All Topics / General Property / Information re: Cashflow Capital Pty Ltd

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  • Profile photo of A MitchellA Mitchell
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 18

    Has anyone had any dealings with Cashflow Capital Pty Ltd? A few insights into this group would be appreciated, their ROI seem too good to be true

    Profile photo of KoozKooz
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 39


    I haven't done any dealings with them personally, however have been tempted in the past whilst in 'lazy' mode to do just that. If you have a hunt around the forum on previous posts you will find more cautious warnings than glowing reviews.

    A previous post mentioned that most deals can be found on realestate dot com. So true. If any one went Steve's recent 1 nighter in Melbourne he showed an example of a CF+ property in country Vic. This property is on realesate dot com and the Cash Flow Capital site (no one seems to have taken the bite…its has come down in price as well).

    I suggest do your due diligence if you venture that way!


    Profile photo of Results1Results1
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 77

    my  advice would be to check with a few local agents if the rental returns being quoted are achievable, particularly if its a guaranteed rental for 12 – 24 months. Funnily enough I was looking at a cashflow positive companys advertising in an investor magazine last night quoting fabulous returns. one glimpse of the guaranteed company returns showed , what i would have thought anyway, to be totally unrealistic rents.

    Profile photo of andykirbyandykirby
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 48

    We've purchased through them in the past, and they've found good properties if you're looking for positive cashflow (although CF+ properties are easier to find at the moment). A lot of the properties they list are available on sites such as etc but they also have buyers agents in certain areas that get properties before they go on the open market. If you subscribe (or buy Gold Membership, I think is their phrase) they send out emails before posting them on their website, so the only properties appearing to general website viewers are properties that haven't been sold to the subscribers.

    If you're buying away from your local area (we were buying in QLD but live in VIC) they'll also negotiate on your behalf. Our buyers agent also inspected the property before we made an offer, estimated the price range we should be offering, and did our negotiating. They charge a percentage of the purchase price for this, but in our experience they negotiated a good price, did a good job and earnt their fee !

    It may be a 'lazy' way, but if you don't have the time or don't know an area, they may be for you.

    Profile photo of ErikHErikH
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 118

    I have subscribed to their website primarily to help with increasing my understanding / knowledge of the australian property market and since I'm an overseas investor I have to do all my research remotely. I found their website valuable in that I got a lot of insight in where to find cashflow +ve property. Not only the usual suspects of mining towns, student / shared accomodation, but also certain suburbs around Brisbane. In almost all cases I was able to find the properties I was interested in at and in most cases the Cashflow Capital webiste did not offer much more information. So… valuable for the first year but I don't expect to extend my subscription once it expires…

    Profile photo of swiftosswiftos
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 22

    Hi to all forum readers

    I am also a buyers advocate and hope to give you some unbiased information. Cashflow Capital are a reputable company that locate positive cashflow property across Australia. They charge a fee of 2.2% of the purchase price negotiated.

    Our company, Swift Property Solutions also does similar and charges a flat fee which is quite competitive. The difference you will find is that smaller companies such as ours locate properties specifically tailored to the client's profile whereas Cashflow Capital do not tailor their selections to specific clients.

    If you are interested in locating a cashflow property buyers advocates can save you time by locating properties, providing important information including industry, rentability etc. and often also save you money due to relationships with agents across Australia.

    I would be more than interested in chatting more and seeing if we can help you. Feel free to email me on or call on 0423 052 513 and we can discuss.



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