All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Book Intro… What Do You Think?

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  • Profile photo of CarmelDrovandiCarmelDrovandi
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Steve
    I think this sounds great – so many works like your’s sound patronising, but this is respectful.
    PS I don’t think there’s a “dash” in extraordinary is there?

    Profile photo of jessiejessie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    [;)]Sounds great…..Can’t wait to read it myself. When are you coming to Queensland??? I would love to come to one of your seminars…
    I’m still looking for my first property, but will not give up and want to fulfill my dreams – just like you and your wife.
    Good luck with the book….Save me a copy please.

    Profile photo of tonrogtonrog
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1


    Looking forward to the release of the book.

    Please put on on your list as a purchaser.

    Profile photo of chericheri
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 23

    the intro sounds great! i can’t wait for another dose of your simple yet highly effective tips and advice. it’s a winner for sure

    Profile photo of AlexandraAlexandra
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 9

    Hi Steve,
    Thank you for inviting me to read the first draft of your intro. I think it is cleverly written. Light and certainly not imposing. It impresses upon the reader that there is a way out of being tied up to the office as an employee.
    Having said that, I think I will have to agree with Brett in emphasising how you built your own wealth. But perhaps this is a chapter on its own. [:)

    Profile photo of rolfuschrolfusch
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Steve,
    I really like the intro which sets the scene right from the word go for positive cashflow property investing. I myself have been badly burnt with negative gearing and can only say to my fellow investors: “Let’s be careful out there”.
    Another scenario which is pushed by bad advisors lately is re-financing and debt consolidation, so let’s all be careful and do our due diligence. Please don’t understand me wrong, re-financing (with a much better interest rate) or debt consolidation (again with a lower interest rate but keep up those repayments for non-appreciating assets such as cars, boats, holidays, etc) can be a very good thing when done correct.


    Rolf Schaefer
    RJA Financial Services Pty Ltd
    Accredited Mortgage Broker
    Tel: 03 9753 9044
    Fax: 03 9753 9055
    Mobile: 0422 907 022

    Profile photo of warrengwarreng
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1


    Are you going to self publish or expect to have a publisher handle that for you. I have self published a home insurance claims book and tried to use it to educate people. I have still found it far more effective having control of the printing and marketing.

    Give it your best shot, making money through investing has a wider appeal and people love to be educated. I will certainly be prepared to buy a copy.

    Warren Granger
    Find out the secrets to getting your building and contents insurance claims paid quickly and easily.
    Visit today

    Profile photo of rajohn1rajohn1
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 11


    When you say – aquired properties, – do you still have these properties, or have you sold some through wraps? – and is the book about wraps.

    As i am based in SA, where wraps are illegal, a book on wraps is of little interest to me, but other forms of property investment are.

    Thanks John

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Hi Steve,
    Your book certainly does sound promising and the way you have written it makes people who are interested in property investment – (but dont know that much about it)interested in buying it.
    The only change that I would suggest and it has already been covered in some of the replies is:

    So with all this in mind, should you buy this book?

    That may make uncertain people question themselves and then put it down,

    Whereas if it read

    So with all this in mind can this book help you?

    This is a more positive question and your next paragraph answers it by saying : then – yes definately.

    I think that would definately sell me the book as it assure me that miss average can be helped.

    I look forward to checking out the book.


    Profile photo of tryingtrying
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 18

    yes i think it will be a great book [:I

    Profile photo of dr housedr house
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 281

    Congratulations, for an accountant you are sensational and inspiring.
    Just one thought, what you wrote towards the end should be at the top? Straight away you get a summary of what its about.
    But, book publishers have editors and now doubt, they will do their bit.

    Profile photo of queenslanderqueenslander
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 8


    I am surprised your wife has to work at all. I thought that with a half-share in up to 160 properties you can afford to keep her at home?


    Profile photo of jenesemalonejenesemalone
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Steve!

    My response : [:D

    I am sure that it will be abig hit. Every one want to hear new things. May i ask you now that property prices are moving up everywhere so fast
    how can you be sure that there your formula will always work? Als which are are the majority of your 130 properties in?

    Cheers Jenese

    Profile photo of CocopopsCocopops
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10


    Congratulations, they say when writing a book often the intro is the most difficult.

    As someone who currently works in the industry of assisting people to invest in property, with a marketing background I would like to say this about your draft.

    The intro is informative yet real, it sounds as if it comes from the heart, most people today want to know you have put this out there for them to succeed not to build your own profile. (As we so often see with business or financial mentors.)

    It makes no too often heard promises of how to get rich in 11 minutes or less and it suggests that what you are proposing in your book can be used by anyone.

    Only one suggestion maybe edit the paragraph relating to Julie’s boss’s reaction & insert some info about your credentials. Too often we see i minute wonders with no creditials writing books on specific subject matters. Personally myself, before I buy a book I want to know the person that wrote it has both academic and practical qualifications about the subject matter at hand.

    Again congratulations for stepping up to the challenge of writing a book so that others may benifit from your knoweledge!!!!!

    Remember what goes around comes around, good luck

    Profile photo of paulbyrnepaulbyrne
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Steve

    It’s a great introduction. Very concise and to the point. Every point you made hits the nail on the head. I went to a wealth creation course 18 months ago and one of the points made was most people think with ‘conventional wisdom’. This point is brought out in your introduction when you talk about people coming up with all the excuses under the sun as to why they couldn’t possibly do what you have done. Your preaching to the converted with me. Ever since doing my first wealth creation course I have challenged people about the things that I am now doing and observed their reactions. Their reactions are almost without fail the same as you stated in your introduction. This helps me stay focussed on the path I have taken and am determined to continue on. I will be getting your book as soon as it is out. I’m also looking forward to your property investors course in Melbourne in May/June.



    Profile photo of hwd007hwd007
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 247

    Steve, The intro was enticing. So when do we get to see the first draft ? Cheers David[8)] – Great Lotto Software

    Profile photo of shunorbarishunorbari
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Yes, I like the introduction. I have 3 properties negatively geared, thinking I was doing the right thing. Now I have to work out what to do next and try and get positively geared! I will definitely have to read your book. So, I am here and now ordering a copy!! Hurry up and write that book!

    regards, George.

    Profile photo of stevensteven
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Steve, looks good,cant wait to buy a copy and do some interesting reading, regards Steven [:)

    Profile photo of safmoesafmoe
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 3


    Profile photo of cataldopcataldop
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 15

    Sounds good so far. I am looking forward to reading you book as there doesn’t seem to be any books out there that teach peolple about positive gearing. I have read books about negative gearing and books about paying of your investment in 2 to 3 years with the odd theoretical chapter thrown in about positive gearing. I need to concentrate on reducing my mortgage. I can see how postive gearing may help me to achieve my short (paying off the mortgage) and also long term goals (retirement by the age of 45 (10 years away)).

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