All Topics / Finance / How Do You Become A Money Magnet?

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  • Profile photo of JLtarra

    Hi there everyone,

    I'm after ideas your willing to share on becoming a money magnet.

    I am a developer.  I mainly do land sub-divisions and are getting frustrated with the limits of the banks lending system.

    It is time the I expand my business and use Money Partners and/or JVs?

    My question is how do you attract them?

    How do you sell your investment to investors as a safe one?

    Thanks in Advance


    Profile photo of duckster

    Your problem is that you are not allowed to advertise for joint ventures because of ASIC. You are only allowed to approach 5 people a year I think was the rule unless you submit a propectus that is approved by ASIC.

    I have thought about this problem myself as I have limited income and realise I will have trouble affording property on my own.

    I have thought up this possible method.
    I would attend property investor meetings and get to know other investors.
    If you are in Melbourne see

    Profile photo of JulzJulz
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 3

    You could do the Money Magnet course advertised in the best seller section on the right of screen. Alternatively you could ask people you know without any paid advertising anywhere – try word of mouth it works quite well.

    Profile photo of duckster

    The Money Magnet is from Brendan Nichols

    I have witnessed Brendan Nichols speaking at the Melbourne Property Investor Meetings and was impressed with what he was presenting.

    Profile photo of JLtarra

    Julz & Duckster,

    Thanks for you replies.

    I actually have done Brendan's Entrepreneurs Boot Camp which was fantastic and highly recommend it.

    Like you mentioned i have to ask, and word of mouth.


    Profile photo of SavSav
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 32
    JLtarra wrote:

    Im interested in joint ventures into property. Email me your plans to

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