All Topics / Creative Investing / Michael Yardney Property Update 6 Mar 09

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  • Profile photo of BuilderBobBuilderBob
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 131

    [This thread has been closed. The “Creative Investing” forum is for discussing investment strategies, and should not be used to focus on the personal lives of others.]

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    Hi BB,

    Good post and nice video Michael … I think IMHO MY is a good bloke with great teaching skills.

    The only problem with the spruker market and seminars at the moment is that property is not the flavor of the moment.

    Go to a BBQ and bring up the subject of real estate and investing … LISTEN to what people are saying, people are off it and seminars, wedinars and any other ars are a hard sell.

    Take the first homers out of the market and the property market will crash in Australia … be patient better pricing is on the way.

    The best advise currently is to cut up credit cards, reduce debt and increase equity, small towns are suffering lower rents are more common and capitol growth is 5 years away.


    Profile photo of jack1234

    before you believe anything any one says to you – first find out who the speaker really is
    type "Dr Michael Yardney" in google

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    Oh my God,

    Michael is this really true and does Chan & Naylor know … is this you or a hoax ??

    Profile photo of cu@thetop

    If it is I feel it would have no bearing on the advice he gives. As the Dr has been dealt with and punished he should be allowed to get on with his life some 10 years later.

    Profile photo of jack1234

    Once an offender… always an offender….
    trust is a very delicate thing ….

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    CU@thetop …

    60 women ????? not 1 but 60 … you must be a man to say that.

    So you move into a new neighbor hood and find out the nice man next door …… how do you feel when you are at work … got any children … are you married … when you watch the NRL this season and see Stewarts face what will you think about?

    I have not accused MY I have asked if the information is true and let the man speak for himself.


    Profile photo of cu@thetop

    Due to the high rate of recidivism with sex offenders I may not necessarily trust one near my family but that misses the point that such convictions do not detract from validity of property/RE advice.
    I don't watch NRL (not my cup of tea) but if that Stewart bloke is the one accused of assaulting the 17yo girl I say let the  court deal with him.
    I found it a bit sus that the complaintant's dad is giving a press conference within 12hours of the alleged incident.
    Maybe its a case of "go him compo". Ive seen a few fabricated complaints over the years so I take what the press says with a grain of salt.

    Mind you- I missed the bit aout 60 complaintants

    Profile photo of jack1234

    When someone advises you – like a doctor – or mentor – you trust them because of their capacity in your relationship.
    You take their advice because you trust them. But if they are known to break that trust earlier, with other people, may it be for another matter and i know about it, i will move on…

    But if you decide to stay and continue to take their advice – that trust WILL be broken – in just a matter of time…

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    A person who is a bank robber or has tenancies to rob banks and then changes their profession still has the desire to rob banks …

    To become a Dr you need a brain … I can only say that if this exposure is in fact true and this gets out into the community it will be very embarrassing standing on stage never knowing who in the audience will ask the question …

    For me I would take myself out of the public eye altogether … survive or thrive?

    I am saddened for this type of embarrassment … if there were 60 complainants how many others didn't complain?


    Profile photo of jack1234

    if it is untrue – why is he silent – after all he is the one who started this thread…

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    if it is untrue – why is he silent – after all he is the one who started this thread…


    Well Manoj if they are both the same people he/hes have just shot themselves in the foot on Australias most successful investment forum … as I said previously when you are a sick person that "subconscious program" wont change it is always there.

    I wonder if Chan & Naylor have been made aware of this as I understand they are pushing hard their survive and thrive seminars around Australia.

    If Ed finds out the reputation of their company will go down like a tonne of bricks (guilty by association) … When people do stupid things one day it will come back to haunt them … and this could turn out to be a nightmare if it is true.

    I wonder what would happen if 5 women stood up in the audience with documentation and asked the question in a public arena … if it were me I would be cancelling all "performances" and dropping out of the investment public eye.

    "The man in the mirror"


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    Hmmm no reply to this yet,

    Considering the serious nature of what has been exposed here maybe it should be moved to a more higher traffic post area.

    I have a friend whom is making some legal research into the google references and other medical journals as well, actually she works for the AMA


    Profile photo of HAV11CHAV11C
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 12

    I have done no research other than to read the article linked… I'm sure there are more than one person with his name.

    Your post without further proof off it being one and the same Michael is a very dangerous post.

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    Hello Havic, no profile? and 9 posts since 2005 ?

    If you are referring to me be very very careful.

    This post was started by BB who has been accused as being the same person namely MY (not by ME by another member, please go back and read the COMPLETE post) and if that is true then words cannot explain my disappointment other than an opportunist … is this true I have no idea and I did not or have not accused MY … in fact I stated here in answer to BB that I in fact did previously admire his efforts into the investment arena.

    This is a public forum and not a court room, someone from the public and who is also a member of this forum posted a concern and also has give the person an opportunity to defend themselves.

    If it were me I would immediately be providing proof to defend myself, I have always considered MY and what he has done and become however lets see what happens and where this will go …

    Yes I believe the article said sexually assaulted 60 women ??? very very serious indeed if I had the same name as Adolf Hitler or Jack the Ripper I would change it.


    Profile photo of god_of_moneygod_of_money
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 970

    just read this article.
    Who can we trust??? NO ONE… apart from property spruikers…. :)

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    Hi GOM … with all due respect what does that have to do with this thread,

    I'm confused we all this I think … not have a personal go at you.

    I'm wondering why Havic who has only had 9 post in 4 1/2 years would reply to this as well … very suspicious … if everybody here had more than one name that means that this forum has only about 20,000 members … I'm even more confused.

    Hey admin why not Tighten up up the profile details for members … just a suggestion.

    D … now where were we …

    Hello Havic, no profile? and 9 posts since 2005 ????? who are you really.

    If you are referring to me be very very careful.

    This post was started by BB who has been accused as being the same person namely MY (not by ME by another member, please go back and read the COMPLETE post) and if that is true then words cannot explain my disappointment other than an opportunist … is this true I have no idea and I did not or have not accused MY … in fact I stated here in answer to BB that I in fact did previously admire his efforts into the investment arena.

    This is a public forum and not a court room, someone from the public and who is also a member of this forum posted a concern and also has give the person an opportunity to defend themselves.

    If it were me I would immediately be providing proof to defend myself, I have always considered MY and what he has done and become however lets see what happens and where this will go …

    Yes I believe the article said sexually assaulted 60 women ??? very very serious indeed if I had the same name as Adolf Hitler or Jack the Ripper I would change it.


    Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616

    Many years ago, in the 1980’s and when I was much younger, I did some things I am very ashamed of.

    I paid a very heavy price for my indiscretions. I lost my profession, the respect of all my colleagues’ friends and family.

    I was punished and in general, society gives people a second chance once they have paid their dues. I have taken that opportunity very seriously.

    I have conducted my business and personal life in such a way that I have been able to come home every night and look my wife and children in the eyes and proudly say that I have done nothing anyone could be ashamed of.

    My high profile in the property industry means that the events of the past crop up on a regular basis, and the only way I know how to deal with them is with honesty. The only reason I haven't responded is that I haven't frequented this or any other property forum for months.

    By the way this has been discussed on a number of occasions on this and the other property forum, in fact since 2002. I guess it comes up  every year or so, and interestingly usually when I do my seminars, because there are many new members on the forum.

    My professional colleagues, staff and publisher are aware of my past. They have also seen how I have conducted myself not for one or two or three or four years but for all of last decade and this one.

    I can’t undo what I have done, or the hurt I caused a lot of people, but I can be proud of all my business and personal dealings for almost 20 years now.

    I am a very, very different person today.

    Profile photo of jack1234


    i think you should send the above message in your  e-magazine to all 40,000 people and get it out of the way once for all

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorffhbbehrendorff
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 293

    There is a big difference between 1 and 60,   He alluded all those women over a very long period of time,  60+ ? that we know about…. brought them to the slaughter and now he is doing the same with his business,  But this time its a Financial slaughter…

    I've seen what he has said about the coming Australian boom,  Of course he is going to promote property,  Even if its the worst time to invest in it,  That is his business,  How he makes money..

    Im dam sure he knows exactly where the property market and the economy in general is heading,  But that won't stop him praising it up as long as he can squeeze more juice out of the lemon, But unfortunately for all his clients he is allowed to have his opinion even if he knows his opinion is filled with lies

    These type of people are Predators and …

    Wow,  I can't believe I actually Commented on you back in last October

    I never usually say such nasty things about people,  But from the moment I saw you,  You literally sent chills up my spine and I did not know why…. now I do… I have always had a weird uncanny ability to read people… don't ask me how

    hmmm,  I wonder if you would still be a sexual predator if you had my youth ?  Your an old man now..

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