All Topics / Forum Frolic / 3 Day Mega Conference opinion.

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  • Profile photo of LifestyleDestinyLifestyleDestiny
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 15

    First up I’d like to thank Steve for holding this conference, my friend and I loved it. This was my first investment conference and I fully expected to be sold to, so no surprises there.  I’ve been a lazy investor up to now so the info on strategies was great.  Steve’s last talk helped me clarify my head spin from an overload of options.

    I found it all interesting but was very carful what I invested in.  For me it was Tax Liens and Results Mentoring.  I’m currently getting “Rich Dad Coaching” but believe Results will be more beneficial for Australian investors.

    Li Cunxin, well what can I say.  Awe inspiring!  I didn’t know who he was but I will never forget him now!   Thank you very much for telling us your story you are amazing to say the least.  Now I look forward to seeing your move.

     Regarding my “Trust Radar” I didn’t like Aussie Rob’s presentation because it was ‘Show Pony’ stuff with little useful information.  I walked away with little trust in his system.  Mark Rolton is a tad too smooth for me but I'll be watching for feed back as people try his program.  To these two I say "guard your reputation well, trust is worth gold".

    Pat Mesiti was amusing and interesting and great for people who have never been exposed to this kind of education before.  I’ve heard it all a thousand times before but he was fun.

    Carly Crutchfield had me going and I loved her high energy presentation.  I didn’t go with her program but may do in the future.

    Amanda Stevens was funny but could've been more informative, unfortuantely she came off as just marketed her stuff.  I know some people don’t like sexual or gender related jokes but I don’t take things like that too seriously and see it as “all in the name of fun”.

    Ron White’s demonstration was impressive and I’m sure people who bought his program will benefit if they work at it.

    Simon Buckingham, Peter Koulzos and Lewis O’Brien were great and informative.  Thank you very much!

    Peter Daniels was awesome.  I was inspired by his wealth and depth of knowledge and the humbleness in which he presented himself.  How can you not have total respect for a man like that.

    I got introduced to Tommy Senatore before his presentation and got good vibes from him.  With all my probing questions I found Tommy easy to talk to and very helpful.  So when he told us about Tax Liens I was fascinated. I sooo hope I can make that work for me.

    I also spoke to Steve McKnight and got good vibes from him.  I’ve discovered over the years my first impressions are always right so good vibes mean a lot to me and my “Trust Radar”.  I found it interesting who Steve endorsed and shared the stage with.  As I said I signed up for Results and Tax Liens.

    All in all I can understand where the more experienced investors are coming from and next year would like more educational talks and less sales pitches.  Once again thanks Steve, that would have been quite a task to pull together.

    Profile photo of andykirby

    Interesting to read all the comments, both positive & not so positive…..

    A few thoughts;

    The Tax Liens were, I thought, pretty well explained. Most of the issues bought up by Magbof were covered in either the keynote or workshop. If fact, they emphasised that the purpose was not to get to own the property, and to select liens that you would expect to be paid out. As other people have commented, do the due diligence……

    Sales pitches – yep, there were sales pitches but as Steve said more than once, people have found a system that works for them, and want to make some money out of it. If I found such a system, I'd most likely do the same. You're not obliged to actually buy anything.

    Dean and Elise Parker strike a chord with me whenever I hear them talk. I have an IT background and what they've done is systemise renos to a frightening degree (maybe it takes another IT guy to realise this!). You'll never guarantee that you can make money doing a reno, but they've got the tools to minimise the risk of everything you control as much as possible (product endorsement warning! I have the earlier version of their tools, and it rocks!). Elise' workshop on how they organised themselves was a great benefit.

    Aussie Rob. I must admit, I snuck out into the CBD and had a long lunch break when he was on. I'd heard him speak before….My investing background's in shares and I think a good of good technical analysis books would be a better investment.

    The highlights with Steve's conferences are the 'left field' people he finds, with no obvious connection to property, and gets to present. Ron White was great (most attendees will long remember tomatoes, clocks, telephone etc. for a long time), and Peter Koulizos couldn't be accused of hyping himself (well, I have this book……. was about the limit of his product promotion)
    Finally, you may not like or be interested in everything that's presented, but isn't that part of the learning process? Learning what you don't want to do, as wel as what you do want to do?

    Profile photo of catfree

    Good call Andy, I agree – to learn what you do and don't want to do – to see what other options are out there, to hear about others experiences…. just the opportunity to be surrounded by so many like minded people was fabulous!!

    Profile photo of uppittuppitt
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    my memory is fading…
    tomato, clock, telephone, mobil, wanted, ?, ?, organiser, soldier, ?
    someone finish it please.

    Profile photo of jleong

    tomato, clock, phone, mobil, wanted sign, goal posts, efficiency (is that right?), organiser, soldier, sports team?
    i think that was it anyway!
    P.S I purchased Ron’s product and will let you all know how it goes

    Profile photo of katchw

    10 out of 10 jleong! I bought it too. Might be a big call but probably the only product that everyone should have gone home with! Best value for the $ product of the day!

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Hey Catfree…….

    With the D & E Parker system how much admin checklist etc is there. I'm not too worried bout the reno checklists as development is my thing, but after seeing the photo of their filing system I was curious to see how much admin set up there was in the box. We are redoing or office and filing system at the moment to cope with the bigger workload that is coming.

    Thanks in advance!


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    jleong and katchw,

    I had to sit through hours of this when I was a kid (the system my parents tortured us with is called MEGA MEMORY). So for me I was traumatized by the filing and linking system. It is similar to that system, probably stacks more in Ron Whites, we are talking about 15 years ago!

    Imagine 3 kids in a bomb Commodore driving from Melbourne to Sydney doing memory tapes. Shudder LOL!!! :)


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

    Profile photo of jleong

    Lol DWolfe! So would you say it was of any benefit?

    Profile photo of kmukikmuki
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 4

    This was the first conference I have ever been to and whilst I really enjoyed quite a lot of it, I’m not sure I’d attend again.

    Having spent money on airfare, accommodation and of course the ticket itself, I expected that I would learn a lot, like I do from Steve’s books. I came along hoping to find out more about investing in the US, and to sort out in my mind how to implement the various strategies I had been reading about.

    The first session, and to be fair any of the Steve McKnight sessions, was brilliant – just what I needed and just what I was looking for. The Pat Mesiti stuff was good – provided you ignored hype for his product. And Ron the memory guy was fab.

    But the blatant sales pitches of some of the others after a time was simply too much to bear – and their so called discounted prices were clearly aimed at the rich and those who have money to burn.

    Highlights? Steve of course. Li the Mao’s last dancer guy. Pat Mesiti when you looked past the hype. Lowlights? There was one clear winner… drum roll… Peter Daniels. The man was soooooo terribly boring. I took the opportunity to skip his sessions and talk to people in the expo.

    If the next conference is going to be more of the same, I suspect I respectfully will decline to attend. I don’t need to pay that much for blatant sales pitches… but if the next conference is going to be more about educating the investor (without trying to sell anything) then I would happily be there.

    Profile photo of katchw

    …and while we’re on products and selling, is there really any difference between the people on stage and the people in the audience?
    We both have a product, (real estate/educational system) that we’re developing/constructing in some way, (reno, subdiv, developing/book writing, system developing) that we’re hoping to sell for a profit to those that have a need for it.
    Just something to think about.

    Profile photo of katchw

    Made me laugh Dwolfe! I did that same drive regularly when I was younger also. Was hard enough without being drilled by my elders. I feel your pain.

    Profile photo of SashSash
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 91

    I think its safe to say: WE ALL LOVE YOU STEVE! Thanks again.

    DWofle – Pleasure meeting you in person, I enjoy your posts always so I was quite amused randomly sitting next to you. I get your point regarding 'they all are the same after a few'. I was really just happy to take part in such an event and be amongst the atmosphere of like minded people. I guess yes being young havnt experienced it before. I was exstatic after each day!

    About the property options, Mark did sell it and was trying to sell every person that spoke to him post any of his presentations. It was a toss up between him and Carly. He gave me the time of day and let me negotiate my own package and price. Very pumped for it.

    The most important thing to me however was that my mindset was changed, I am now inspired to step up to the plate. I know what I want and dont want.

    Going back to work was rather depressing. More of a reason I've taken a risk now to shorten the gap to financial freedom.

    Peace in the middle east.


    Want it. Own it. Enjoy it. Achieve it.

    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 574

    Hi everyone.

    WAs my first conference.

    Really good and useful… Steve, koulizos (how many others actually put their rep on the line and tell you the best places to buy and his undersold product was under $40), carly, parkers, rolton, tax lien guy

    most productive time of the conference… Peter daniels talking. I zoned out and used the time to form my business and property plan for the next three years. He seems to really polarise opinions. The people i was with loved him.

    The hyped… Pat, but i would take relationship advice from him, it struck a chord with me and my worst presenter was bqhamas rob. If asic was there they would have taken his license. You can’t sell trading systems giving the impression that there is any certainty of returns. To have any credibility to sell a trading system you need at a minimum a 2 year audited trading history to prove that it works in live trading. His options trading strategy was presented as a certain to win solution with promises of amazing returns of over 100 percent and no disscussion of the downside of a leveraged trade wiping out your account if it went the wrong way. Last but not least asic would have a field day with him saying that 7 yr olds should be trading.

    I was tossing up between results, rolton or carly. I was leaning towards rolton as in his main presentation he said he paid the costs and they shared the profit with the student. someone finally asked to confirm the profit share method in the workshop which was 80/20 in his favour. For those that were there i was the vocal person who said no i didnt think it was a fair deal. At least carly was up front about things and seemed much fairer to those she purchased from with genuine win win deals.
    Many of the examples mark stated were. Clearly taking advantage of uninformed sellers that would have been devastated to find out how much he just screwed them out of when rezoning happened and the farm next door sells for twice the price 3 months later.

    Profile photo of ppol2630ppol2630
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 11
    jleong wrote:
    tomato, clock, phone, mobil, wanted sign, goal posts, efficiency (is that right?), organiser, soldier, sports team? i think that was it anyway! P.S I purchased Ron's product and will let you all know how it goes

    jleong and katchw – I too bought ron's memory pack, and am already up to day 6 in his book.

    I learnt to count in japanese today in a short 5 minutes during my lunch break at work – and can still recall the numbers in random order late in the evening! It's pretty good his memory system, it's working well for me!

    I think you'll enjoy it! :)

    Profile photo of Benjamin Csikos

    Hey dwolfe, My next post WAS about the dog experience. Have a look ‘ben vs the dog on the river.’ I put it up last night. :)

    And as a side note, HOW GOOD WAS PETER DANIELS! if people wanted informative meat, he was it. It may not have been what some were expecting, but listening to him I got so hungry to muster every piece of manhood within me and unleash my leadership potential on the world. His speeches sung like a chorus and his regality was just awesome.

    I need to salute something.

    Profile photo of fitzydarlingfitzydarling
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 6

    the black box for saving the dog and Ron Whites Mary Kaye Karmic story reminded me of my own Karmic experience at the conference. Day 1 I was in the queue for a few minutes lining up for my goody bag. the lady behind me recognised me from a queensland conference two years before and said she had always remembered me because I had been apparently very kind and generous. We chatted for a while and I mentioned how I was getting desperate to find Perth accommodation as I was moving from Melbourne in two weeks and it was almost impossible to secure accommodation. The lady in front overheard our conversation. to cut a long story short she had been told by a friend who was vacating an incredibly cheap house in Perth to look out for someone decent to take it over. And to cut an even longer story short I now have a lease of a Perth house and have made two good friends. so that is my sliding doors moment and really glad to have met you Diana and Julie! One thing Peter Daniels advised in his life rules was to always have life insurance. My beautiful husband died aged 46 in 2008. so i can only advise all of you guys who are investing that sometimes life does not unfold as you expect and if you are caught out heavily geared in property investment without cash flow or more importantly the mental state to do the myriad of things that need to be done when you are developing and renovating a number of properties and all you can do is leave the key under the brick and let the dust gather let me tell you the sun still rises and sets as if nothing happened and death taxes and also banks wanting interest are the other certainties. soon the bank will realise the cookie jar is empty so get some life insurance as I should have and take lots of photos not just of cute children but put yourselves in the pictures. Anyway I am pinning my ears back and getting on with it and have gorgeous children and sorry for the gloom. Wasnt the conference great though? So much wisdom from so many successful people. Really glad I went. Hope to do it again next year.

    Profile photo of catfree

    Hey DWolfe – on way to work, but will reply this evening…

    Fitzydarling – don't apologise, it's all part of your story. Another mum in our mums and bubs class lost her very fit and active  husband to a heart attack at 40, four days after their second child was born premature… needless to say it gave us all a shake up, and we have since organised life insurance for us both – something we had been putting off as being "too depressing".

    I also hear you on the photos – we find ourselves taking all thes snaps of our gorgeous little men, but as I am a bit of a chunky bum I avoid being in them. Hubby often says to me that they will miss my being in them when we are gone. I am so very sorry for your loss, and admire your persistance – what an example for your beautiful children!


    Profile photo of Benjamin Csikos

    Will do, fitsydarling.

    I can’t remember the last time Nicky and I went out to make memories on purpose. Yes I can, my proposal, but that was years ago.

    Life insurance, on the list.
    Photos. On the list. Done.

    Profile photo of andykirby


    A great piece of advice. The reason my wife and I got our investing strategies together and pulled our fingers out was because a couple of close friends died way too young (both in their mid-30s/early 40-s) in 2008 and It made us look at what we were doing with our lives. As I've heard repeatedly, look for the 'why' in doing what you're doing and you'll get over the rough patches when they hit you. Our 'why' is to be able to spend time with the people we care about.

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