All Topics / Help Needed! / Sub-Division

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  • Profile photo of dave78

    Hi All,

    I am currently looking at buying a property that has sub-division opportunity.

    I have spoken to the local council and they have told me they are not able to see any reason why I can’t sub-divide the property and I am not able to find any overlay restrictions on it either.

    Can anyone help me to understand the process I would need to go through? Anything I need to know?

    I would be undecided if I would sub-divide then sell off the block, or if I would build on it.

    Any comments on the above would be fantastic!

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    The process is not particularly difficult and the requirements will vary from Council to Council.

    I would be talking to a local Town Planner who can walk you through the steps and costs involved. Once this information is to hand you can work our the viability fo the project.


    Richard Taylor
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    Profile photo of Alistair Perry

    Hi Dave,

    One thing that is very important to understand when dealing with town planning is that the permit pertains to a design. The zoning and overlays are very important, but just because what you propose seems to fit the resrtictions they place on the block is by no means a guarrentee that you will get a permit to build what you want.

    Your first port of call should be to find a good draftsperson/architect who has plenty of experience with medium density housing. What you can fit on a block will be heavily dependent on their skill.

    If you would like a referral to a good designer please let me know and i wouild be omnly too happy to give you a few names.


    Profile photo of dave78

    Hi Guy’s,

    Thanks for the quick reply’s.
    If I put in a permit to sub-divide, will this restrict me in anyway in the future if I decide not to go ahead and build?

    I am not decided if I would just sell the block off or if I would build on it. Any thoughts on this?

    Thanks for all your help


    Profile photo of Jemny

    Hi all,I am on my fourth three lot sub devision !!! My surveyor tells me what i can get away with, you can apply for a building permit at the same time thats up to you ,in victoria ,from my , experience , it wont make any difference getting the sub division done first!!My current sub division in paynesville was done that way, i received three objections to the sub division, no objections ,to the construction of the house on lot one!!! so you never know!!! I always ask my surveyor his oppinion first before buying ,then my valuer , then my real estate agent !!!in that order, agents will tell you what you what you want to hear sometimes ,valuers wont!!, their brutal,thats what you want!!! cheers john…………[medieval]

    Profile photo of dave78

    So on a sub-division, how do they calculate Capital Gains Tax if you sell the block off once it has been sub-divided?

    Profile photo of Alistair Perry

    Hi Whitelaw,

    If you are subdividing just using a surveyer then you have obviously purchased quite large lots. This is really only possible in outer areas like Paynesville (which I think is a very good area by the way). In most cases it is necessary to obtain a planning permit prior to subdividing and councils generally like building to have started before they will allow the subdivision to go through.


    Profile photo of nordicskiernordicskier
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 85

    Not all Councils require a building design prior to subdivision, some just require what the intention is ie residential. So it depends on where you are subdividing.

    I would check where the services are connecting and the easements. Then the town planning street setbacks, these can severely restrict development on a corner site.

    Profile photo of Jemny

    HI ALISTAIR i have chaged my user name, got sick of being referred to by second name !!! any way paynesville is where i am precisely!! newlands drive to be exact !!!! To my knowledge, the council ,dont require any of the things you mentioned ,they require a planning permit when you apply for a building pemit if there are erosion overlays etc ,effecting the subject land.A good surveyor will guide you through the process!!!! The steps i have outlined work in victoria !!!! cheers john…[medieval]

    Profile photo of Alistair Perry

    Hi John,

    I am in Victoria also. I can promise you that in general you do require a planning permit prior to subdividing (I own a town planning consultancy by the way), and in most cases you need to have started building. The circumstances where this is not the case are generally in outlying areas where there are very large block sizes eg Paynsville (expect a fair bit of development in Paynsville in the pretty near future by the way, it has a lot of potential). Pretty much every subdivision in Melbourne will require a planning permit and I assume the same would apply in every capital city.


    Profile photo of rover1986rover1986
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 5

    Hi All,

    i am currently at the very eraly stages of subdividing in Adelaide. So far i hav got the OK from the council to subdivide the backyard off my corner block. i have spoke to a surveyor who has lodged the application form to planning SA.
    As far as i am aware, planning is only necessary when building a new dwelling. And at no time have i been informed of needing to build prior to subdividing.

    i am in a similar position as to whether i sell the block off (very usable building wise) or build a new dwelling for rental purposes?


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