All Topics / Help Needed! / Attending inspections by owners/real estate agents of occupied IP

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  • Profile photo of Bronte


    We are three months in on our first IP – it is rented out and we have a real estate agent looking after the tenancy.

    Thing is, we are new at this…possibly a bit green….and our agent might be a bit too sophisticated for us.

    Anyways, the first inspection of the property is due soon. The agent has contacted us about arranging this, and wants us to attend with her. She says "all" her owners do that…attend inspections.

    Are we missing something? We think this seems like overkill…what can we spot that the agent won't? Why do we need to take time off work and spend time travelling to attend a brief inspection. Isn't this why we pay the agent?

    The references of the tenants were checked at the beginning. The agent took over 100 photos of the property before the tenants went in. It is a modern property, was very clean. Any faults/damages will be very obvious – I think!

    Sure, no one can predict which are going to be 'bad' tenants, but surely the agent will pick up (without us present) if there are any problems after 3 months?

    The agent was talking about taking photos too…during the inspection. Is there a point where tenants might have a reason to object (re privacy and the like?)

    So far there has not been a problem with the tenants. Rent is paid in advance and regularly. Gardener looks after the grounds.

    Do we sound like lazy landlords? Do we need to be more active?

    B x

    Profile photo of karen.karen.
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 196

    sounds bizzare to me.  but im green like u  :)

    all i can say is, our property manager doesnt request us to be at any of the inspections.  as u said – thats what we pay them to do.  i dont want to be hassled by stuff like that. 

    Profile photo of LinarLinar
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 567

    It does sound like overkill.

    BUT, I wouldn't be doing anything to discourage a thorough PM.  If she wants you to be there, then be there.  She sounds incredibly thorough (taking over 100 photos) but when you read all the problems with PMs that people on this forum have, just be grateful that she is so thorough.

    Go to the first inspection and then if it all looks OK, don't go to any further ones.  Tell her that it was obvious from the first inspection that she was doing an very good job and it is clear that she has selected and kept an eye on good tenants and that you have faith that she will continue to look after your interests.



    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    Our pm is quite thorough and does invite us along to inspections if we are available – it allows you some time to catch up with the pm, discuss the market, issues with your property which may require some attention in the future and allows you to work on the pm/owner relationship (not just screaming at them as the tenant has not paid or whatever other issue has arisen). I try to meet up with my pm's if I can especially when there is a new pm working for the agency so that you can gauge their performance as well.

    If you are not local – leave it in the hands of the agent but still catch up/meet with them annually. If you are local, try to attend the occasional inspection with them

    Profile photo of Bronte

    Thanks everyone!

    We have decided not to attend.

    Initially we went with this PM as that is all they do – manage properties – no real estate sales. But it has kind of back fired as they seem rather pedantic. The 120+ condition report jpegs of the property should have warned us – separate photos of the phone book, the spare light bulb for the WIR, and the utility company magnets for the fridge – I mean really!!!!

    I don't want us (as the owners) or the PM to become an annoyance to the tenants, who we would like to keep long term. It is not that long since I was a renter, and I know this would annoy the crap out of me!!!!!

    If we need information on the market we can contact the PM at any time, or go to other sources.

    I suppose I resented the way the PM was kind of bombastic about our claims that we hadn't heard of owners attending all inspections. She scoffed saying ALL of her clients do ALL of the time. We felt kinda embarrased, and therefore bullied into going along with this. We have now managed to get a bit tougher…..LOL!

    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,674

    I would suggest that you attend once every 12 months or maybe once every two years. You will have a more selective eye than a property manager who looks after many properties. You really want to look for wear and tear and although you can't blame this on a tenant you should get these things fixed to keep your property in a good state.
    My tenant tells my PM on the condition report because they know that I get any problem fixed for them asap as I regard my tenants as not just paying rent but rather that they are paying for a service and a certain standard of accommodation.

    I do not attend the inspections or have I been asked except between tenancies.
    But my tenants know I get things fixed when they ask me and sometimes when they don't ask me.
    I am sure a tenant would be less intimidated by inspections if you took a pro active apporach at fixing problems rather than blaming the tenant for it and taking it out of their bond as has been my experience as a tenant when I rented.

    At the very minimum you should do a drive by inspection at least once a year and it is tax deductible keep record of distance.
    You want to know they are cutting the grass and not dismantling cars on your nature strip or front lawn.

    Profile photo of Kris77Kris77
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    Sounds like a good property manager you have there, although I would have felt uncomfortable at the inference that you SHOULD be there. I offer my clients the opportunity and encourage them if they havent seen the property in a couple of years, but you are very correct, that is what you pay her for. Every landlord is individual in their needs, some are very hands on and others dont want to know a thing. I do think it is very important for landlords to view their properties once in a while to stay familiar with the general condition and wear and tear of their property. It is very disspointing when a landlord doesnt want to know about their property then 5 years on goes in and is suprised that the walls need paintintg or the carpet is worn and doesnt look exactly the same as it did last time they saw it!

    Profile photo of GSmith13GSmith13
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    Hi ,

    Can anyone help with my problem as im on other side of this issue.

    I have a rental and had my first 3 month inspection by the Agent ……no problems.

    We then had our 6 month inspection letter saying that the Agent would be there on such a day ………. But when she turned up she informed us that the owners were inspecting the property as well.

    Can anyone tell me if the Agent should have informed me in writing that the Owners were going to turn up as well  or do they have the right to just turn up on the day  with her ??


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