually done this before I commit such a large amount of money.

    It sounds great but the best way to know is by speaking to people who have done it directly. 

    If anyone has done this your help would be very much appreciated.

    Profile photo of geoffandcassie

    I also have been wanting to hear from someone who has attended this workshop, it's a lot of money for us as well it would be great to get some feedback before we commit.
    Had a look at that website above dnh83, signed up!
    I've looked on Tolle/Barber's website, however I'm not sure which 2 hour dvd everyone's talking about- there's a few!

    Does anyone know what it's called?

    Profile photo of JessW

    Hi geoffandcassie – the 2 hour dvd is the one you receive when you subscribe to their newsletter…. there's an icon on their homepage "Free DVD when you register"…..

    It's worthwhile having a look at for sure.


    Profile photo of geoffandcassie

    Great thanks for that Jess, will do!

    Profile photo of yoyo galaxy

    Hi everyone,

    so has anyone attended their workshop? Please let us know how you go JessW, looking forward to some feedback here!


    Profile photo of mav86

    Hi Viv,

    Do you think you will get a response from your friend attending this weekend? The feedback would be fantastic.

    Seems as though not many people have done it already. I think this is only the second year they have been running.

    Profile photo of yoyo galaxy

    Hi Mav,

    sure I will contact her next Monday to find out.
    Also, has anyone purchased the toolbox by Dean and Elise? How is it? I am interested in purchasing it from someone who doesn't need it any more. If anyone has it, please PM me.



    Profile photo of yoyo galaxy

    Just talked to my friend who did the workshop.

    She just said it's very informative, their think go out of the square to negotiat with agents, and the course include lots of templates,  but won't tell me more about it. I guess when people spend so much on a course, they are not comfortable telling us everything they learnt from it, as we didn't pay for the information.

    sorry couldn't find more info out of it.

    Profile photo of mav86

    Hi Viv,

    Yes, I can understand that will happen sometimes.

    Nevertheless, thanks heaps for the feedback!

    Profile photo of Brendan WilliamsonBrendan Williamson
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    Once you have attended this 2 day work shop you will be so glad you did. I loved it.

    Profile photo of tinkaratinkara
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5
    danviv1 wrote:
    Just talked to my friend who did the workshop.

    She just said it's very informative, their think go out of the square to negotiat with agents, and the course include lots of templates,  but won't tell me more about it. I guess when people spend so much on a course, they are not comfortable telling us everything they learnt from it, as we didn't pay for the information.

    sorry couldn't find more info out of it.

    Guys hi!
    I am new here, and this is my 1st post.
    I too, am interested to know if any body has completed  the 2 day  Renovating for Riches workshop with Cherie Barber and Stephen Tolle. I have seen their DVD and have also seen them do a 1 hr presentation at a propety seminar in Melbourne about 2 months ago. I found them very entertaining and inspirational and was almost ready to sign up. But the $5000 was just too much and the truth is that my time (due to young kids still at home) is very limited this year and so I felt that the timing was not quite right.I have decided to do it next year when kids are off to school.  However,in the meantime I have been searching the internet for feed back, and in truth, the comment by danviv1 is the closest I have come across.  Lots of people have seen the dvd but no body has posted feed back on their course.
    To danviv1, i am curious to know why your friend would not elaborate. Whats the big deal? If i went to a course and found it to be worth the money I spent, I wouldnt hesitate to give positive feed back and a bit of an insight as to what the workshop entailed. Its not as if you were asking for copies of templates and notes etc.
    I wonder wether the course is in fact not what its cracked up to be.
    I will keep serching for feed back.

    Profile photo of JessW

    Hi guys – I'm off to the workshop in Melbourne in a couple of weeks… so I will certainly leave some feedback for you all then!

    tinkara – I'm in a similar situation to you – young kids at home and a very busy life. But sometimes you need to do something for yourself! So I basically just told my husband what I was doing and he'd have to be home to look after the kids!! $5000 is a lot of money, so I really hope it's worth it. I have just purchased a property that I am looking at sub-dividing, and possibly developing if the funds can stretch that far. Plus I have another property I will be renovating later this year, so it is very timely for me to go out and gain this education now.

    I've made the decision to invest in property, and hopefully make it my full-time job (other than being mum!), so I feel it is important to gain as much education and information off people in the know. With any luck Stephen Tolle and Cherie Barber will be a wealth of information for me…. albeit an expensive one!

    Anyhow, I'll let you all know how it goes…..



    Profile photo of j900j900
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 56

    2 days for $5000? Really? And so many people are considering it?
    Is it one-to-one?
    Is it because it's so unbelievably expensive people think it must be worthwhile?

    Profile photo of Jane - HotspaceJane – Hotspace
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 69

    Hi everyone,

    I presented at Stephen and Cheries workshop in Sydney last weekend (about the design aspect of renovations) and think that their course is one of the most thorough, process driven courses I have ever seen. There are lots of great courses out there and this is one of them. Yes it does seem expensive perhaps, but once you have the knowledge it is yours forever.

    I am somewhat divided on whether to spend money on a course because you can learn so much when you just get in and do it. However, a course like this will give you the confidence to take those first steps.

    My suggestions is that if you really want to get into professional property investing (using renovations mainly) then it's a great place to start – especially if you've been thinking about it for a while but haven't taken the giant leap yet!

    Good luck and I hope that helps.

    Jane – Hotspace | Hotspace Consultants
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Renovating for Profit specialist

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