All Topics / Forum Frolic / So……………………..who’s going to the 3 day MEGA conference?

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  • Profile photo of v8ghiav8ghia
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 871
    Benjamin Csikos wrote:
    I'm going! :)

    Brilliantly Immature – loved it too!    Cheers

    Profile photo of catfree

    hubby and i are going – can't wait! looking forward to Dean Parker and Carly Crutchfield (who I keep calling Cindy Crawford)… we live in Melbourne and are still booked into accomodation in the city – just can't face the hike in and out every day as well as the days themselves…. parents in law have volunteered to have the munchkins – don't think they know what they have signed up for!

    Profile photo of Troodyg

    We are flying down from Cairns- we think! organised for mother in law and niece to fly up from adelaide to look after kids- now neice has ended up in hospital with an abcess! MIL not agile enough to chase 1 and 5 yr old on own so up the proverbial creek!

    We will go to plan 2 -just as soon as we work it out!

    We are looking forward to some inspiration especially from the crowd and real people who are just doing it- however as this will (hopefully) be our first time without kids for 4 years we are mostly looking forward to some time away together and look forward to enjoying Melbourne- its been years but I remember it as a really lovely city with a great vibe.

    Profile photo of catfree

    Hope it works out for you Troodyg – hearing you on some time away from the kiddies… as magical as they are, we are certainly looking forward to some "us" time… learning together is something we really enjoy!

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    I hear you all on the being away from your kids thing. It has been a very long time for us. Little nervous and hoping that my sister in law (first 2 days) and mum and dad (the last day) can pull it off! I hope everyone's sitting system works out! It'll be great just to spend three days learning and packing our brains with info :)

    Can't wait!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of Tracey B

    Wow Troodyg, there are some logistics going on for you to get to Melbourne.  Hope everything falls into place for you and you can enjoy your time away from home.

    Profile photo of Troodyg

    Thanks Tracey B, DWolfe and Catfree- yes we have created a logistical nightmare- it is getting so hard now that we refuse to give in!

    I think we have sorted it – we now have my mum flying in from brissie to meet up with MIL from Adelaide- and even though partner and I have been together ova 10 yrs- they have never met- because as they say- The wedding never happened did it! (every time we thought about it we decided we would spend the money buying another property instead! in hindsight I wish we thought about it a lot more!)

    Anyway- Melbourne here we come!

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Wow the two big cats in the same cage! (no offense meant) My mum and my MIL didn't meet until the wedding and even then it was a hi/bye lol. They very rarely see each other now. I think they would cage match it if left alone together for too long, as they are sooo different! Shh don't tell anyone I said that lol!

    Good on ya TroodyG and all the other fly ins. You guys are doing it tough (and expensive) But I think this thing will be worth it!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of Troodyg

    My mums dog(read 5th child) has now got a tumor! and has to be operated on tommorrow. THe lady who was going to look after mums dogs has been admitted to hopspital today with pluracy! I really am not making this up!!!!

    My mum can now not come- after I have already booked her tickets too

    After spending the entire afternoon on the phone to various airlines- i can transfer my mums tickets and get a refund on my neices ticket with a doctors letter, and transfer names to my auntie who is chuffed on a free holiday. I really hope plan 3 works because I dont know if weve got the mustard for a plan 4!

    At least Im feeling a little better about my auntie and MIL getting on- who have met before- in fact it was MIL idea this time.

    Come on Thursday- get me out of here!

    Profile photo of sonyasal

    Troodyg you should write a days of our lives script!!!

    I hope you ge there and that it is all worth it!!



    Profile photo of ChizChiz
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 70

    I’m going to be there. Really looking forward to it. Wish I could arrange kids to be looked after so my wife could come too.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Aww Trudy you poor thing! We are all rooting for you hope you can get here without any more problems popping up.

    Seeya there everyone! 1 Week to go!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of catfree

    Trudy, you are having such a bad run! Hope it all works out for you.

    Can't believe how excited I am – feel a little sheepish about it, to tell you the truth! Lol – I've always been a geek.


    Do or Do Not…. there is no Try.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Yay! Nice to see I'm not the only excited nerd! I am so nerdy I found a little doll/toy/thing that actually looks like my avatar so if you see it (it is small) come say hi. I don't really bite!

    Yes I am a super nerd. LOL

    Seeya all on Friday :)


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of Tracey B

    . . . . . . only 5 more sleeps!  Yep, I think I'm a nerd too!!

    Hope I spot your little doll/toy/thing D so I can say hi.

    Profile photo of sonyasal

    D I think you should kit yourself out in full makeup and teeth so that everyone will know who you are.

    have a great time everyone, I am not in a position to be there next weekend. i hope you have a great time, do some networking and find information that benefits you and your investing style..

    cheers  Sonya

    Profile photo of DWolfe


    Sonya, I'll collect anything good for ya! Maybe some posters that say "Property Investors do it with depreciation" LOL! It is a shame you can't come but family and commitments are first.

    As for the face….what about all the other blood thirsty ones? I might be lost in a sea of sharp eyed, sharp toothed property fiends!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of sonyasal

    I like to 'borrow' two sayings that i love 'Property is a girl's best friend' The title of one of the books that i like. The other saying is 'A man is not a financial plan' I can't remember where I read this, but it is so true for me in particular.

    Have you seen the charms on ebay of a for sale/sold  signs?

    I might have to get one of these.



    Profile photo of kong71286kong71286
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 261

    Hi guys,

    Does anyone know if we are allowed to bring notepads/pen to take notes at the '3 day mega conference'?

    " Pty Ltd and / or its agents own the copyright to the material, both oral and written, presented at
    the Conference. No portion of this Conference, including notes or other materials may be recorded or reproduced in any
    way or by any means without the prior written consent of Pty Ltd."

    I sent an email about 1-2 weeks ago, and haven't had any replies =/


    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Hi Kong,

    Have you been getting the emails with the info in them? There was one with instructions on what to bring and where you could park etc. It said to bring note pad pen etc. I think the recording part is for cameras, video and sound recording. he is what was in the email.

    1. Your Ticket Number
    2. Your signed disclaimer form
    3. Pen
    4. Notepad
    5. Food or Money for lunch and dinner
    6. Business cards for networking


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

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