All Topics / Creative Investing / Cashflow games – Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle
Hi Guys,
Just thought id put a message out there, anyone that would like to play Robert Kiyosaki's aka Rich Dads game Cashflow 101 and 102, please let me know, we have the game board and we would love to play with people that are also investors.
email me at, we are based on the central coast so we are frequently in Sydney and Newcastle.
I'm keen but i'm in Canberra
Just sent you an email pipelinebuilder
Will email you
If anyone is interested in playing please let me know, as I want to organise a game for next weekend, pm me or email.
Is this still up?? I would love to play this game, Never touched it before. I read RK straight after school but never played the game.
Will email you.
TCL Investments
I am not aware about the Robert Kiyosaki’s aka Rich Dads game Cashflow 101 and 102. Can anyone please describe me the thing?
I played both the 101 and 102 electronic versions on computer a while ago. I bought it off ebay for about 8 bux or something (Im sure you can still get it). It's a dodgy copied version but works a treat.
I found the game quite basic and only lasted me a week or so before it got boring. You dont have to do much to get out of the rat race as RK makes it sound in his books.
Its worth a go though. Heaps of fun the first few rounds.
Didn't really learn much from it tbh.
Here is a review of the game:
I think the benefit of the game is that it triggers philosophies of investing… Kinda simplifies everything
I think this game would have been very benefical to me when i was leaving school. but after hearing these and other comments, after doing real life investments, i dont think that the game will be that exciting.
Anyway, If someone wants to play, and has a set, I wouldnt mind trying my hand at it.
Just pm me
or email is fine: tclinvestments@gmail.comLet me now if you in brisbane
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