I like the idea of the motivational/discussion group. However becareful of discussing stocks or the stockmarket as you may become one of the herd. (not just JV’s)
Unfortunatly it’ll be unlikely i’ll make the 25 odd hour trip down to sydney anytime soon. Pity you can’t live in north QLD and be close to sydney.
Oh and perhaps watching old cheesy tv shows nay enlighten you to the world of monkey, sandy and pigsy. Ayyyeee Ayyyeee.
meetings in Perth?
I am new to this site and am impressed by the gold mine of information out there.You guys are very giving with your knowledge[]great to see .Would anyone know of any meetings going on in Perth?
Firstly thanks to those who braved the rain and post-match hangovers [:0)] to come along. Not a huge turn out but what an interesting bunch of characters!
I was pleasantly surprised at the reception to the goal setting / budgeting exercise I proposed, so next get together is this Thursday (27/11) @ 7PM so that we can get everything down on paper. I’ll email you all personally to let you know the venue in the next day or so (email me if you didn’t make the initial meetings but want to come along on Thursday: vivarto@bigpond.com)
There are a number interesting subjects that some of us/you know but that we could all benefit from. On Thursday we can also decide which of these we want to look at in future meetings but personally I would like to start with ‘How to put a loan application together that will not get knocked back’
This meeting idea is just what us Newbies need. I graduate in a weeks time, but I am very interested in property investing. I have read a heap of books on investing, but Steve’s has been the most informative. I am having a year off next year and then doing a Bachelor of Business at Griffith Uni on the Gold Coast. I have the money to look at about two IP. Is there anyone on the Gold Coast or mabye brisbane who is interested in the meeting idea.
Count me into. 21 years old 11 IP, aim for 17 IP before the year ends, only been investing for about 8-9 months as well.
What city do you live in S.I.S
Cheers Matt
Hey Phobia,
I’m in Melbourne and thinking about getting a group started here. But guess what? I know of quite a few +cash flow properties in Queensland. Some are houses, but there’s also units, duplexes and blocks of flats. I’ll send a copy of this email to 2muchmoney, too. Maybe I could zip up there too and we could all do some business.
hey phobia
i am in the same boat as you i live on the gold coast and have the enough resources to buy 1 or 2 investment properties and are very keen on meeting like minded people to create a plan doing the same thing. is there anyone else on the gold coast or brisbane.
Hey, 2muchmoney!
I’m in Melbourne and thinking about getting a group started here. But guess what? I know of quite a few +cash flow properties in Queensland. Some are houses, but there’s also units, duplexes and blocks of flats. I’ve replied similarly to phobia. Maybe I could zip up there and we could all do some business.
I would love to be in buttttttttt I’m in Vic. Maybe this could happen in Vic, preferably CBD or western side. I’ll be moving to Geelong in December. Any takers out there.
Dear John,
Vivarto’s idea is great! And he seems to know what he is talking about. Too bad we live in Melbourne, but maybe not too bad, hey! My point is this. I’m a newby, too and have received an email from another newbie (also in Melbourne) who is interested in joining forces. So lets do that!
Lets invite all Melbournian newbies, mentors, solicitors and acountants (hint, hint) to contact us and lets forma a Melbourne group! my email is rickbonel@yahoo.com.au, my pnone is 03-98133809 my mobile is 0413217530.
Meeting this Thursday evening to make a start. We’ve got a good but smallish venue so numbers are limited. All of us who met up at the weekend will be there and I’ve already sent out invites to everyone who emailed over the last two weeks.
So just a few spaces left – who’s interested? This meeting is primarily about getting the foundations down rather than getting into property specifics. If you’ve read through the posts on this topic you’ll know where I’m coming from. If you agree with the basic approach proposed then you’re most welcome – but be prepared to work!
This meeting idea is just what us Newbies need. I graduate in a weeks time, but I am very interested in property investing. I have read a heap of books on investing, but Steve’s has been the most informative. I am having a year off next year and then doing a Bachelor of Business at Griffith Uni on the Gold Coast. I have the money to look at about two IP. Is there anyone on the Gold Coast or mabye brisbane who is interested in the meeting idea.
Count me into. 21 years old 11 IP, aim for 17 IP before the year ends, only been investing for about 8-9 months as well.
reply for phobia and 2muchmoney
I am moving from South Coast NSW to southport QLD in January and would be interested in a group such as vivarto is organising
you can contact me at littlelot@hotkey.net.au if we can organise something
Despite my constant goading we don’t appear to have anybody else joining us from the forum which is somewhat disappointing. The ‘Group for new investors’ topic has had over 540 hits making it one of the most read topics on the forum – however this has not translated into bums-on-seats tomorrow night. For tomorrow night I believe we have the usual suspects
I have also invited along a guy called Neil. He’s an accountant. I thought an accountant would be a useful addition to the group if we can get him interested. Is there anyone else coming along not listed? Does anyone know a solicitor that we might entice along? We should also at some point give some thought as to the size and composition of our group – a subject for discussion down the pub eh?
Agenda for 27/11/2003
1) Introductions:
Given that we’re all unknown to each other we should just take a few minutes to introduce ourselves to each other – nothing too formal just who we are, what we’ve done so far and what we want to get out of this exercise.
Some of us have already done this, if so you can sit back and just pitch in your ideas. I’m not proposing that we complete these documents during the meeting – that’s home work. I’ve included my initial thoughts on what goes into each item in appendix 1. Please review and note any initial thoughts you have.
3) Initial strategy discussion
One of the main reasons we’re getting together is to share ideas and to develop our own strategies / plans. Some of us have already developed a strategy and have started working it by buying properties. This is an opportunity to hear what others have already achieved and how they did it
4) Plan for second meeting
* Venue
* Date
* Agenda
5) Any other business
6) Quick beer in the pub for those inclined
Please let me know of any last-minute cancellations or changes.
Cheers, Tom
Appendix 1
Need to give this a lot more thought!
Balance sheet
I believe the usual approach is to start with the most liquid and then progress through to the most illiquid. Off the top of my head I can think of:
Monies lent
Cash at bank
Other cash investments
Managed Funds
Consumer Durables (Cars etc) – some may argue this is a liability
Investment Property
Own Home
Super Fund
Monies owed
Credit Card debt
Personal Loans
Net Worth = Assets – Liabilities
I think that covers most things but if there’s something else that can be usefully added then bring that thought along tomorrow. What I’ve realised is that a balance sheet should be regularly updated. Doing so gives you a good indication of how you’re progressing by comparing your net worth on a regular basis. Companies prepare a balance sheet once a year, I’m going to try to do one once a month to start with and see how that goes.
Cash Flow Statement
Cash in
Cash Out
Mortgage Payments
Debt repayments
Living Expenses
Cash in – Cash Out Surplus Transferred to Balance Sheet / Deficit drawn from Balance Sheet
Again I’m going to try and move surplus/deficit from Cash Flow to Balance Sheet once a month to start with (i.e. just like a business). I think the only item that needs a budget is Living Expenses the others are pretty much fixed – any thoughts?
I don’t think we’ll need to spend much time finishing this off but I could be wrong.
Wash-up from first investors group meeting held on 27/11/03
Off to a good start last Thursday. Small turnout but what the hell, we couldn’t have accommodated a cast of thousands anyway.
Firstly thanks to Otto for providing the venue and to Jeff for being our first presenter. Thanks to Amit for following up with the mailing list.
There were only a few items on the agenda but somehow it still took nearly two hours to get through. The main event was an informal presentation by Jeff, (Still_in_school) of the investment strategy that has led him to having acquired 11 properties in less than a year. Not surprisingly this led to a good deal of discussion around the fine details of the process. No doubt this subject will still be a hot topic in future meetings.
The other main area discussed is what I’m now going to call Project Pushing. This consisted mainly of me using the group’s input to help clarify the approach I’d like to take rather than any formal start to the process. The end results of this synthesis are detailed in the General section below.
It was also decided to get together again in two weeks time at the same venue and that I would draft an agenda for the meeting, again see below.
Action Items
1) The only formal action item to be defined was on Amit. Amit has got his head around Trusts and has agreed to prepare a twenty-minute presentation for the next meeting, which will be followed by a ten minute Q&A session. Amit is not a financial advisor so this is knowledge sharing by a peer – only.
Other Actions
I have agreed to draft templates for:
This was not a formal action item as most people already have their own versions of these documents. The (selfish) intention is to ensure I have my own. I am however happy to share these templates with whoever is interested.
In addition I have challenged Amit to buy a CF+ property before me or forfeit a bottle of good Champagne, if he does then I’ll have to stump up the bubbly (however, given the current state of the market we may both be waiting a while to collect…)
Personally I found the meeting extremely useful in helping to clarify my thinking. I have created V1 of the Statement of Goals and in doing so a further clarification occurred.
I now believe goals have two dimensions, time and life aspect. By life aspect I mean areas such as Financial, Career, Education etc – nothing new here – just new to me. I have broken the time dimension into: 5 years, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months, 1 month and, most importantly, tasks. The tasks relate to the 1-month goals and being such are very easy to define. The trick of course is to actually do them.
It was at this point that the idea of ‘Project Pushing’ crystalised. I define Project Pushing as the application of an external discipline to our own actions. By keeping the Statement of Goals up to date we will have a list of tasks to complete within the month. Meeting every fortnight or month to review / report progress to others on the tasks you’ve set yourself means you will have to stay focused in order to deliver.
I appreciate that this approach will not appeal to very many people but all this needs is two or three committed individuals to start with. I am quite happy to organize this. I would imagine that many people would drift off once they had acquired enough momentum. Again I would imagine that this approach would be more useful for newbies rather than those who are already making headway though I’m happy to be proved wrong.
However, I believe most people want to meet simply to network and share knowledge. Therefore, I would like to take a dual-track approach to future meetings. The first part of the meeting will be split into two streams: Project Pushing, for those interested, and general networking; the second part will be knowledge sharing by way of a presentation which will of course mean more networking. I’ve put together a preliminary agenda, see below, for the next meeting that I hope illustrates the idea.
At this point I want to know if there is any interest for the Project Pushing idea or am I pushing something else uphill! Email me if you want to get involved and based on the response I’ll adapt the meeting accordingly. Email: vivarto@bigpond.com. Please title the email Project Pushing.
1a) First meeting of the PP group
This will be a preliminary exploration of where we are individually and to flesh-out the approach taken.
1b) General networking (I’ll need someone to own this – any offers?)
2) Presentation on Trusts
Content overview to be provided by Amit (cheers mate – really dropped you in it with this one eh?)
3) Date and venue of next meeting
4) Any other business
I’ll flesh-out the agenda once I get some feedback.
Cheers, Tom
As usual I’ll post this on the PI.com forum. Apologies to those who see it there first I’m sending this from home and don’t have everyone’s address.
Hello Phobia, 2muchmoney and littlelot…
I also live on the Gold Coast and would like to join your club if you are setting it up. I have 2 properties and am looking at incresing this with some good ideas…please let me know my email is lucam@ozemail.com.au. Or just reply and give me the details…