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  • Profile photo of uppitt

    This was the first conference I have been to, and I've come away with some mixed feelings, though I was happier more then disappointed.  I consider myself a newbie when it comes to property investing, although I do have 2 properties, my first IP being a disaster.  I came down from Sydney, kept my expenses to a bare minimum just in case I found the conference wasn't worth it, as least I could say I didn't blow alot on the trip (I stayed in a doom room at a backpackers up the road, that was another experience  ;) ).

    The bad
    I admit I was disappointed with the continual flogging of 'systems' & 'products' from the presenters, and them throwing in a pair of steak knives if we bought today.  It was Tim Shaw followed by Tim Shaw, followed by Tim Shaw (at least for the last 10 minutes of the presentations)…  For me it hit home early with Pat Mesiti.  For the first 60 minutes I was interested in what he was saying, but then when I realised the last 30 minutes subtly moved more to promoting, sorry flogging, his products, I started to think I had come to an Anthony Robbins event (who I know little about, only heard of).   I've never been to an 'Anthony Robbins' type conference before, so it was an eye opener for me.  The handing out of the presenters latest deal by the volunteers 10 minutes from the end was getting monotonous.  There was indeed high pressure, and I would have enjoyed it more had that been left out.  Steve however did on more then one occasion remind people that while these presenters were flogging their wares, there was no obligation to buy, and stressed people shouldn't buy just because, and especially if they couldn't really afford it.  Alot of presenters made money over the weekend, and alot of attendees left with heavier credit cards.  For the people that bought, I just hope they make the most of their purchases, otherwise it's a waste.  In the end, I saw past the hype and sat there waiting for each presenter to announce their 'package of the day' at the end of their presentation and left others to spend their hard earned. Was it just coincidence, or was it pure marketing that more then one presenter only had 37, or was it 41 of the special bonuses available, which resulted in the bolt for the stage to hand in the paperwork. I've seen this approach used by many people marketing their wares before. Some of the presentations were simply too scripted.

    However after saying all that, I did tentatively take up the Results Mentoring package, which I believe I need in order to progress my property investing if I am to improve and continue with this investing.

    On the workshops, choice was a little restricted, and the rooms were too small to cater for some of the workshops for all the interested people. It was a rush to get to the workshop rooms, the fastest people got the seats (and literally people were running sometimes). Only two workshops were repeated where all others ran just once.  I agree with what some have suggested, that more focus on workshops would be more beneficial to the attendees to customise their experience, rather then more keynotes which possibly were more beneficial for presenters?   I wish more of a summary was provided on the workshops prior as well, not just a one sentence outline.  The first one I went to was not what I expected and wished I'd gone to a different workshop.  Maybe twice as many workshop sessions to keynote sessions would be better, and ensure some are repeated at least once.  I don't know what the schedule was for the 2008 and 2009 conferences to compare.  I have tentatively signed up for the 2011 conference as well since it will be in Sydney.

    The good
    For me the conference has helped me reenergise towards property investing and given me a confidence boost.  As Steve had displayed in one of his slides, I fall into the category of a lazy investor which I have no problems admitting….waiting in hope for some capital gains with properties that were poorly investigated before buying. It was drummed home how far I will get with my current approach to property investing…and that's not far.
    I was introduced to other strategies other then buy & hold,
    introduced to a mortgage broker who seems to understand a property investor better then I have experienced to date,
    introduced and talked to other like minded investors,
    introduced to examples showing what results can be achieved.

    Overall I rate the conference as good.  Yes it was emotive, yes it was a little more hyper then I had expected, but I did learn from attending and that was my desired outcome.

    Steve's team put alot of effort into putting it together, and while everyone will never agree whether it was a good or bad experience, I thank them for putting the conference on.


    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Thanks everyone for posting on this. I am sure that eventually after unpacking the organizers will read this and get a few tips for next year. The feedback sheets were for us to complain on too! :)

    I'll finish my long drawn out post by saying even though I found many negative aspects I also found many more positive aspect. For me it reaffirmed that we had made a good decision joining results (we were early birds before conference) It also cemented our strategy and allowed us to concentrate on our investing for three days straight.

    I would like to say thank you to Steve for putting it on, I realized I didn't say it earlier, it was worth it to us (we were in Melbourne already) and the time sacrificed with the kids and the small amount of money paid will hopefully pay off soon.

    Good luck with everything guys, it would be great if people could revisit this thread with some success stories!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of jleongjleong
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 8

    Hey guys,

    As someone who has only just discovered the world of real estate investing, I would say the experience was a mixed bag for me.
    I absolutely felt that the 3 days were worth my time to learn some basics, understand what other strategies can be used and network with like-minded people across the continent. I did ; however, feel that there were a number of ‘infomercials’ that would not have been missed!

    It’s understandable that more advanced investors may have found this conference to be a complete waste of time. I too felt a little insulted at the obvious sales pitches from the likes of Aussie Bob and his overly-simplified trading system. He spent more time trying to build rapport with the audience than providing educational material. He completely shrugged off the complexity and risk involved with share trading!

    I had read negative feedback on people’s experience with Mark Rolton’s “university” on these forums prior to the conference, so had already made up my mind before Mark Rolton appeared. Apparently there have been a lot of people who have signed up to his program and never received the product and failed to receive any form of ongoing support. Mark was too smooth for my liking.

    I found Peter K’s session to be very educational and really enjoyed Li’s aswell. My favourite infomercial was Dean Parker’s – as all their product seemed to be was a project mgmt methodology which could be applied to renovating.

    While I did find most of the basic stuff beneficial (in my case), I hope that in the future Steve reviews the ‘mandatory educational content’ that each speaker provides.
    I often found myself wondering why Steve had endorsed such blatent hard-sells???

    Perhaps a survey of pre-booked attendees (for 2011) could be surveyed for their educational needs,? Perhaps the conference should be labelled as a ‘beginners conference’ ?

    All in all, I definitely enjoyed the positive culture at the conference and will be attending next year’s event – even if it is only to hear what Steve has to say and network with other investors.

    All the best.

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    Join Date: 2003
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    Yes I think if you are a beginner then maybe this is good …

    These events in this format are becomming old now as they have been flogged to death in this format by other events companies …

    I was going to go but had a feeling this was the case … a financial planning friend and her solicitor husband went and had to leave as they really felt it was a very tacky show and not an intelligent presentation …

    At least Steve will pick up his 50% commission for all the bookings that were being purchased which he deserves for putting it on so if 50% buy at 50% could be a quick million …

    Personally I believe that there needs to be a more upmarket approach like the coaching or "Results" program that I hear is very good … even the people I heard that were on Steves team did not push any products and were very professional and helpful and this is what I believe people are looking for …

    Time for a change …

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Wealthy you may get your wish for change as I think Steve will be checking out of property in the next 5 years. (depends how much he makes on Liens I guess). Then it'll go down hill very fast indeed.

    All of Steve's presentations, Steve's people and the product that Property Investing was selling were and are very good. Seems to me that if it is something that he has done or linked with in a money or business sense it is good, but everything else was BS. You could smell the lies a mile away.

    I will post a Results thread when the program gets going (hey everyone will still have to pay to get the info!) but just whether or not it seems to be well run or the information is relevant and whatever to help people better make up their minds on enrolling.

    I think also something that is a positive that will come from the conference is the amount of JV's that will take place!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of katchwkatchw
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 29

    Hi everyone,
    I thought it was interesting to notice who Steve chose to share the stage with.

    Profile photo of magbofmagbof
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8
    Marshes wrote:

    I was quite shocked when Steve gave his blessing to “Aussie” rob who has a documented history of ripping off his clients. At the end of aussie robs speech i felt awfully dirty. I could not tell everyone how surprised i was as people RUSHED to the front to buy his system.

    That was because they were ring-ins. It gives the illusion that the system has merit.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    I thought they were plants too! couple free tickets for assie rob, puts some plants in to run down. I asked the guy next me if he was into this and he was. My other half spoke to someone who bought the system, just in passing. They had bought nearly everything.

    But you don't buy if you don't have the money or the credit to do so, do you? I bought Peter Daniels thing as I said but it isn't a "system" it is just motivation. Plus anyone who owns an international gold bank in the clear can sell me cds anytime!

    The other half has spent his grand (and two days off which is worth stacks more in time) on the tax lien thing so I can now get rid of my crappy share portfolio so it can be sunk into that. I'm sure there will be plenty of posts on how people are doing with that.

    Better run, run to buy something that will make you rich lol! Ahh hope! But it will be interesting to see how many people do actually make money using these systems in between now and next conference.


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of kong71286kong71286
    Join Date: 2009
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    This is my first time attending this type of conference and I thoroughly enjoyed it! ^___^

    Not only has this event changed my context, but I feel more positive and confident about the future ahead of me. Seeing all the possibilities out there that I never knew existed and seeing how regular people like you and me succeed is simply INSPIRING and EMPOWERING – "I can do it! You can do it! We can all do it!" From this seminar I feel like I have found an inner sense of peace, and although the journey to financial freedom will be a tough one, I know I will succeed and that it is only a matter of 'When'

    I would like to thank all the staff, guest speakers and volunteers for making this AMAZING event possible!

    P.S. I am also thankful for having the privilege of having Mr Pat Mesiti and Mr Peter Daniels as mentors to guide me in all areas of life, from finances, to health, and relationships

    Profile photo of uppitt

    I’m a little surprised some people are saying Dean Parker’s presentation was bad?  I thought his system for renos was good. I mean, if you’ve never done renos before, no experience, it’s perfect to give you a step in the forward direction, and in comparison to some of the other products available, wasn’t going to cost you an arm and a leg.  What was so bad about Dean ?

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Good for you Kong! If you can take something away from this experience and change your life good on you! Most people will go buys something watch it once and then say oh it is all too hard! You go for it!

    Btw where are people saying Dean Parkers thing was bad? I think most people were bagging out Crocodile Dundee oh wait that's Aussie Rob.


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of fitzydarlingfitzydarling
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    I really enjoyed being at the conference. I knew there would be people there selling their product but I found it really stimulating to listen to the speakers and consider what they were saying. I bought the aussie rob stuff in 2008 and it was a complete disaster. there was no support at all and no one actually taught you how to lay the trades even though that was part of what you paid for. anyway I spoke to rob at the conference and hopefully there is a way forward and i will try it all again. when i paper traded I did really well.

    I was only disappointed that it was put on over the mothers day weekend. as a mother to four children who wanted to spend time with me i had to leave at lunchtime. all steves presentations were brilliant as always. he has such integrity and is so switched on. i am keen to do the tax liens and maybe some property options once I get my head above water. I loved dean and elise. they are such a great couple and deserve their success. really the price was incredibly inexpensive for three days which went to 9.30 at night! seriously many conferences I go to cost over one or two hundred dollars for only an hour or two. I was in rp3 and highly recommend the results mentioring program. it is everything it says and eventhough I am an experienced property investor I was always learning things. And they really are always available to talk to you. I didnt buy anything but would have loved to have been able to go to the tax lien conference and sign up for the options and do the carly crutchfield stuff but it is all going to have to go on the backburner while I improve my liquidity. So much great information came out of the three days. it was brilliant and i am just so glad that i had the chance to go at such a reasonable price. congratulations to all involved in putting it together especially Steve and hello to Simon who was my mentor way back in 2008.

    Profile photo of catfree

    Hey de ho folks!

    DWolfe – looked, but didn't see you! :(

    We have had Dean and Elise's system for about a month, and whilst we haven't implemented it yet, the systems and information in it are amazing! For a step by step program catering to an absolute novice, I haven't seen anything better…. we have decided, however, that a still hot Melbourne market is probably not a great place to start with little experience. I guess we are somewhat concerned about the bubble might just pop between when we buy and reno/sell.

    Have been researching the tax liens for nearly two months and it looks fascinating… and pretty safe. We signed in to Tommy's workshop and are very much looking forward to it.

    Now the embarrasing bit. We are, by the sounds of the above, lemmings!! Bought Aussie Robs system and are now freaking out a bit after reading the above…. we are also kinda scratching our heads at how easily we got carried away – we bought the steak knives dammit!! Our only bit of reassurance is that perhaps it seems to work for people who strictly apply his rules – and I am a stickler for the rules!! Our theory was that we have a fair bit invested in property and would like to diversify a little… and again, a little timid about investing for lump sum gains in Melbourne right this moment, and lack the time to look to invest regionally or interstate.

    The one of most interest was the RESULTS program, which I intend to sign up for next year.

    I really enjoyed it, even with the sales pitches. At the end of the day, it was an experience we wont quickly forget, even if it some of it is with a raised eyebrow… it also helped to clarify our goals, and we got to spend time together discussing our potential paths to get there – time we just don't normally get. And not only financial goals, but also health wise – hearing Peter Daniels and Li really made us look at ourselves… and gave us motivation to change where we are with that.

    Bring on the next year – lets see how we go!

    Profile photo of MarshesMarshes
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 33

    Mag – I thought the same thing until i left and saw people walking around with dell laptops up the street.

    dwolfe – Can you drop me an email at Id like to keep in touch with someone investing in tax liens as this is of great interest to me. My wife is due in may / june and that is the only reason i am not going to the tax lien seminar

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Catfree do not worry. Spending money on your education is a good thing. And if it doesn't work you still will have spent money on your education!

    Don't worry bout not spotting me. I am very invisible, you would trip over me in the street and never look twice, trust me it is something that I cultivate so I am underestimated. Then I go in for the deal

    Sasha (from here) met me and his friend was rather underwhelmed! Very amusing!

    I guess one of things I got from this as well is over the fear of the Melbourne market. If you pursue the right thing for the market then you will not get caught out.

    Marshes my other half will email you asap we have both laptops going tonight (nerdssss!) he will be going to the lien days so keep in contact with him, and pick his brain after the days. Good luck to you and your wife, get some sleep now.

    Oh the other thing was the peopl who brought their kids?! That is dedication! Good on them for bringing them along the baby was really quiet and well behaved, my kids would have torn the seats out of the ground and there would have been a sandpit on the stage (where did the sand come from?)  Btw as to the lemming thing, I got greased off for giving Peter Daniels a standing ovation on the first night. second night everyone has worked it out and gives him a standing ovation. Baa (but in a nice way!)

    Cheers everyone! Let's all keep going and keep making money (and becoming free)!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of SashSash
    Join Date: 2010
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    Sorry to burst the negative bubble guys, I cant share your same opinion. I went with someone i barely knew and now we are good mates, we live in the same area, now have someone I can speak to with the same mindset as me. I honestly feel that it was the BEST thing I have ever done for my self confidence and education. I absolutley LOVED every minute of it! I would especially like to thank Steve. He is a cool headed, generous person. He and his team did a great job. Yeah people were selling their formulas to success. Yes I didnt think that there would be that much 'selling'. But the 3 major themes were: Self education/mentoring, financial freedom and self edcuation. The speakers were selling thier secrets to success. I would do the same if I were them.

    It was such an eye opener for me. I now have a clear mind and know what I want and most importantly what I DONT want. I'm trying out the property options system and cant wait.

    I hope thier are others that feel the same way as I do.



    Want It. Own It. Enjoy It. Achieve It.

    Profile photo of catfree

    fanks D – feel a LITTLE better

    as to the littlies – we took ours today to sort out our passports…. oh boy. what a mistake. after births, deaths and marriages, photos, etc etc we had a nearly five year old and a two and a half year old either screaming like banshees or belting around like lunatics….. I remember really well looking at other peoples kids BC and thinking "mine will never be like that" – ha, ha and double ha! The joke is so on me!

    Profile photo of kadascornerkadascorner
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    Well I have come home from the Conference in Melbourne.  Played hookey for a good part of Saturady and Sunday afternoon.  This was my first experience in the Property Conference and I must admit I was really looking forward to learning alot on how to invest in property, shares but the most important for me was the US Tax Liens.  The session first up on Sunday morning was brilliant – not quite sure why Steve got up before Tommy Senatore had finished – Steve got so excited about the concept he nearly blew it for me.  It was the Tommy Senatore session not the Steve McKnight show.

    The Tax Lien workshop was a dissapointment more because Steve kept getting in the way, Tommy in the session was the expert and should have been allowed to have control, but my brother and I did sign up for the 2 day training (and I really hope this will be a training session) as this is where we are hope to start are investment income from.

    I agree the Li Cunxin presentation was really brilliant.  I hadnt seen the movie or read the book and was inspired by his story. To have come from such humble beginings to world acclaim and then to a STOCK BROKER truly amazing that he appears to be so approachable.

    Way to much oversell for my liking, the cost of the whole trip was – sleep deprivation – early rise on Friday long day so little sleep. mind bashing to buy buy buy buy some product or other which without the information being presented was pretty much useless.

    Carly was entertaining and reasonable honest – up front stating that she uses her course and student to generate business for her, they are trained her way and will get to earn a reasonable amount on the learning curve before going out on their own.  She has done well considering her first fluke was at 19 and she has has maintained the speed – that battery has to run out soon.  Did get some really good ideas and answers – how to get into a deal without any cash outlay.

    Tuned out as soon as the music started and you could see the papers coming out to start the brain washing for the next best thing, a set of steak knives, the oven and the cooking utensils…….. But wait JUST FOR TODAY – to the next 20 people you can …………….   part with $4,000 to recieve my story of how…… and you can pay $…… to come to my training.

    Overall – 3 days of lots of sale push, a small amount of education, lots of interesting people met.  Lousy coffee just about everywhere, those coffee girls at the Conference made the only coffee I could drink the whole weekend. Melbourne people very helpful, friendly and the public transport – wish we could transport that back to Adelaide – we finally got around the city very efficiently. Still trying to assimilate whether the cost was worth the result.  I think it was.

    I do want to thank the Property Investment team for putting an event of that size on, it was run very well, the Volunteers were amazing always helpful and friendly.  Look forward to seeing some of them at the Tax Liens 2 day session.

    Work Smart, create time for leisure and live well


    Profile photo of uppitt
    DWolfe wrote:
    Btw where are people saying Dean Parkers thing was bad? I think most people were bagging out Crocodile Dundee oh wait that's Aussie Rob.

    sorry, maybe I misread a comment…when someone referred to Dean's presentation as an infomercial.  I didn't think it was, or maybe as I said, I just misread that comment.

    Profile photo of Benjamin CsikosBenjamin Csikos
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 114

    Well, I went, and I freakin' loved it.

    Look at the facts people.  It was CHEAP. For the price, it was pretty good.  I got my ticket for 300 bucks, for a 3 day conference, and the time it saved me was massive.  I'm usually open to all forms of opportunities so in normal life whenever someone invites me to a business event of some kind, I tend to willingly go; even if it's being sucked into yet another Amway meeting without realising it till I get there!!! /wrists /wrists.  I've now been to twenty sales seminars in a row thanks to this event, but with a quiet desensitivity to the sales pitches because by the end of it, it all became repetition. Just going to a single seminar selling only one product? I would have signed up to any of them, but because there were so many choices on offer, it made it easier to not buy anything and stick to the one that I only thought were exceptional.

    Was it a bit infomercially?  Well yeah, it was. But I don't care. I suffer from no delusions that in a matter of 3 days I'll be able to pick up and learn what it takes to become a millionaire. Instead, I was shown a series of doors, all different methods on how to create wealth, and I was invited to pick one.  I now feel that I have a pretty solid understanding of what my options are, and I can now step away from it all and say 'Yep! That's where I want to head.'

    For me, it's Tax Liens. That…sounds…awesome. Plus, it has the tick of approval from the most trusted and credible source at the conference, Steve himself. Let's face it, we're all following him like adoring fans since we're there because we loved his book and if it's good enough for him, that's certainly intruiging enough for me.

    Oh, and for the record, I bought the memory improvement program and the tax liens course. That's it.   I'm pretty sure they both were the cheapest things there for 500 bucks and 1500 for two to the tax liens. I split it with a friend so It all became cheaper.  Looking through my memory pack, I did the first day of the memory course that night, and I swear, I so heavily imprinted the training memory in my mind that I dreamt about it all night and woke up screaming "TOMATO!"  

    So in case anyone wants to put a face to the name, I was the guy that was lucky enough to be noticed by Steve Mckight when I took a swim in the Yarra river to fetch a drowning dog!  Free Big Black Box! Woohooooo! :)

    I think it was worth every cent… but in the scheme of things, I'm just a beginner. Perhaps for the more experienced who are good and want to get better, they might get more out of actually going to one of the courses, rather than watching a three day menu.

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