All Topics / General Property / The crash is beginning…..

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  • Profile photo of devo76
    ummester wrote:
    devo76 wrote:
    I believe all people on this site should also visit GHPC. ( After all they are constantly on hear spreading there GHPC bible right guys) A newbie will go on there and at first be absolutly horrified as people tell them that 100% without doubt property investing is finished. But as you spend more time on there you realise the quality of the poster and you start to see through them. At this time you throw 90% of there crap to the side and use it for the good information available. At this point it is a useful website.

    I like to read and blog in both this site and that. I feel it gives me a more rounded POV.

    Like Devo says, there are extreme POVs on both sites. I guess it is because property is such an emotional topic in Australia – half the country have thier futires invested in it and the other half see their futures ruined because of it. It has to correct, that much is certain. By how much and when is unknown.

    I feel as badly for some investors as I do some recent FHBs and some tenants (those who stand to have thier places of recidence foreclosed). Reading here shows me that not all investors are greedy scum, only some:) I wish just the greedy scum were going to suffer but unfortunately it doesn't work like that.

    Your spot on. I contribute over there as well. GHPC has opened my eyes a long time ago but but it goes to far some times. This is clearly evident in there posts or avatars. Many have a deep seeded hatred of investors and they constantly attack them in every post. This is a clear indication that you will rarely get a balanced argument.

    Profile photo of wianwian
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    I think you need to stop watching Australian Idol and do some serious research into History and non mainstream media and current events to get a proper perspective as to what is really going on.

    trust me , i hate australian idol !  hehe !

    oh well, you come into the world with nothing, you leave with nothing, so i dont really worry about it too much to be honest.  Money and wealth isnt my God, so i dont really get all uptight about it….


    Profile photo of cool samcool sam
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 23

    Decades before the word "dotcom" slipped past our lips as the answer to all of our problems, the internet was created by the U.S. military, who vastly underestimated how much people would want to be online. Commercially the internet started to catch on in 1995 with an estimated 18 million users. The rise in usage meant an untapped market–an international market. Soon, speculators were barely able to control their excitement over the "new economy."

    Companies underwent a similar phenomenon to the one that gripped Seventeenth century England and America in the early eighties: investors wanted big ideas more than a solid business plan. Buzzwords like networking, new paradigm, information technologies, internet, consumer-driven navigation, tailored web experience, and many more examples of empty double-speak filled the media and investors with a rabid hunger for more. The IPOs of internet companies emerged with ferocity and frequency, sweeping the nation up in euphoria. Investors were blindly grabbing every new issue without even looking at a business plan to find out, for example, how long the company would take before making a profit, if ever.

    Obviously, there was a problem. The first shots through this bubble came from the companies themselves: many reported huge losses and some folded outright within months of their offering. Siliconaires were moving out of $4 million estates and back to the room above their parents' garage. In the year 1999, there were 457 IPOs, most of which were internet and technology related. Of those 457 IPOs, 117 doubled in price on the first day of trading. In 2001 the number of IPOs dwindled to 76, and none of them doubled on the first day of trading.


    Cobo Condos

    Chicago Condos

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    Its alright,  Lord Rudd is going to to save us from the internet by slowing our speed down by 80% and banning any site that is contrary to the motherland.

    Oh lord rudd thou art is so wise and wonderful may all sites show tribute to your wisdom by placing a picture of our emperor on the top of every website (Those that are not banned of course)

    I wonder if a property investment site will be allowed on the internet for much longer ? Because we all know that entrepreneurs don't make good pleb slaves,  And we should not allow anti motherlandish sites to be online that don't teach us all how to be good nwo slave workers

    Profile photo of harb
    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    Its alright, Lord Rudd is going to to save us from the internet by slowing our speed down by 80% and banning any site that is contrary to the motherland.

    Oh lord rudd thou art is so wise and wonderful may all sites show tribute to your wisdom by placing a picture of our emperor on the top of every website (Those that are not banned of course)

    There is no need for any filters. I say get rid of the evil broadband altogether and go back to the 110 bps acoustic couplers, lets see you try downloading porn or pirated movies over that.

    And who said Rudd wasted his time in China at the taxpayers expense ? He picked up a lot more then just the Mandarin language from the Maoists but just imagine what a GREAT leader he'd be if he had the chance to study under the KGB and Stasi ?
    Make if we send him on a fact finding mission OS and some training with Putin, Kim & Mugabe, hopefully before the next election,  then have a proper referendum on becoming a republic he could become The chosen one.

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    And anyone who does not approve is with Alkaida

    I Can't wait until Lord Rudd renames his empire Austrasia

    And I can't wait until we get police in darth vadar uniforms with light sabers… I mean tasers,  Actually they where saying on the radio the other day that if we are "naughty" that the police will have to discipline us with there tasers,  I can't wait,  It will be like mummy chasing me around with the belt when I was 5,  But with electricity

    Profile photo of keikokeiko
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 513

    Hey harb, you say global warming is a scam and scientists are ripping everyone off saying there is global warming. how do you no that the honest scientists arn't the scammers trying to earn that quick buck . my mum lives on the water front and shes been saying for the last few years the sea levels have been rising up the wall outside the house, i didn't take much notice then the other week they had motor scrapers going up and down the beach removing half a meter of sand, have they been outside your house lately. 

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    Jesus,  The whole solar system is hotter ! All the planets are hotter ! the sun is producing much more heat then it normally does !

    But the earth is going to enter another cool era with precipitation caused by all the heat.

    Profile photo of devo76
    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    Jesus,  The whole solar system is hotter ! All the planets are hotter ! the sun is producing much more heat then it normally does !

    But the earth is going to enter another cool era with precipitation caused by all the heat.

    I agree. Apparently earlier ice ages started with a warm up. the warming affected ocean currents and this brought on a ice age in the norther areas. Australia should be fine. This means with everyone leaving the freezing s@#t holes to the north. We will experiance massive immigration. Up go house values YEAH YEAH. Might take a while though.

    Profile photo of harb
    keiko wrote:
    Hey harb, you say global warming is a scam and scientists are ripping everyone off saying there is global warming. how do you no that the honest scientists arn't the scammers trying to earn that quick buck .

    Yes you could be right except,
    1. the planet has been cooling for the past few years, even the D&G merchants agree with that.
    2. The "honest" scientist are not being paid to research global warming or cooling so no cozy jobs or quick bucks for them
    3. first it was the carbon causing the warming then the nitrogen now is the methane , see 1.
    4. they are talking about sea levels rising by x amount over the next 100+ years, after they're all dead and buried, yet they are all getting paid now . Its all a bit like religion, you have to take them on trust, pay them now and hope they didn't get it wrong or even worst- lied about it to keep their jobs.

    my mum lives on the water front and shes been saying for the last few years the sea levels have been rising up the wall outside the house,

    Unless your mum lives on a sinking atoll in the Pacific you'll find that her wall was probably built by Dodgy Bros. Pty. Ltd. and they didn't provide adequate foundation for that wall so its the wall that is sinking. Or it could be the whole suburb that is sinking if it was built on swampy ground, plenty of whole cities around the world that are sinking. I'm surprised the D&G merchants haven't used Venice or even Shanghai as evidence of sea levels rising cause by the global warming and CO2.

    i didn't take much notice then the other week they had motor scrapers going up and down the beach removing half a meter of sand, have they been outside your house lately.

    And the purpose of doing that being what, lowering the water level in the ocean ?

    Profile photo of ummester

    The climate on this planet is cyclic, it has to do with the 'wobble' of the earth on it's axis and a build up to polar shift. There is notthing any of us can do about it. Climate Change due to polar shift is real, is happening and is not our fault. It has happened before and mankind has survived it. I could be wrong but I think it comes around every 12K years. 

    Global warming, on the other hand, is a get rich quick scheme for the scientific community. The scam is convincing us that we are responsible for what is happenning to the planet and that we need the scientists to save us. What we are experiencing is natural, cyclic and unstoppable. All we can do is prepare.

    Profile photo of hbbehrendorff

    get rich quick scheme for the scientific community ?  Are you serious ?  Is that as far as your mind will allow you to comprehend ?

    So the poor little owners of the central banks who control the vast majority of the worlds economy who are just humble enough to give there services so that us the tax payer can buy there carbon credits that they make out of thin air when they are entered on a computer screen for the purpose of giving even MORE power and control to the banking cartel is all because of a few NWO funded scientists ?

    They don't even care if everyone knows there secret anymore,  They are that bold they just admit they are taking us for everything we got.

    How many get out of jail free make up the rules as you go bankster fraud is good 700 billion dollar cheques have to be written before you work out this is just a little bit more higher up the food chain and more organized then your local crook science group playing a prank ?

    Profile photo of L.A AussieL.A Aussie
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1,488
    harb wrote:
    ummester wrote:
    Harb, where have you been?

    Looking at buying some more houses , where else ? Thanks to that stupid FHOG increase one of my offers got knocked back  and the place sold to a FHB for full asking price.

    I recon there is sweet FA we can do about it now, it is a natural cycle, like property devaluations:)

    Yep , been happening since the beginning long before we got down from the trees so it couldn't be our fault.
    And I know for a fact that the rising sea level story is a crock  of shit, don't need no satellites either.  I've got a couple of S/steel rods into the retaining wall to measure tide levels and its been the same for 20 years now. Unless the concrete wall is expanding at the same rate with the sea level.

    Off topic, but had to add my observation on Harb's comment about rising water levels.

    I have been visiting the Mornington Peninsula since I was about 7 years old (I'm now 47).

    We now live in Dromana, not far from the pier.

    The water level has not risen 1mm on the pier pylons in all that time, and the water is as cold as ever. It does get slightly warm in summer for a short time though – about Feb.

    Think about this; the earth's surface is 80% covered by water. That's just the area it covers; it doesn't factor in the volume and depth.

    Or, put another way; only 20% of the earth's surface is land.

    Part of that 20% is the two poles – north and south, and over their respective summers, they each lose about 1/3rd of their ice.

    It'd take a very, very big ice melt to even nudge the water level.

    Profile photo of ummester
    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    get rich quick scheme for the scientific community ?  Are you serious ?  Is that as far as your mind will allow you to comprehend ?

    So the poor little owners of the central banks who control the vast majority of the worlds economy who are just humble enough to give there services so that us the tax payer can buy there carbon credits that they make out of thin air when they are entered on a computer screen for the purpose of giving even MORE power and control to the banking cartel is all because of a few NWO funded scientists ?

    They don't even care if everyone knows there secret anymore,  They are that bold they just admit they are taking us for everything we got.

    How many get out of jail free make up the rules as you go bankster fraud is good 700 billion dollar cheques have to be written before you work out this is just a little bit more higher up the food chain and more organized then your local crook science group playing a prank ?

    Who cares where and how deep the rabbit hole goes? The scientific community is as much a capitalistic industry as the next in this day and age. I keep telling you Darth Maul that as hard as some conspirational bankers may be working for world domination behind the scenes, it is our attitudes that seal our fate – not the bankers plans.

    And, in the wake of the next frozen age, it is all kid of irrelivant. What good are RFID tags on every bank customer when the northern hemisphere is under ice?

    Profile photo of Yossarian

    Yeah, all those atmospheric scientists driving Ferraris, theoretical physicists sunning themselves on yachts and molecular biologists skiiing in St Moritz.

    They're *clearly* in it for the money

    Profile photo of harb
    Yossarian wrote:
    Yeah, all those atmospheric scientists driving Ferraris, theoretical physicists sunning themselves on yachts and molecular biologists skiiing in St Moritz.

    As opposed to being unemployed or having to take some menial job in a factory ? Too many scientists were left out in the cold in the post-cold war era so the GW scam was the perfect excuse to get them feeding on the taxpayers tit again. And while there why not use that as an excuse to put up some new taxes as well, right ? Could help to replace the revenue lost from the declining sales of tobacco products.

    Profile photo of ummester
    Yossarian wrote:
    Yeah, all those atmospheric scientists driving Ferraris, theoretical physicists sunning themselves on yachts and molecular biologists skiiing in St Moritz.

    They're *clearly* in it for the money

    How about in it for the industry? Proof of future employment? Convince the public that there is a reason to need the scientific community and not opose the grants.

    Also, like Harb noted, there is a political side to this. Governements need a crisis to keep the public in control. The right has opted for terrorism and war, the left likes the environment. Either way, it isn't so much about making individuals rich as it is about convincing the public that there is a reason for those individuals to be employed.

    Profile photo of Yossarian
    ummester wrote:
    Yossarian wrote:
    Yeah, all those atmospheric scientists driving Ferraris, theoretical physicists sunning themselves on yachts and molecular biologists skiiing in St Moritz.

    They're *clearly* in it for the money

    How about in it for the industry? Proof of future employment? Convince the public that there is a reason to need the scientific community and not opose the grants.

    Also, like Harb noted, there is a political side to this. Governements need a crisis to keep the public in control. The right has opted for terrorism and war, the left likes the environment. Either way, it isn't so much about making individuals rich as it is about convincing the public that there is a reason for those individuals to be employed.

    You appeared to be implying (correct me if I'm wrong ) that there's a bunch of scientists knowlingly telling porkies in order to make a quid and that scientific endeavour is akin to any other profit making exercise. The fact that the vast majority of scientists are academics and public servants earning well less than the average RE agent is sufficient to put the latter to rest and if you were familiar with the nature of peer-reviewed research across the scientific community you would know that the former just aint possible.

    Nw just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you, but it isn't a bunch of atmospheric scientists in lab coats.

    *sound of black helicopters hovering menaciingly outside*

    Profile photo of frini

      I've never liked Michael Yardney,  He looks evil,  Anyone who has done any study into physiognomy would probably agree with me.

    Have a look at your icon ?!?!

    Profile photo of frini
    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    A boom ?? Are you out of your mind,  On what premiss could you bolster up such an opinion,  I've never liked Michael Yardney,  He looks evil,  Anyone who has done any study into physiognomy would probably agree with me.

    What information does he know,  That we don't know,  That would make him preach there will be a boom ?

    Or is it just a case of him wanting to make more money,  As no one would be going to his seminar if he said the market is in disaster

    I always find it funny how everyone seeks an expert to come to there own opinion,  while at the same time turning there own mind off,  Like everyone wants to be feed the answer,  whether it be true or false,  Because that makes it easier.  No one has there best interest's at heart more then oneself.

    If you want to find the answer to anything,  Don't believe anyone you hear,  especially when they have there own special interest,  Do the research yourself and come to your own conclusion.

    Michael Yardney "evil"???
    Well have a look at you icon !

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